Twenty One- return to Karakura

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OCC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

OC characters: I claim no rights to the OC characters that I am using as they belong to other readers on whom are allowing me to use them with their permission. Sasori belongs to ultima-owner, Ienzo Viristio belongs to Antex-the Legendary Zoroark, Rey Tiburon belongs to dark machines, Akira belongs to Akira Namikaze, Sjach Votastrix belongs to my daughter Christiana, and Phoenix belongs to me. Check out my deviant art page for drawings I have done up of Phoenix.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*, italic-spirits/zanpakutos speaking, bold-hollows/Arrancars speaking, bold italics-attacks

Twenty One- return to Karakura

One day I had received an unexpected summons from Aizen as he had a mission for me. This would mean that I would have to leave Nell alone in my chambers for a time being.

"Nell.... I have to see what Aizen wants of me. Can you remain in my room and stay out of trouble?" I asked the small Arrancar. Nell looked up at me with her large brown eyes nodding her head. I left my room traveling through the corridors to the chamber hall where I could see Aizen and Ulquiorra waiting for me. "What is this about Aizen?" I asked. Aizen said nothing as he nodded his head to Ulquiorra who reached up to his eye taking it out of his skull before crushing it. His eye transformed into particles showing me the image of Orihime healing Chad.

"I take it that you know this female?" asked Aizen. I knew that I couldn't deny it as I had stopped Yami from killing Orihime and Chad. I slowly nodded my head yes. "I am quite fascinated by her power. I want you and Ulquiorra to return back to the world of the living to bring her back to Hueco Mundo. I believe I have use of her power in order to complete my goals." stated Aizen.

"Only if you grant me special permission to keep her under my guard." I stated. Aizen's eyes meet my own with a raised brow.

"Very well Ichigo. But when I have need of you, Ulquiorra will look after her well being." stated Aizen. I turned towards Ulquiorra telling him that I needed to go to my room first to take care of something. Ulquiorra didn't question me as I took off quickly heading back to my chambers.

"Nell?" I questioned when I entered my chambers finding it oddly quiet as I didn't see Nell or even sense her presence. "Nell.... where are you? This is not a game!" I called out. I could hear rich laughter that didn't belong to Nell.

"Ichigo help!" Nell cried out suddenly as it sounded like it was coming from down the hall. I bolted out of my chambers heading down the halls as the laughter grew louder.

"Dance tiny Arrancar child!" giggled a mysterious voice. Nell screamed my name loudly as I came upon a four foot lanky looking Arrancar. He was wearing a hooded cloak for his shihaksho. Nell was dancing as if controlled by this mysterious Arrancar. When she saw me her eyes brightened.

"Ichigo...... help me!" she cried out. I could see that his hollow hole was in the palm of his left hand as he made Nell move almost like he was controlling a puppet. Tears filled Nell's eyes. I moved quickly breaking the hold he had on Nell as she coward behind me.

"Awe.... I was having such fun with her too. Do you think that I can still use her for my show?" he asks. I turn growling low and deep as I got a better look at the Arrancar. He had wild above the neck length jet black hair and silver grey eyes. His hollow mask looked like a kabuki mask that covers the left side of his face.

"Who in the hell are you?" I asked sharply hating this guys all knowing smirk as he thought that he was better than me.

"The puppet master Sasori." he replied as I could see a long dagger with a red hilt hidden in his sleeve. The dagger looked something similar to what an assassin would use. "Hilos De Enlance (binding threads)!" he snapped as wires made out of reishi latched onto me.

*King may I have your permission to kick his ass? He can't seriously think he can control us.* stated Shiro.

*Just don't kill him Shiro as I could possibly use him.* I reply as I give Shiro full control. Shiro easily breaks free of Sasori's binding moving quickly to attack.

"Pared De Alambre (wire wall)!" called out Sasori as his wires formed a shield to protect him.

"That won't stop me!" Shiro stated as he easily punched right through the wires sending Sasori flying back into a wall. Shiro wasn't even using our zanpakuto to beat up the Arrancar.

"Bomba De Humo (smoke bomb)!" Sasori shouts out dropping a colorful smoke bomb to try to cover his escape. I could hear Nell scream again. He was trying to take Nell again. I had enough with this guy. I unleashed my reishi causing the smoke to clear out as Shiro moved kicking Sasori hard in the stomach as he grabbed Nell from out of his hands. Shiro placed Nell down onto the ground as he lept pinning Sasori to the ground as Tensa Zangetsu formed quickly in our hands. "Please spare me Master Kurosaki. Forgive me as I meant no harm to the Arrancar child. I was just really board as I saw her wondering about the corridor alone. I am sorry as I will never do it again!" Sasori pleaded.

*Shiro that's enough. I think I have a way that he can serve out his punishment without us killing him.* I reply as I take back control. "If I spare your life Sasori then you have to serve me. As punishment you will look after and carter to Nell's every need." I growl deeply.

"Yes I will serve you just please don't kill me!" Sasori states. I allow Tensa Zangetsu to disappear from my hands as I rise to my feet extending my hand out to Sasori to help him up. Sasori looked shocked by this but he took my hand regardless.

"Welcome to my team Sasori." I stated. The three of us went back to my chambers as I gave Sasori my first order to watch over Nell while I am gone. "If I hear that you have cause Nell to cry or did anything to harm her so help me, I will kill you!" Sasori nodded his head that he understood as I left my chambers to find Ulquiorra.

"Did you manage to take care of your business?" asked Ulquiorra.

"Yes. Let's get this over with." I replied as I snapped my fingers creating a descorrer (loosed void) to bring us to Karakura. We stepped out onto the same area that I had meet Ulquiorra and Yami. Both Ulquiorra and I sonido (sound) heading towards Orihime's apartment.

"Shall I speak with her?" asked Ulquiorra. I wasn't sure if I could trust him as at times I could see some humanity within him.

"Orihime knows me. I am not sure that she will go willingly if we tell her that we wish to use her powers to help us achieve our goals. I will talk to her alone as she trusts me." I stated. Ulquiorra nodded his head as we approached her apartment. I knocked on the door before I hear Orihime calling out that the door was open. I proceed to go into the apartment closing the door behind me this way Ulquiorra couldn't hear our conversation. The moment that I cleared the door and turned around, Orihime had greeted me with a kiss. Not a sweet hello kiss either. I could feel my lips pressing hard against hers as I took full control of the kiss. It turned aggressive as my tongue explored her mouth at times our tongues dancing against each others. We broke apart when the need for air raked our bodies. "If I didn't know any better, I would think that you missed me."

"What are you doing back here Ichigo?" Orihime asks as I tell her the truth. "I see. I guess if I came I could help you out with whatever plans you have for defeating and stopping Aizen and his plans. Don't worry as I am ready for this as Kisuke, Chad, and Uryu helped with my training. I may not be the best fighter but I can help with healing aid and defense."

"I don't doubt you Orihime. I just want you to be careful around Aizen as he has no clue that I am a spy."

"What about the other Arrancar that is with you?" she asks.

"He will be also watching over you while I am away. I am not sure if I can trust him or not just yet." I reply. Orihime nodds her head that she understood as we went outside to collect Ulquiorra in order to head back to Hueco Mundo.

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