Chapter Eighty-Seven

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^ you'll find out when you read ;) ^


H o l l o w s I n

The door opened on my third knock.

"I heard that you requested my company." I said, brushing past Jameson and stepping into my room.

"Where's Alexi?" Jameson asked, shutting the door.

"Waiting for the laundry," I told him before taking a seat on my bed. "What do you need?" I asked him, watching him duck into his room and come out with three shopping bags.

I raised an eyebrow. "Fashion advice?" I asked, glancing at the bags in Jameson's hand.

He frowned, and then his face coloured. Flustered, he held out the bags for me to take. "Actually they're for you," I frowned and peered into one of them.

"I didn't know what you would like so I bought practically everything. You should try them on and pick out one to wear today." Jameson continued to speak as I investigated the bags.

I gaped at what I saw.

"You bought me swimsuits?" I asked, pulling out one to peer at.

"Well, I only bought the ones that I thought you'd like but I can return them if you–"

"–it's fine," I told him, still staring into the bags. "But why do I need them today?" I asked him, finally looking up. "I don't know if you've noticed but Christmas doesn't really happen in summer." I told him, watching him chuckle in response.

"I noticed," he told me. "Just try them on, pick out your favourite and slip your clothes back on after. We're going out." He was so lost in his orders that he hadn't really thought through the implications of those last three words.

"As in we will walk out of this room and something out—which is where we're going." I smiled, watching him fumble over words. It was kind of cute.

I picked up the bags and stood up, feet planted inches from his. "I never assumed otherwise, but thanks, JJ." I told him with a not-so-hidden smirk. His embarrassment faded as he shook his head, but I knew that he wasn't too annoyed, because his lips held a small smile.

I pivoted on the spot and made my way to the bathroom with the bags, closing the door behind me to try on about seven million swimsuits.

I had nailed it down to a one-piece and a two-piece. Do I go bold or 'you probably expected me to wear this'?

And on that note, I chose the white bikini and slipped my clothes on over the top. I was nervous about showing Jameson this much skin, but it wasn't like he hadn't seen it before—right?

I brushed through my hair and carried out other unnecessary tasks to distract myself from my nerves, and then I opened the door. Jameson was waiting by the door, leaning against the wall and tapping away at his phone.

He looked up at my entrance and smiled. I simply held the three bags and stared at him.

"You can keep those." He said, pointing to the bags with his phone in hand before slipping it into his pocket.

I glanced down at the bags. "Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly.

Jameson's smile broadened. "Well, I'm not going to wear them," he pointed out and I burst out into laughter at the thought of him wearing a bikini.

Jameson grinned. "And I'm sure there are some that Alexi can steal." He told me. "On that note," He checked for his keys in his pocket as I stuffed the bags into my cupboard. "Let's get out of here before she tags along." I laughed, making my way over to the door as he opened it.

He did a full survey of the corridor before grabbing my hand and pulling me outside. I had just about enough time to close the door behind me.

"Go, go, go." He shot at me, though his voice was quiet.

"I am." I responded, trying to match his speed. I was so used to turning left at the end of the corridor that when Jameson tugged me to the right my body nearly came detached from my arm. I fell backwards and Jameson only had a few seconds to catch me before I pummelled to the floor. He of course managed it, and so effortlessly.

He steadied me as his eyes sunk into mine. "Are you okay?" He asked and I had to remember how to breathe again.

"Yeah, great." I told him and his lips upturned—but he didn't say anything else. We continued to walk, though at a steadier pace than before, and I soon became confused as we exited the building.

"Don't tell me that we're going for a dip in the pond." Jameson's laugh scared me, because it was so full of life that I almost wished I had a replay button on it. Something to see it again, or in slow motion. His were suddenly alight with joy and he radiated the kind of glowing strength and wholeness that I could never achieve. It was so magnificent that I didn't see the old oak tree before I nearly walked into it. I was saved by Jameson himself.

"Even if we wanted to take a dip in the pond, it's a big frozen over." Jameson added to the joke, ignoring the incident that just occurred to probably save my dignity.

I laughed awkwardly, trying to also ignore what just happened. "We could go ice skating instead?" I suggested.

"Yes," Jameson replied. "And when the ice breaks then we can go for a swim." He then said. Laughter overcame me until my stomach started to hurt. It was times like these that I wondered how darkness could ever live when I was around him. He was a harbour of light, even if he was made from shadows. I was made from light and harbour shadows. Though, he seems to think that I'm the brightest beacon of light in the world.

We continued to walk and I continued to think. Jameson didn't try to start a conversation with me; I wonder if he knew that I was thinking about him.

We soon arrived at a white and quite big building that I have never seen before. It looked to only have one floor and looked empty from what I could see from the outside.

Jameson opened the door and an immediate bout of warm air hit me. I bathed in it before I realised where we were. As a person who is unable to swim, this is my worst nightmare.

An indoor swimming pool.

"Maybe it's closed," I said, observing that no one was around, "we could go." Jameson peered at me curiously but then turned around as we made our way to the front desk.

"I scheduled a time where no one would be here. It's still open." He told me. I hummed in response, too nervous to think of words. He gave in his name at the desk and they granted us passage.

"So are you some sort of regular?" I asked him, watching him laugh in response. "What?" I then asked.

He smiled at me. "Do you take me for a swimming kind of person?" He asked.

It was obviously rhetorical as he guided me to the room that contained the pool. "Then why are we here?"

We arrived at the pool and Jameson shed his coat and held his hand out for mine.

"We all have to do some things we don't like sometimes." He said as I slipped off my thick coat and handed it to him.

"Is that on your contract?" I asked him, watching him stifle a laugh in response.

He took his shoes off. "There's a good possibility. And swimming isn't that bad; it's a life skill." He told me, gesturing for me to take my shoes off too.

"And if I don't learn to swim I'll die?" I asked. Jameson's expression turned grim for a moment, and I took that as a yes.

"That's why we're here, now—do you want to use the changing rooms or..?" He asked, taking off his socks and then brushing his hair back with his fingers.

I swallowed. "I don't mind changing here." Or maybe I meant: "I don't mind watching you change here."

This is going to be a long day.







Jameson is the one

And Sky knows it


I think


"I don't love him but he's hot and I do love him but I won't tell him so I don't love him but I do"

Who am I

-an idiot

Next update: Friyay (aka tomorrow bc I'm shit at this yay)


Heated, flustered, and dressed in water.

But you can't hold onto water.

15 chapters away

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