One- becoming something inhuman

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, hollows speaking

One- becoming something inhuman

I don't recall much of what happened as one minute I am walking home with my mother in the rain when I saw a girl near the riverbank. How was I supposed to know that what I was seeing was a ghost? I don't know what possessed me to run to stop her. My mom tried to stop me calling out my name, Ichigo Kurosaki. She always told me that my name meant he who protects. But I don't think I was able to protect anyone that day. I still don't fully understand what happened. I could see myself laying on the ground besides my mother. But I still felt strangely alive even though I knew that I should be dead.

"So I didn't kill you fully. That was my mistake which I won't make again." stated a voice that I was unfamiliar with. I turned to see this rather large green creature with this strange white mask covering its face. I could clearly see dangling from its head what looked like a lure, the girl that I tried to stop. Anger and rage burned through out my body. This creature had not only killed my mother but also me and it didn't seem to be finished. I screamed out loud as I could feel my chest burning. I could feel myself changing, becoming something inhuman. The pain hurt so much as I wanted to fight the change that was revenging my body.

*Don't fight it King. This creature deserves to die by your hand. Especially after what it has done to you and your mother.* stated a mysterious voice in the back of my mind.

"Who in the hell are you?" I questioned out loud.

"I am known as Grand Fisher. Not that it matters to you. You will soon no longer exist as you are merely food to me. " answered the creature. But I wasn't talking to it, but rather the other voice that I heard. I knew what the creature said angered me as I was no bodies food source no matter what this creature was.

*I am a part of you King. I want to help you take this creature down before it kills another person again. Just think it could happen to Karin and/or Yuzu.* replied the voice. This fact seemed to only make me angrier than normal as a large sword suddenly appeared in my hand. It was a katana with a cross hilt as it was as black as night as a long black chain rattled at the bottom of the sword. I don't recall my body even moving as I attacked the creature in a blind rage. I cut the creatures mask to have it shriek out on pain before. The creature transformed into a ball of light in my hands as I could feel a strange air blowing. When I looked up, I could see these large gates which looked wicked in design as it had chains and skeletons on it. The door was slowly opening as I could feel it tugging on the orb that was in my hands. For some reason I was rather hungry as I took the orb and began to eat it. The gate that appeared closed as it vanished without a trace. I ate all of the orb until it was completely gone. I found it to have satisfy my new hunger.

'What in the world happened to me and what have I become?' I asked myself as I collapsed to my knees next to my mother's and my bloody body. I let out a fearsome roar as tears streaked down my face.

*Sorry, I can't answer that for you King but however, they can.* stated the voice as I could feel this strange presence in the area. I looked up to see what it was talking about only to find my father Isshin Kurosaki who was wearing a garb that I was unfamiliar with. Next to him was another man that I didn't recognize as he wore a shop keepers green cloak with a diamond pattern on the bottom as he wore a green and white stripped beach hat over his sandy blond hair. He wore a pair of large wooden clogs on his feet.

"Dad.....?" I questioned weakly.

"Oh dear lord..... Ichigo. I am so sorry. I should have been here to protect you both." he stated as he ran towards me scooping me up into his arms. I could feel his hands running through my orange locks as I cried into his shoulders.

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