Chapter Forty-Two

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H o l l o w s   I n
T    I    M    E

He stormed out of the room. I ran after him, reaching him and clawing helplessly at his arm. He charged out of our dorm room, cursing and blinding as he went.

He practically threw the door open when Jonah answered the door. Grabbing Jonah by the collar of his shirt, he slammed the boy, whom would have never seen this moment coming, into the wall.

"Jameson!" I shouted. But he wasn't listening.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jonah shouted over me as I tried to get Jameson's attention again. Jonah shoved Jameson back as I heard a click behind me. I had never witnessed a Guardian on Guardian fight before, but I had a feeling that I was now graced with the presence of two war-glorified Guardians that were ready for a fight.

But I was also graced with the presence of another.

I turned around, seeing a shocked Bria edging closer to the scene in front of her.

"Stay back, Bria!" Jonah yelled and I turned around to see Jameson snap his head around.

"Is this what it's all about?" He threw his arm out to gesture to Bria. "You think that this secret can help you with your crush?" Crush?

"What the hell are our Guardians doing?" Bria murmured from where she was standing next to me. I was about to respond when Jameson turned in a such a way that sent warning signals through my head. I shoved Bria back and stood in front of her. Jameson didn't acknowledge my move and instead threw Jonah backwards.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jonah yelled, recovering from where he had tripped over a lamp lead.


"Why didn't you tell me?" The boy himself interrupted me.

"Tell you what?" Jonah screamed back, shoving Jameson backwards by the chest.

"The secrets that Eden gifted you." Jameson seethed. The whole room seemed to quieten as a look of realisation dawned on Jonah's face. His eyes flickered between Jameson and I, the guilt and the shock evident on his features.

"What secrets?" Bria asked from behind me.

Jameson span back into action, grabbing Jonah by the shoulders and pushing him towards Bria.

"Why don't you tell her?" I could no longer differentiate Jameson from the monster he had become. Bria backed away, and I followed her, my arm extending out to protect her.

"Jameson, you've said what you wanted to say, let's go." I demanded.

"Jonah hasn't said much." Jameson retorted, suddenly whirling on me. I flinched.

"What the hell do you want me to say?" Jonah's voice rose.

Jameson scoffed, "a massive secret for a massive dickhead."

Jonah swung around, his first flying in the direction of Jameson's face. Jameson dodged it, but Jonah already had a backup as he shoved Jameson into the wall.

"They are going 'round in literal circles." Bria muttered from behind me. I reached out and latched onto her wrist. I'm not too sure who it comforted more.

"Do you want me to apologise?" Jonah demanded. Jameson went silent.

"Why are you so angry, man? I haven't told anyone." Well, at least one thing has come from this boxing match.

Jonah hasn't told anyone the secrets. That's one person down.

"That's not the point!" Jameson yelled, "you kept a dangerous secret from me!"

"It's your secre–"

"You could have told me that you knew!" He shouted. Then his fist ran into the desk top. I jumped two feet in the air, probably more scared than Bria—even though I was supposed to be protecting her. I'm doing a great job, as you can see.

"Or did you just want to use this to your own benefit?" Jameson spat.

"What the hell is that suppo–" Jameson broke me off—once again.

"Thinking you could get us into trouble so that you could benefit in the process?" Jameson held Jonah against the wall once more.

Jonah forced Jameson's hands off his arms, "dude, you're delusional as hell."

"At least I can actually swear in front of Sky, I'm sure you'd like a few moments alone to apologise to your adolescent friend." My jaw hung low. Did he just..?

"Jameson!" I snapped. The boys both turned around. "Enough!"


"How dare you?" I took a few steps forward. Jameson looked taken aback.

As he opened his mouth to talk, I intervened. "You've done enough damage. Let's go." Jameson stared at me. And then something flipped in him.

"He should know how much danger this secret can put us in." He was still angry.

"I think he already knows, Jameson." I was slowly nearing him, edging closer as if he were a rabid animal.

"Does he?" Jameson asked, seeming to sneer.

"Jameson stop." When it looked as if he had an opening to Jonah once more, I grabbed his arm.

"Look at me." I demanded. He didn't.

"Jameson, look at me!" He turned and looked at me, then into my eyes. And then it seemed that he couldn't look away.

"We're done here; you've gone too far."

"I just wanted him to see how much of a risk this puts us in." Jameson responded, his anger slowly burning out.

"He knows, I'm sure he does." I promised him.

"We need to go," I announced, "but, first, you need to apologise to Bria." It was as if I was scolding a child.

Jameson pulled a face, "why?" He asked.

"Because you said some horrible things about her, and she has been standing here this whole entire time." I told him, turning around to gesture to the fifteen year old girl, who, today, had been exposed to too much trouble.

Jameson stepped forward, past me. "I'm sorry for involving you unnecessarily into an argument." Was all he said, and he sounded rather reluctant too. Bria shifted slightly.

Then, she smiled. "It's fine, I've always wanted to punch Jonah anyway, so thanks." I glared at Bria, but whilst I did, I noticed the tense of Jameson's muscles—from his back, all down to his knuckles. He wasn't done. He was still fired up for a fight. I had to get him out of here. Now.

As I tried to piece together an escape plan, I couldn't help but wonder why Jameson had decided to cause so much havoc in the first place. Then I remembered what he had said.

"I just wanted him to see how much of a risk this puts us in."

He was trying to protect our secret. He was trying to protect us. And he wasn't just trying to protect us; because he's my Guardian. He was trying to protect me. But his attempts got strangled and, instead of being the hero, he was now the villain. But he didn't realise that. Because he was too caught up in the whirlwind that was my safety.

How was it that, in this moment, I could read so much from a boy—that I had hated less than a month ago—for the first time in an entire year? What was it that made it easy for me to decipher what he was feeling? Was it the familiarity of his unwavering protection for me? Was it that fact he would risk anything, even a friendship, for me? Was it that determination in his eyes? Was it the way that every little thing he now did, he knew would influence my well-being in some sort of way?

How was I suddenly so aware of his compassion for me?

I shook away the thoughts, returning back to reality, where everyone was staring at me, seeming to assume that I was somehow the one to make the next move.

I put a firm hand on Jameson's arm, wrapping my fingers around his forearm. "I think it's time that we left—we've done enough damage." I used the term 'we've' loosely, since it was pretty evident that Jameson was the only one doing the damage.

For half a moment, Jameson seemed as if he was going to follow me out willingly. But then Jonah spoke up.

"I'm sorry about all this, man, I–" But Jameson didn't wait for him to finish the sentence. Thinking that Jameson would do nothing but throw poisonous words, I sidestepped in front of him, trying to distract him from Jonah so that we could leave this room, and our mistakes.

But, it was much too late when I realised what was going on. The words that I was going to speak got lost in the turmoil of it all as I watched a shadow stream across my vision. It hit me hard, and I ricocheted into the wall, hitting my head so hard that I was sure to forget my name the next time I awoke.

Shouts were heard from around me, with worried muffles to decorate them. The last thing that I saw before I disappeared into the blackness was Jameson's face, full of guilt, panic and concern, which bit furiously at his features.

I already knew what was happening as it happened. All I could do now was watch, and rewatch, it happen. Over and over again—in slow motion.

Jameson had lunged for Jonah, swung his arm, and his fist had connected to my temple.

Jameson had knocked me out.
Jameson had punched me.





this dude having some real life man-period

Isn't there some name for that


Next update: Friyay


When Sky awakes, she may forget some things.

But she will never forget this.

Which is unfortunate, especially since Sky has just acknowledged Jameson's compassion.

And it is uncertain whether or not she'll ever acknowledge it again.

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