Chapter Fourteen: Brownies

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I slapped Axel right across the cheek, it produced a louder sound than what I expected. Good, just the way I like it.

He flinched at the force that I applied and I mentally smirked as I saw a bit of pain on his face. Tears were streaming down my face as I morphed my expression into a one of hurt and anger.

“Why did you do this to me?” I screeched at his face, “I thought that you actually cared for me!”

He stepped forward and grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to look right into his eyes, “I do!”

His hold of me was weak, I shook his hand away as I began to move backwards, “Don’t ever go near me again,” I scowled, finally running away from him.

“Cut!” the director yelled, clapping at the both of us, “That was amazing!”

I grinned as I wiped the fake tears from my face, Adam handed me a tissue to blow my nose that became red as I forced the emotions through my system.

“Good job,” he commented, looking at the scene in front of us.

I’ve became more accustomed to the overall production of the movie. I got used to acting like I’m nice to Axel on camera, but I’m going to say that I felt extremely satisfied when I did that slap.

“That was the last scene for the day,” I breathed out, “You ready to head back?”

Since it was Friday, my mother will be coming over for our traditional dinner together. For the past weeks, Adam accompanied us and he provided a good distraction for my mother. She was clearly saddened by my father’s engagement and every time she comes to visit, she looks like she’s going to break down any minute.

If it wasn’t for my best friend who continued his efforts to make her laugh, she will just curl up into a ball and cry her eyes out.

A crew member approached me and told me that George wanted to talk to the Axel and I. Nodding right at her, I dragged Adam to where George was standing with Axel by his side.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were getting married?” he questioned, the side of his eyes crinkling as his smile grew bigger.


George handed Axel and I a magazine that had us on the front cover. It was a very clear shot of Axel carrying me bridal style into the Forever and Always store.

Hollywood’s Royal Wedding Coming Soon

Somebody going to die with this.

Adam gaped at the cover, taking it from my hands, “When did this happen?”

“I’m more surprised by the fact that we never thought such a rumor will appear,” Axel commented, staring at the picture.

Carrying me into a bridal store wasn’t exactly the brightest idea now that you think of it. I’m just dreading at the huge effort we’re going to do just to tone down those rumors.

It was bad enough that everybody was pairing me with Axel, now it’s just horrible that they’re thinking that we’re getting married.

“Do you think Taylor and Marcus have seen this yet?”

Those two we’re both attending their individual affairs, resulting to the rare occasion that they’re not present at set today. They’re going to be stressed out if they realized that another gossip about Axel and I erupted.

“So that’s why I’ve received so many missed calls from my family,” Axel stated, finally figuring out the mystery.

George finally decoded that Axel and I are not – and never will be – engaged. He frowned in disappointment, snatching the magazine from Adam’s hand, “I thought you two would get together.”

What is up with people pairing us together?

“Good work today, I’ll see you two on Monday,” with those words, he walked away from us, probably to tell the other crew members that there was no proposal.

 “Was this when you accompanied Kate?” Adam asked, staring at me.

I nodded as an answer, massaging my temples. Axel ran a hand through his hair, sighing out through his nose, clearly frustrated as I was.

“Out of all the people, it had to be Brooks.”

Axel snapped his attention to me, his eyes turning into slits, “It’s like I want all of these too.”

“As if I’m ever going to marry you,” I scowled, “I’m never even going to like you.”

He paused for a moment, shaking his head right at me, “I better just go home and get this out of my head,” Axel said, turning away from us.

Now that I think of it, I never once saw him with somebody else. Well, there was Marcus but no one other than his faithful manager. He seems isolated, his parents were back in his home state and he doesn’t appear to hang out with other people often.

It’s his problem, not mine.

We headed back to my dressing room, and when I entered the room, I could already hear my phone ringing. The screen displayed my mother’s name, notifying me that she was the one who’s calling me.

Somehow, I already know what’s about to come.

I pressed the device into my ear, giving her a small greeting, “Hello?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were in a relationship?” she asked. I resisted the urge to slap my forehead as she continued to ramble on, “I know you’re scared with the publicity and all, but you should have at least told your own mother.”

For one thing, there was nothing to tell her about.

“Mom, I’m not,” I tried to explain but nope, she’s not paying attention.

“Bring him to dinner tonight,” she said to me, “I want to officially meet the guy my daughter is marrying.”

“We’re not,” I attempted again, but she started to hastily say goodbye.

“I’ve got to go, see you tonight, love you,” and with those words, she hung up on me.

I stared at my phone with my eyebrows scrunched up, taking deep breaths to calm myself.

Option one, go against my mother’s wishes and calmly explain to her that I’m not engaged to that jerkass. Option two, make my mother happy by bringing that good for nothing idiot to dinner as the both of deny the rumors that we’re engaged.

I’m going to regret this so much.

“Be right back,” I told Adam, racing out of my dressing room, marching up through the hallway until I was face to face with Axel’s door.

If he dare make a side comment, I’m going to rip all of those hair off of his pretty head.

Lifting up my fist, I knocked on his door, calling out his name, “Brooks, open up!”

The cream painted door swung open, Axel all but glared at me with his hair ruffled up, shirtless, and his phone pressed up on his ear.

“Call you later,” he muttered, placing his phone back inside his pocket.

Hatred and all aside, damn those abs look good.

No Sophia, bad Sophia, avert your eyes right this second. Look away!

Axel cleared his throat, bringing my eyes to meet his. He had this smug smirk, crossing his arm over his chest with a very prominent arrogant look, “Like the view?”

I let out a very unattractive snort, rolling my eyes right at him, “Please, I could almost barf.”


“So what are you doing here?” he asked, leaning against the door frame.

Focus, Sophia, remind yourself that you loathe him.

“You’re going to dinner with my mom,” I said to him, “Tonight, at my house.”

He lifted a brow right at me, “What makes you think that I’ll agree?”

“Oh come on, make a mother a little happy!” I let out, following him inside his dressing room when he turned his back at me.

He pulled on a grey shirt, and I paused for a moment. Maybe we can continued this argument without that piece of clothing.

What the hell is wrong with me today?

“I’m busy,” he huffed out shortly.

I’m going to slap this jerk.

Sorry mom, you’ll just have to deal without this guy. With a hard stomp on the floor, I turned on my heel, “Suit yourself.”

When Adam and I reached home, my mom was still not here.

Tying my hair up into a ponytail, I grabbed an apron and threw one at Adam, “We should at least start baking the brownies.”

Nothing can beat brownies as a comfort food to your mom when you say that her precious daughter is not getting married.

“Do you even know how to bake them?” Adam asked, tying up his apron. I turned around to look at him and I started to shake, trying to hide my laughter.

Seeing my best friend in a pink frilly apron wasn’t a sight you encounter every day.

He noticed my joy and he gave me a dry look, digging through the bag of flour, he grabbed a handful and flung it into my direction. The white powdery ingredient landed right into my face and I glared at him.

“Oh it’s on!” I challenged, taking an egg and swinging it into his direction. It hit him right across the chest, but he didn’t seem to be bothered by this. He merely shrugged it off, grabbing a mixing bowl.

I lifted a brow, planning my next attack on this guy. For the mean time, it’s time to bake those fudgy bad boys.

“Can you grab the mixer?” I asked, pointing at the cabinet below the kitchen counter. He bent down and I smirked, this is just too easy.

Taking another egg from the carton, I stepped behind him and I cracked the thing right on top of his head. He stood up suddenly, glaring at me as he lifted a hand to feel his hair that was now wet and sticky.

He gave me a sinister look, and I gulped, dreading what fate he has designed for me.

Taking the bag of chocolate chips from the counter, he gracefully sprinkled it on my hair, as if he was garnishing a fancy dish. He looked at me, smirking with success.

Grabbing the butter, I threw it at him, hitting him square on the face. He grabbed the whole bag of flour, holding it up as if it was his weapon for war. I took the egg carton with me as we chased each other around the kitchen.

Wait a minute, weren’t we supposed to be baking brownies?

I slipped on a yolk laying on the floor, crashing me right down into Adam. He groaned under me, when I looked up, my face was inches from his.

Just one move and we’ll be able to kiss.

Do I take the plunge?

He stared right at me, looking like he was thinking as hard as I was.

Before we can even move, somebody cleared her throat. Our heads whipped to the direction of the door where my mother was standing right next Axel.

Axel? What is he doing here?

“Sophia Valentine, Adam Nicholas, what happened in here?” she demanded, looking around the room.

We scrambled up to our feet, and that was the first time we took sight of our fight zone. The floor was surrounded with flour, chocolate chips, eggs, and a half melted stick of butter. I pushed some of my sticky hair out of my face as I looked at the kitchen.

I’m dead.

“Aunt May, you look amazing today. Did you get a haircut? I love your blouse,” Adam threw compliments at my mother, attempting to soften her up.

She gave my best friend a reprimanding look, effectively silencing him.

“What is he doing here?” I asked, pointing right at Brooks.

“I found him waiting outside the front door, why haven’t you let him in? He’s your fiancé, you should treat him nicely.”

One, he’s not my fiancé. Two, he said that he wasn’t coming here. And three, he didn’t even make a gesture to notify his arrival. Not even a doorbell, we heard no such thing.

“The two of you go upstairs and clean yourselves up,” she commanded, “What am I going to do with you?”

No matter how powerful you are, how old you may be, or even if you are extremely rich, never go against your mom. You just don’t.

The two of us scurried away, climbing up the stairs as quickly as I can. I could almost feel her cold stare shooting right at the back of my head.

“She’s as scary as I remember,” Adam commented once we were safely at the second floor of my house, “I felt chills run down my spine with that glare.”

I laughed at this, smiling widely as we walked through the hall, “I like your apron, by the way.”

The baby pink frilly apron was now decorated with eggs and flour. He looked down at it and smirked; oh boy, I don’t want to think what that smirk meant.

“I’m glad you like it,” he let out before wrapping his arms around my waist and hugged me from behind, bring my body closer to mine.

The residue of our fight smeared at the back of my shirt, making me jolt up from the sudden texture.

Nonetheless, I came into a conclusion. I love being in his arms.

“Have any idea why that guy is here?” he asked, swinging the both of us from side to side.

Good question, I thought Axel wasn’t coming here.

“Want to join me in the shower?” he asked teasingly, lifting my feet up from the floor.

A blush came up to my cheeks as I found myself lost with the ability to speak. He placed my back down on the ground and released me from his hug.

“Just joking,” he grinned, giving my cheek a pinch before he walked into his room.

I was left standing there, staring at the closed there where he was on the other side of. Shaking my head, I let out a sigh.


Don't we just love a playful scene in the kitchen?

I'm just laughing at you guys when you said that you were all confused if you should pick Axel or Adam. I'll give you a hint, the guy has a four letter name that starts with the letter A.

I'm not completely satisfied with this chapter, but I've typed, erased, retyped this chapter multiple times already.

Question:  Do you think any of those two likes Sophia yet, if yes, who?

Love you guys, sorry but I had a major writer's block. Comment, vote and follow!

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