Chapters 4; waffles

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~•~ I'm a need of waffles and can anyone tell me how to write in bold on a tablet? Thank you! And today w I'll be REALLY LONG ~•~ 

~~~ivypaws p.o.v 

     Ivypaw woke up in a weird cage. She turned around gruffly at least it was big enough to fly. She flapped her wings, then relized there was a strange metal thing on her neck. 

a twoleg came in and jibbered to another one "I doent kuniq henery, agrw yhoju shure iyts gonnean workedf ¿"

" Sheut uyp! Ight worghed ohn thes lthdtwrq caght ¡"apprently henery yelled 

( "I don't know Henry, are you sure it's gonna work?" Jiabbered a twoleg 

 "Shut up! It worked on the other cat!" Apparently henry yelled)

 The "henry" opened her cage. He snickered as I zoomed by, he took a remote and press a big red button and shocked her. He went toward her and put a strange black and purple liquid in her mouth. Ivypaw shook she wasn't in control. The twolegw snickered and got out a device. He jabbered in it and it came out clear to her. "Sit." He commended in the device. My hunches sat down immediately, my eyes turned to slits, I wasn't in control anymore.  He snickered again and sits time commended me " fly and perched on the cage" I did as I was told. He sneered and kicked ivypaw in the cage. 

~~~hollypaw's p.o.v

Hollypaw dreamed, there was a big crunchy thing that the twolegs called waffles the twoleg poured a black and purple on it. Suddenly Ivypaw appeared and ate it, she shook clearly not in control, her eyes turned to slits, it changed to a different scene in camp, not one bit peaceful, blood was splattered and ivypaw stood in the clearing her eyes glinting evily. Fallenpaw stood over hollypaws body greiving. And cats were yowling and flying away. Only one stayed, Dragonheart was covered in other cats blood and laughing evily standing over radstar, skylight, stormcloud, nightfall, and a cat she didn't reconize. Swarms of twolegs swamped in taking all the cats not dead.

Hollypaw woke up, she moved too the apprentice den a day ago and ivypaw was still missing.She yawned getting up she was determined to avoid Dragonheart, surprisingly she knew how to hunt and fight already. She was practicing her flying on a oak and successfully flied. Hollypaw was sitting on the branch when the calico bundle appeared. Appearing as fallenpaw

"Hi!" He mewed and sitting down close to her, " you look familiar, I don't know why thou... " 

"You do too, wanna go hunting?" Hollypaw asked 

" Sure, race you there! " he zoomed off. Hollypaw finally caught up too him and scented squirrel unfortunately the squirrel smelled her and ran to a tunnel. Hollypaw chased it in, the tunnels were damp, she felt a rock hit her head, rockslide! 

"Help!" She yowled zooming out in time just caught by leg , she tried to move it out but she kept cutting it. The pain was bearable so she was smart and too off the rocks and wiped the mud off. Fallenpaw panicked ran off then came back with marygold cobwebs and the yme

"Eat the thyme" he ordered he rubbed the marigold on her and wrapped her leg in cobwebs .

Hollypaw winced and got up, and retrieved the dead squirrel and burried it. Fallenpaw looked like he was about to say something but a flare from hollypaw shut him up. She nodded her head at fallenpaw and they killed a hawk. After a few more hours hollypaw and fallenpaw returned to camp, she had caught one squirrel 3starlings and one hawk. Fallenpaw caught 7mice from two mice nests and one hawk.

"Let all cats old enough to fly gather beneath wing ledge!" Radstar yowled. Hollypaw and everycat gathered beneath. " Ivypaw is still missing! She was last seen in camp at the medicine cat den and the territory hunting near the twoleg place! "

Everycat gasped then gossiped "I bet she became a kittypet!" Moonpaw taunted " What if the twolegs capture her! " hollypaw yowled in terror everycat was talking "I bet-"" she be-" "I do-"" she wa-" 

"Quite!" Yowled radstar "My deputy and me decided what would of most likely happen! She was captured by two legs! " Muffled gasp came and the cats gossiped in till nightfall, hollypaw curled up in her nest. 

She woke up at midnight, she needed fresh air so she went to tall oak. She stalked a mouse her leg barely swelling, a pink purple light showed up dancing around to a shape of a cat. This time it was a grey tom then a flicker of flame another tom came. 

 "Hello," the grey one mewed " I'm grey wing and this is my brother Clear sky. "

"Clearstar!" Clear sky corrected him, his eyes blazing " and why did I have to come with you! " 

"Because" grey wing sighed " Your learning how to tell cats prophecys are stuff like that, oh also there's a exam at the end. " 

Clear sky groaned, and grey wing continue, "Hollypaw this is important! You remember squirrelstar? Yes? Good! You remember the prophecy? Yes?? Good... And uh I have news... Do NOT trust your sister if you see her! " 

"Why!?" Hollypaw hissed

Grey wing looked uneasy "It's best that you don't know..."

" Hollypaw... Your better then this your recarnited from hollyleaf! " Clear sky growled

Grey wing slapped his tail over clear sky's mouth. Hollypaw stood shocked. "Oh and Ivypaw is ivypool!"  Clear sky manaed .

Hollypaw remembered fire, halfclan, leafpool, gathering, tunnel, meeting fallen leaves, great battle, dieing, starclan, and recarnited. 

"Oh and fallenpaw is fallen leaves." With that grey wing made clear sky disappear and he gradually faded awa. 

Hollypaw stared at the spot clear sky was. She echoed "fallenpaw?? Ivypaw??? Fallenleaves??? Ivypool???" She bolted to camp and pounced on fallenpaw.

"Fallenpaw we are recarnited you were and are fallen leaves"

(1001 words! Wow! Still this is not my longest if i reach 1k  read I will write 10,oooo words! Plz comment how u liked this! And please how do you write in bold? On a tablet? )

~'|•π√÷׶∆}{¡]=[°℅^™¥®€©¢£\ Who wants waffles and orange juice!?!!!~'|•√ππ÷׶∆{{[℅^^™¥€©¢\£}
   *dances like crazy yay I can do boldd!!!!!!m!!! I'm so bold!*

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