Chapter One-Hundred: Part Two

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^ appreciate this beauty until the end ^


H o l l o w s I n

T h e  E n d:
Part Two/Three

Results are always daunting. From laboratory experiment to exam results, there is not one on the scale that isn't the slightest bit significant.

But results like these? They make you go crazy. The anticipation for them will keep you up a night, they wander around in your nightmares. They follow you, night and day, haunt you, every single second.

—anon: 01/01/18

Heels clicking, dresses glittering, minds spinning.

A deep breath.
And that's all it took.
We were ready.

Our groups got together in mega speed, beating that of the Crystal Ball's assembling.

With Jace's hand firmly pressed down on my shoulder, I gave the final brief. "Remember all of your roles. In a moment of hesitation, it could all go wrong." A deep breath. "Is everyone ready?" And that's all it took.

We were ready.

As if by a mental connection, Lexi, Jameson and I all broke away from our groups at the same time, ready to step down into the oblivion of our plan.

We linked arms, exhaled and inhaled.

"Ready?" Lexi asked the two of us from my left. I answered by squeezing their hands, Jameson answered by leaning over me.

"They're going down, Abbot." I smiled at his last retort, facing head on.

"Your wish is my command, Fahr." She replied, pushing her shining raven locks over her shoulders.

We linked arms.
Then, once more, we descended the stairs.
But it was the real thing this time.

The decoration for the New Year's Ball was a spectacle. Upon entrance, I was immediately overwhelmed by gleaming golds and shimmering silvers, painted all across the walls, the floor, and even the ceiling.

Chandeliers held ringlets of gold streamers, and they shone under the lights. In the middle of the reception no longer stood a fountain, but instead a emerald wishing-well. Upon approaching it, a message imprinted on the side caught my eye.

'Green is the colour of new beginnings.
This emerald wishing-well wants to hold all your woes of 2017, and your wishes for 2018.
Pick up a black card, and in white ink write your woes to bury.
Throw this into the well and be at peace.
Next pick up a white card, and in black ink write your wishes to be fulfilled.
Throw this into the well and we welcome you to the New Year.'

I read it out to my Guardians, watching Lexi scrunch up her nose and scoff.

"That's a load of bullcrap." She retorted, crossing her arms over her chest.

Jameson didn't spare her a glance, picked up a card and a pen, and started writing.

Lexi, looking more shocked than ever, said, "You're not actually doing it, are you?" Sounding bewildered and outraged.

Jameson shrugged, "there's no harm in it."

I considered this before picking up a card of my own.

Lexi stomped her heel into the ground, probably sending a tremor one thousand miles down into the depths of the soil. "We don't have time for this!" She raised her voice, grabbing the attention of a few people around us.

Jameson, noticing this, turned to give her a sharp glare. Understanding what was at stake, she too picked up a black card and began. Jameson finished soon after, smiling up at me as I pondered what to write into my white card.

Lexi, with a not-so-discreet sigh, threw her black card into the well. "Bye-bye."

I rolled my eyes at her. "What about your white card?" Huffing at me, she picked up a white one and scribbled something down on it before chucking it in.

I turned to glance at her. "Did you even write anything?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yep," she said, "I wrote 'anything'."

It took me a moment, but then my face fell deadpan. "You wished for anything?" I asked. She nodded smugly.

Rolling my eyes, I finished writing, threw the card into the well, faced my Guardians and said, "It's time for Phase One."

"Finally." I thought I heard Lexi mutter, but I couldn't be too sure.

Stepping into the ballroom was one big whirlwind of deja vu, both from the Crystal Ball but also from the summer ball I had attended last year.

The memories never stopped attacking me. But I had learnt that they weren't trying to be violent. They just wanted me to accept them. So I embraced them, and those memories became just as part of me as a limb.

They were mine.
I owned them.
Good or bad.
They are mine.

Phase One was for the three of us to split and mingle, every now and then coming back together to present ourselves as a natural group enjoying their night.

Phase Two was just an extension of that. Our soldiers would also be mingling, giving themselves a good disguise and alibi if anything went seriously wrong.

Phase Three commenced just as the songs started to become the only noise in the room. Lexi, Jameson, Jace and I would stay in the ballroom to dance, whilst the rest of our team would discreetly leave at different points to carry out other tasks.

First, Owen would leave for the most elite and undiscovered Guardian jail. And he would free Eden, whom had been imprisoned after her interesting obsession with trying to ruin my life.

I know what you're thinking. Are you insane? No. With Eden free, we had someone to pin the blame on. We had to do it first so as to give her enough time to 'do the damage' that we would in fact be doing.

That's why everything after had to be quick—because Eden is sly and cunning; we didn't want to lose our lives to that big of a force.

Since Owen was way too far away, he had to send his completion via text to the person involved in Phase four.

With Eden free, the next step was vital. The Academy would be alerted of this had Owen not disabled the alarms and security cameras for the time necessary. After that, the security cameras would switch on, just in time to see Eden leave. Then the alarms would blare. We had to be quick; the Academy would go on lockdown after this point.

That's why we had to retrieve anything important in this very moment. This team had to be stealthy, but also compatible. They need to push each other but know the limits.

That's why we chose Saph and Jonah to sneak into the Academy's file room, to go through, and potentially steal, any files or information that we would need. Including ours.

Seeing Saph and Jonah waltz into the shadows, I tensed, making Jace pull me closer and embrace me wholly. "Don't let them see it." He coached me, until my body noticeably let go of the tension.

The first four stages were quite obviously the longest, and so by the time Saph and Jonah sent the all clear, we were nearly halfway into the New Years celebration.

Then it was time for Phase Five.

For this phase we needed someone smart, someone quick and savvy. But we also needed someone who knew what they were doing.

That's why we sent Avery and Angeline to Harry, to work by his computer and ensure that our escape route was clear and ready. If not, we would need Angeline to nail down and plan out a new one. She knows the routes, she knows what's at stake when it comes to an escape.

This phase would be going on right until the end, because anything could go wrong, but as it stood, it looked like the escape route was all good. Because, soon, Phase
Five commenced.

Kim, who had been feeding alibis to Satan's spawn, Mel, soon excused herself. Although we wanted Kim and Cassie, the ultimate Special One and Guardian duo, to remain together, we knew Cassie belonged elsewhere. She would take Kim's place, distracting all who were smart enough to suspect that something was wrong.

Except they wouldn't. Because Phase Six ensured they wouldn't. Toby and his womanising skills could keep all who fell for his charm distracted, whilst Cassie and her general ability to intrigue and humour would draw in any prey and keep them locked. We wouldn't be caught any time soon.

As Phase Six began, Phase Five was already in the making. Kim scouted out clear corridors, and would be our fighter in disguise if their were any threats. Bria would wait at our destination, and would give frequent updates about the accessibility; if there were any complications, or if we needed to slow down or speed up. She was an important component, without her, or Kim, we would never get out of the ballroom and into safety.

Our destination was simple. At the very top of the West wing was an unused loft. Still in construction, it held nothing but ceiling frames, floorboards, and a basic roof and walls.

Phase Seven was small, and involved our final teammate, and our escort to Kim's base. Kai.

He shifted out of the shadows, so much that Jameson and Lexi noticed him at the same time. Jameson, whom I had been dancing with, smiled down at me and retreated. We couldn't be seen leaving together it would be too suspicious.

I would leave next, being flanked by Jameson at the front, Lexi at the back and Jace only a few metres behind me.

Getting to the edge of the ballroom, Kai took my hand and grinned down at me. We were shrouded in shadows, but we couldn't risk exposure. I nodded, taking his awaiting hand and using it to help me through the door.

We were walking in a supposed-to-be out of bounds corridor. And for that reason, it was pitch black.

Jameson, who moved at the speed of a lion on the prowl, was far gone, so I was on my own for the most part.

Then someone creeped up from behind me.

I jumped.

"Relax—it's me, it's me."

Jace held me by my shoulders, though stood close. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths to relax myself.

Everything's alright. There are no complications.

Not yet, anyway.

We need all the luck in the world.

Because there's only one side that can win.

And if it's not ours, all hope is lost.

And so are our lives.


Misca mousca Mickeyyyyyy mouse

*drum roll*

It's the 'escape the Academy' clubhouse!!!

Come inside
You die inside


okay this is long I give up


Who's excited about the final chapter ;)

Sorry about the wait bc it's a good four days away

I'd say this was planned perfectly

-I wouldn't

Next update: Wednesday


This is the way the book ends.

With the team moving fast, it won't be long.

Through the corridor and out the door, never to be seen again.

But what will we do if it all goes wrong?

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