Twenty Seven- fall of the Arrancar

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OCC so please don't hate! Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

OC characters: I claim no rights to any of the OC characters that I am using as they belong to other readers on whom are allowing me to use them with their permission. Sasori belongs to ultima-owner, Ienzo Viristio belongs to Antex-the Legendary Zoroark, Rey Tiburon belongs to dark machines, Akira belongs to Akira Namikaze, Sjach Votastrix belongs to my daughter Christiana, and Phoenix belongs to me. Check out my deviantart page for pictures that I have done of Phoenix.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations/notes), *mental speech*, {Hogyoku speaking}, italic-spirits/zanpakutos speaking, bold-hollows/Arrancars speaking, bold italics-attacks

Twenty Seven- fall of the Arrancar

Four shinigami figures moved flash stepped to pillars to protect them from any Arrancars that would be sent to destroy them.

"Madarame, Ayasegawa, Kira, Hisagi.... protect those pillars with your life." commanded Yamamoto.

"Ienzo, Rey, Phoenix, Sasori..... help them by whatever means necessary." I commanded. Four of my fraccion moved quickly to the Shinigami's side.

"Do you think that those beings will make any difference? My four will crush them. Poww, Chuhlhourne, Abirama, Findorr..... go at once and destroy those pillars!" commanded Barragan. "You will pay for your betrayal to us Ichigo as I will see to it personally. Then I will kill that girl of yours." stated Barragan. Ulquiorra and I both moved into protective position in front of Orihime.

"You will not lay a single hand on her! Not as long as I live and breathe." I growled as my reishi lashes out at Barragan. I could feel Orihime shaking against my back.

*Calm yourself Master Ichigo. Barragan is trying to taunt you into battle. Hold your ground as you have to face Aizen.* stated Tensa.

*Tensa.... where you able to speak to Gin's zanpakuto?* I asked.

*Of course Master Ichigo. Shinso and Kamishini no Yari have agreed to help us. According to them Gin has figured a way to get the Hogyoku away from Aizen. Once Gin has it we only get a couple of seconds to destroy the Hogyoku.* replied Tensa. My reishi began to calm down as I took a hold of Orihime's hand.

"Don't worry Orihime. I promise that no one is going to lay a finger on you." I whispered to her as Nell, Akira, and Sjach came to my side. "Nice job you three. Rest for now as I may need you later on. Ulquiorra stay by my side as I am going to need your skills to handle Aizen.

"I understand Ichigo. Hopefully we can put an end to this once and for all." stated Ulquiorra. With several fights breaking out I didn't know where to direct my attention so I focused on the blazing fire that laid ahead of us as Barragan hadn't made his move yet. Nor has any of the remaining Espada for that matter.

"Kurosaki Ichigo.... what can you tell us about their abilities and how high they rank?" asked Yamamoto in a low whisper.

"You have Yammy Llargo as he is ranked number ten he was supposed to be ranked zero until
I took the post from him. Coyote Starrk who is number one, Barragan Louisenbairn who is number two, Tier Harribel who is number three, Zommari Rureaux who is number seven, Szayelaporro Granz who is number eight, and Aaroniero Arrurrie who is number nine. Each of their resurreccion is different as it gives them a unique ability. Yammy is known for his incredible strength, Coyote is a loner and a bit lazy, Barragan has decaying touch, Teir the power of water, Zommari can take control over certain body parts thanks to his zanpakuto, Szayelaporro is a scientist, and Aaroniero can devour any being and take on their power." I replied.

"I see.... Zaraki and Soi Fon take care of Yammy, Kyoraku and Ukitake you will handle Coyote, Hitsuguya and Kuchiki Rukia I leave Tier in your capable hands, Kuchiki Byakuya and Shihoin you will take Zommari, Urahara and Kurotsuchi Mayuri you will handle Szayelaporro, Abarai and Komamura you will have Aaroniero." commanded Yamamoto.

"Head captain please leave Barragan in Hachigen and my capable hands." stated Tessai.

"Very well. Everyone else take care of the fraccion. Kurosaki Ichigo you have the honors of handling Aizen."

"Yes sir!" I replied as I watched everyone take off to handle their targets. My fraccion looked at me wondering what to do. "Help them if you desire. Ulquiorra and I can handle Aizen."

"Mr. Kurosaki?" questioned a woman in captain's robes. Her hair was braided in front of her.

"Yes?" I asked.

"My name is Retsu Unohana as I am captain of squad four. We are not a fighting squad like the other as we are devoted to healing. I could use someone of Miss Inoue's abilities to help me aid to the injured. She will be well protected as no harm will come to her." stated Unohana.

"I do want to help out if I can Ichigo."

"Very well. I promise that I will return to you when this is all over with Orihime. Sjach go and replace Phoenix as her abilities maybe able to also help Retsu." I state before I grab Orihime roughly planting an aggressive kiss onto her lips. Orihime meet my kiss with eagerness as she moaned deep into my kiss. I break apart pulling away from her as I watch Unohana take her. I turn to Ulquiorra who smiled.

"You truly do love her don't you Ichigo?" asked Ulquiorra.

"Yes. According to Tensa, she is my soulmate." I replied. Ulquiorra's gaze went over to Phoenix as she was besides the one known as Hisagi before Sjach came to take her place passing along my message. I could sense Ulquiorra's feelings for my fraccion. I smiled as I watched as one by one the soul reapers, vizards, my fraccion, and humans took care of the remaining fraccion and Arrancars that they were sent to face. 'There maybe hope for you yet Ulquiorra.' I thought to myself. Yamamoto stood by my side as his attention was also focused on the blaze before us.

"I wish there was a way to get word to Ichimaru." stated Yamamoto.

"All ready taken care of old man. My zanpakuto can speak to other zanpakuto's. I had him pass a message to Gin's zanpakuto." I stated as Yamamoto's eyes meet mine.

"Your powers are truly astounding Kurosaki Ichigo." replied Yamamoto as it seemed that even the old man knew about the shinma. I could hear a voice calling to me upon the wind.

{Ichigo Kurosaki...... I don't wish to fight against you as Aizen is subjecting me to obey him regardless of us fighting against him. Please Ichigo.... when you get the chance destroy us!} called out the Hogyoku before I couldn't sense it any more. I turned to see one by one the attacking Arrancar and fraccion fall. I noticed and could sense a high spiritual pressure as it broke through Yamamoto's flames.

"Here he comes be ready!" I hissedk low and deep as I could see Ulquiorra and Yamamoto tense besides me. One by one shinigami, their lieutenants, my fraccion, vizards, and the humans Chad and Uryu came to join us. Any injured where taken care of by Retsu, Orihime, and Phoenix.

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