Twenty Three- attack on Karakura

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OCC so please don't hate! Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

OC characters: I claim no rights to any of the OC characters that I am using as they belong to other readers on whom are allowing me to use them with their permission. Sasori belongs to ultima-owner, Ienzo Viristio belongs to Antex-the Legendary Zoroark, Rey Tiburon belongs to dark machines, Akira belongs to Akira Namikaze, Sjach Votastrix belongs to my daughter Christiana, and Phoenix belongs to me. Check out my deviantart page for pictures that I have done of Phoenix.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), ~letters/notes~, *mental speech*, italic-spirits/zanpakutos speaking, bold-hollows/Arrancars speaking, bold italics-attacks

Twenty Three- attack on Karakura

I don't know how much time had passed since I came to Hueco Mundo. Then the day came when Aizen had summoned all of his Espada together. Never before had Aizen assembled us all together. I sat there as Aizen had both Gin and Tosen by his side. Grimmjow's arm had been completely healed thanks to Orihime.

"Gentlemen and lady.... finally we can make our move as I found the place where to gather enough reishi in order to create the Oken. Finally at long last we can begin our war with the Seireitei as I will become the new soul king." replied Aizen.

"Well don't leave us hanging here lord Aizen." replied Nnoritora.

"The place will hold over ten thousand souls. It happens to be Karakura." replied Aizen. I couldn't believe the words coming from Aizen's lips. He was going to strike my home town where my family and all of my friends still lived. "That isn't a problem is it Ichigo?" he asked. I could feel my sharp nails biting into the palms of my hand as I tried not to show him that I was fazed by his words.

"Of course not. That was my old life Aizen. I follow you now." I replied. I felt as if I could choke on the words that spat from my lips.

"Good. Gather all of your fraccion as we prepare for war!" replied Aizen. I quickly flash sonido out of the room heading back to my quarters. Orihime was there to greet me as she could see the worry stretched across my face.

"Ichigo what's wrong?" she asked in concern.

"Is everyone here?" I simply asked entering my chambers.

"Of course we are Ichigo. Something is wrong. What's happening?" asked Sasori. I could see the concerned faces of my fraccion. I proceeded to fill them in to what Aizen had said. Orihime's face turned white as a sheet.

"He can't be serious. Your family and all of our friends are there." Orihime stated in complete shock.

"I know Orihime. I have to send word at once to the Seireitei. I will not allow him to destroy our home town just in order to satisfy his need for power. I hope that the Seireitei can mobilize quickly as war is about to begin." I reply quickly slipping out of my quarters heading outside of Los Noches. My hand wrapped around the badge that the Seireitei had given to me. I saw Gin waiting for me as he simply handed me a piece of paper. I took the paper from him walking outside of Los Noches. "This is Ichigo Kurosaki reporting in. This is a state of emergency." I stated speaking into the badge. I opened the note that Gin gave me.

~Kurosaki, The Seireitei where able to figure out Aizen's plans for Karakura. He is planning to infuse himself with

the power of the Hogyoku. Most of us except for your group of fraccion haven't seen the power of Aizen's zanpakuto. His zanpakuto has the power to allow those who see it even once to get caught in whatever illusion the caster wishes for you to see. You maybe the only one who can stop him as your power exceeds his own and that since using the Hogyoku's power to change you into an Arrancar, caused the Hogyoku to fracture. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you are a natural hollow or the incredible spiritual pressure you have. I can't say which. Alert the Seireitei to Aizen's plans and assure them that we stand with them. Our only hope is for your resurreccion and the power that you are capable of. Gin~

"Kurosaki are you there?" asked the voice of Jushiro.

"Jushiro you have to alert Yamamoto that Aizen is preparing to move to strike Karakura. He is going to infuse himself with the Hogyoku in order to wipe out Karakura and get the Oken. Gin had alert me to the power of Aizen's zanpakuto as he believes that I maybe the only one to stop him." I tell Jushiro.

"I will inform the head captain." replied Jushiro.

"Also tell him that I have a few Arrancars that are working with me so please don't kill them as they are willing to fight against Aizen." I added.

"I will make sure that he knows. Good luck Kurosaki and be careful." replied Jushiro before the badge went dead. I went back to my chambers telling the group that we should start training in order to increase our skills, techniques, and powers this way we are ready for whatever was going to happen. I also had to work on a way to unleash my resurreccion without becoming enraged. I knew that I was going to need every bit of my power in order to defeat and stop Aizen. I watched and helped out my fraccion as they prepared. I thought long and hard how to release my resurreccion as I tried different methods. I looked at Orihime remembering what first triggered my resurreccion.

*Master Ichigo, the only way to release your resurreccion is by your anger and rage. There is no other way for you to release that form.* stated Tensa. I entered my mindscape finding both Tensa and Shiro.

"I kind of figured that out Tensa. I was trying to figure out a way to release without having someone that I care for get hurt." I replied.

"That should be easy. The key is your princess. Knowing Aizen, he won't allow her to remain behind. Bit this fight shouldn't involve her at all. Think about what would happen if she got hurt or worse." stated Shiro. Hearing what Shiro said, I could feel my anger rolling off of me like waves. I thought about what would happen if Aizen actually did attack Karakura as I could picture my little sisters laying wounded and Aizen laughing. I could feel my mindscape shacking as I found myself back out of my mindscape. My reishi, rage, and anger rolled off of me as my body began to undergo the transformation into my resurreccion. My fraccion stopped as they watched me as black energy wrapped around my body changing me into my full resurreccion form. Concern laid in Orihime's eyes as for the second time ever I stood before her as a monster.

"Ichigo." she stated approaching me slowly.

"Is that what I think it is?" asked Ienzo in shock.

"Ichigo's resurreccion. His power is even more terrifying than I pictured." stated Phoenix.

"Ichigo...." Orihime stated in concern as I took her outstretched hand into my own.

"Orihime....." I growled low and deep.

*Take it easy King. You don't want to do anything to harm her. The way you suddenly released like that we aren't too sure of ourselves. Calm yourself a bit but not too much. We still need to get used to this form.* stated Shiro. I did as my inner hollow directed looking deep into Orihime's eyes.

"Orihime..... princess..... its possibly best to back away and slowly. Ichigo is still in there but his rage and anger rule over him while he is in that form." Sjach stated as everyone looked at him in shock.

"I will stay right here until he transforms back to normal." replied Orihime. I looked at Sasori nodding my head as he used his Hilos De Enlance (binding threads) to control Orihime. "No stop. Ichigo!" she shouted out.

"Orihime.... did to do this..... for the war.... need to understand my..... power so great.... rage and anger out control.... don't worry, in control." I spoke slowly. It was hard to get my words out as I worked my way around my resurreccion keeping in mind what I was capable of. Once again seeing the concern on Orihime's face caused my resurreccion to break apart like glass. Sasori allowed her loose from his Hilos De Enlance (binding threads) as she rushed towards me as I fell to the ground of Los Noches.

When I regained consciousness I found myself back at my chambers as Orihime was holding my hand.

"Orihime....?" I asked weakly. I slowly moved my body to see that my shihaksho had returned back to its original color as the number zero was burned off my arm. Tears lined her large grey eyes. Orihime wrapped her arms around me tears flying off her face. "Orihime. Please don't cry. I needed to understand that form as it is a part of me. I don't want to rely on that power as I can't fully control what happens when I am like that." I stated. I was shocked at the sound of my voice as it sounded much like how it used to sound before I had become an Arrancar. Orihime wiped away the tears from her eyes.

"I know Ichigo. It is just when you become that thing.... it feels like a part of me is dying." replied Orihime.

*It's because she is your true soulmate. Your body wasn't naturally supposed to undergo the resurreccion but because of you becoming a natural hollow because of what happened when your young, we have no way to stop the changes that happen to your body.* stated Tensa.

*That is why we are always here King. We are meant to help you through this. It would have been different if you had lived and if Grand Fisher didn't kill you.* added Shiro.

*I would have become a shinigami wouldn't I?* I asked them.

*Its hard to say for sure.* stated Tensa. I held Orihime gently in my arms.

"Orihime where is everyone?" I asked breaking our hold.

"Waiting for you. They refused to move with Aizen while you were out cold. Aizen delayed striking Karakura while you were out cold. He told me that once you regain consciousness he would move to strike. Ichigo what are we going to do as he is bound to notice the change in you?" Orihime asked.

*Shiro can we transform into an Arrancar in order to full Aizen long enough?* I asked.

*Most definitely.* replied Shiro as I could feel my shihaksho change becoming white once again.

"Ichigo..... how did you?" asked Orihime. I placed a single finger on her lips.

"I promise to tell you once this war is over. I promise that no matter what I will return back to you. I love you Orihime. I have always loved you." I stated kissing her gently.

"I love you too Ichigo Kurosaki. Please be careful." replied Orihime. I nodded my head as I rose to my feet gathering my fraccion as we went to find Aizen as we prepared ourselves for what was to come as an army of Arrancar went through a descorrer (loosed void) arriving at Karakura.

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