Chapter Eighty-Nine

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^ stunning view for a stunning chapter ;) ^


H o l l o w s I n

"Does Jameson strike you as a 'I'm probably dirty so I'll put on aftershave' or 'I just happen to smell like this'?" Alexi asked, holding up two boxes of aftershave in the aisle.

I peered at the boxes—one was called 'dark minerals' and the other was called 'sex in bed'.

I gave Lexi a suspicious look. "I'm kind of hoping that he wouldn't strike you as the 'I just happen to smell like sex in bed' guy." I responded and she hummed.

"So I'll buy 'dark minerals'." She concluded and I smiled.

It was just over a week since the incident at the pool, and I had been healing how I did when I nearly drowned the first time: with warmth and plenty of oxygen.

Jameson and I hadn't spoken about what had happened—I mean the other part of what happened. The body-gawking and lips-touching part of what happened. At least Lexi hadn't shied away from the subject when I explained the day. She wanted to know exactly how many abs Jameson had.

With Christmas fast approaching, Lexi and I had hit the shops—or, rather, shop—trying to look for gifts. Lexi told me she had no trouble picking for me, then I reminded her that it was only polite to get something for Jameson, and possibly Jonah. I knew something was wrong when she chose Jameson over Jonah. If there's anything she hates more than being ignored by a past crush, it's Jameson.

I, on the other hand, was having all the trouble in the world. I knew the girls well enough that I could get them gifts, but Jameson was taking up all the space in my mind, so I followed Lexi as she shopped for him.

"Hey, what do you think about a pack of condoms?" She asked suddenly. I gaped at her.

"Don't worry, we can split the cost." She told me in defence of her idea. My jaw fell and I whacked the box out of her hands, watching as she cackled in response.

"So what are you getting him?" Lexi asked, causing me to chew at my lip.

"I don't know. I feel awful; I just don't know what to get him." I told her honestly, peering down the food aisle, trying to be sneaky about it.

"Well, I can think of a pretty good present." Lexi responded, and when I turned to glance at her, she flashed me a smirk and threw me a wink.

I shook my head at her and threw the 'sex in bed' aftershave at her, which she caught effortlessly and put back on the shelf.

"Sky, you show the least bit of interest in him, and that's his Christmas made. Hell, you would make his whole entire year." I ducked my head as a blush overcame me, but Lexi probably knew the effects of her words anyway.

I ignored what she had just said and instead watched her peer at more things.

Eventually, she sighed. "Okay," she said, reaching for something on the shelf, "if you don't want to leap into a pool that deep—sorry about the salt to the wound—" I rolled my eyes. "Then I know a ticket that needs to be given." Lexi said, scrunching up her face when she saw the label on the product before placing it back.

I sighed. "He's probably already bought himself one."

"He hasn't," Lexi told me and I flashed her a curious look. "He told me he hasn't got one, and doesn't plan on going unless he is asked," Lexi watched me for a few moments. "Okay, duh, opportunity has arisen; go ask him out!"

I threw her a glare when someone nearby frowned at us. She rolled her eyes but never retreated her argument.

"Fine," I said, sick of her ignoring me. "I'll ask him later." I promised her.

She smiled. "Good, now go buy some presents; I have to pick out one for you—" she waved me off. "Shoo." She said and I threw her an annoyed glance but disappeared.

I wandered aimlessly through the shop before finding anything that I remotely liked. It was a book. For Cassie. Now, I know what you're thinking, 'not to say that Cassie is necessarily illiterate—but a book, seriously?'.

Well, when it's called 'Fabulous Mugshots', with places to stick in your own mugshots, I think you'd understand.

I continued to browse the shop and found at least one gift for everyone I wanted to gift at Christmas before Lexi found me.

"Aw, I really hope the engagement ring is for me." She said, gesturing to the black box that I was holding when I flashed her a frown.

I rolled my eyes. "It's not an engagement ring, and it's for Bria." Lexi held out a basket to me and I dropped my gifts in it, and nearly forgot about the ones I had left on the shelf—because I had been carrying way past my limit.

"For Bria?" Lexi asked, looking slightly surprised.

I threw her an unamused stare, "No matter what happened, she's still my friend." I told her.

"I think she wants to be more than friends." Lexi muttered under her breath.

I ignored what she said. "You're a bit of a hypocrite, since I could choose not to buy you a gift for lying to me my entire life." I threatened, watching her throw me a worried glance.

"I thought we were over that. And I wasn't lying your entire life." She defended. I hummed in response as we walked over to the tills.

"Oh, look, Jameson's buying you an engagement ring." I froze, turning my head to see Jameson at another till purchasing what looked like a jewellery box, along with other items that were being scanned.

"It's probably just a necklace or something." I said, then turned to see that Lexi was nowhere in sight. I frowned, spinning around to see Lexi at a till. She was going to pay for everything. I groaned when I realised I had put my stuff in the basket.

I stormed up to her just in time to hear the cashier say, " should I put this under?"

"Sky Forest." I told the cashier before Lexi could get past the 'A' in her name. The cashier looked between me and a dumbfounded Lexi before registering it in. I picked up one of the bags and breezed past Lexi.

"Hey! I had that covered." She complained as she caught up to me.

I rolled my eyes. "And so did I—you're my Guardian, not my personal money-lender."

"That doesn't exist," Lexi muttered. "Well, at least let me pay you back."

"You already bought my Ball dress." Then I froze.

"I don't have a dress for the Crystal Ball." I fretted.

Lexi frowned. "Yes you do, Ja– oh."

I grabbed her arm. "Finish your sentence, Alexi Abbot." I demanded.

She fumbled, and I though she was going to tell me, but then she said, "Oh, hey, Jameson," I threw a glare at her for ignoring the subject before turning to see Jameson, bag in hand. He smiled at me, but I barely noticed it in my annoyance at Lexi.

"What did you get?" Lexi asked, "anything in the jewellery section?" I shot her a warning glance, which she of course ignored.

"Yes, I did," Lexi flashed me a knowing glance. "It's for you." He said, and Lexi did a double-take when she realised he had been talking to her.

"Maybe it's an engagement ring." I shot Lexi a sour look before spinning around and stalking off.

I waited for the two of them outside the shop, where a person soon approached me.

"Hey there—can I get your number?" The boy asked.

"Plus four-four—no." Lexi said, tugging me away from him and looping her arm through mine.

"If you want my advice–"

"–I don't." I interrupted her, which she ignored.

"Ask Jameson to the ball, or both of them, everything will figure itself out that way." She said, patting my arm reassuringly.

I threw her a suspicious glance. "What aren't you telling me?" I asked her as we reached the dorms.

"It's not about what I'm not telling you, it's about what you're not telling Jameson!" She whispered and I frowned at her. "Okay, now go do it." She said before she shoved me backwards and disappeared around the corner.

I tripped and fell back with such a force that I couldn't even catch myself. But someone else did. I knew who it was by the arms and the hold they had on me, but I felt obliged to look upwards and confirm. And I was met by the sapphire eyes I knew all too well. They shimmered slightly–

"I just melted.." The words came out in a low mumble before I could stop them. Jameson frowned at me and I clamped my mouth shut.

"What I meant was–" I broke off, trying to find an excuse as Jameson steadied me. "–walking." I said before hurrying off, trying to seek out Lexi to either kill or hide behind.

I found her at our dorm door, waiting for the keys—obviously. When she saw the look on my face, though, she dodged past me and whizzed down the corridor, most likely to her dorm room.

I turned as I heard the jingling of the keys. Jameson threw me a confused glance as he took in what just happened.

"She fancied a run." I told him. He nodded with a frown on his face but unlocked the door nonetheless, letting us both in and shutting the door behind us.

Before he could disappear into his room, though, I reached out and grasped at his hand. "I need to ask you something."

No backing out now, Forest.

Jameson glanced down at our interlinked hands with an unreadable expression on his face. He looked up and I assumed he was waiting for me to continue.

I took a deep breath. "Would you like to go to the Ball with me?" I asked him, making awkward pauses between each word. Jameson stared at me. I bit my lip as the anxiety crawled in.

"If that's your way of saying no then–"

I turned to leave, ready to pull my hand out of his. And then, with all the strength necessary, he pulled me back to him, with such a force that I hit his chest.

And then he leaned down and kissed me.














maybe it isn't

-but we gotta hope innit

Next update: Friyay


Healing of the heart.

In friendships, relationships, and the mind.

13 chapters away

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