Chapter One: Pumpkin

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People are staring.

As a celebrity, I should be used to people giving me their undivided attention but we one teensy-weensy problem, they’re staring at me like I grew a second head.

Okay, so maybe going to the airport dressed in a massive hoodie and putting on some sunglasses inside a roofed building is a little out of the ordinary. You can’t blame me though, once I remove my disguise, people will recognize me and the next thing I’ll know, the only thing I’ll be able to see are flashes of cameras.

I bit my lip in order to prevent myself from yelling at these annoying baboons to go back to their boring mundane lives. I don’t want to cause a scene at the airport… again.

When I saw a boy lugging out his bag on his way out of check out, I no longer cared about the people looking at me.

“Adam!” I squealed as I started to run to his direction.

He looked up from checking the contents of his carry-on bag to look at me. A grin started to spread across his handsome face as he opened his arms to catch me in a hug.

“Sophia,” he chuckled, crushing the life out of me but I no longer cared. Adam Nicholas was in my arms, and I miss him so much – his smell, his eyes, his smile… everything about him. And boy, his accent, it was one of the biggest turn on. 

“I missed you so much,” I wheezed out before I finally took notice of the fact that no air can enter my lungs, “Let go of me!”

“What’s with the costume?” he asked as he finally released me.

“I don’t want to deal with any screaming fans today,” I whispered to him as if I used a normal volume, people will automatically recognize me.

“I thought you liked being famous.”

“I do,” I smiled at him, “But sometimes I just want to take a break.”

He nodded in understanding before he started to complain on how horrible his flight was. Of course, I didn’t listen because of the man that was approaching us.

My father.

“Sophia,” he called out making me grin. I was in his arms in a heartbeat and he twirled me around.

“Daddy,” I laughed before he set me back down on the ground.

A woman was walking towards us as she rolled her pink suitcase with her. She stopped right in front of us and I looked up at her up and down, assessing her.

She had her brown hair tied up in a messy bun yet she was still a looker. Jet lag was visible in her appearance but she was still glowing.

“Robbie,” she said while showing my father a sickly sweet smile.

Who was this woman? The last time I checked, she was no relative of mine.

God, she’s a walking cliché.

“Kate, this is my daughter Sophia,” my dad introduced to this woman named Kate.

“Hi,” she smiled, holding up a hand for me to shake.

“Hi?” I responded hesitantly, shaking her hand.

I shot a confused look to Adam but he only returned it with a sympathetic expression of his own. I turned my attention back to Kate and wondered who the hell this chick is.

“Well then,” my father coughed out, “Sophia, this is your country, lead the way.”

My eyes lit up in recognition before I gestured them to follow me. Escaping the cool air-conditioning of the airport, we exited to the parking lot where the blazing sun was greeting us with its melting temperature.

“It’s hot here,” Adam complained as we made our way to my car.

I giggled at their expressions. They were all dripping with sweat and it was quite reasonable. It was pretty cold in England, and the normal temperature California experience will come only once in a blue moon in the cold country.

They loaded up their things into my car and they all piled in. I was expecting them to hug my aircon from the breaths of relief they released when I finally turned it on.

“How do you survive here?” Adam groaned, fanning himself with a discarded folder he found laying around.

“Well, I’ve been living here for almost four years now,” I reminded them as I drove in the usual LA traffic, “At first I was melting like popsicle but I came to love the weather.”

A pained look flashed across my father for a fleeting second before he turned his attention back to the chatting Kate. I bit my lip from saying anything; he was always against my move to America. He actually pleaded me to stay in England, trust me when I say that I tried. The main reason why I flew to America is because Taylor discovered me, at first I insisted that I just fly back constantly from England but it couldn’t work. I barely had any sleep and I spent more time on a plane than performing or acting.

“So where do you guys plan to stay?” I asked, turning to them when we stopped at a red light.

“We’re hoping to find a hotel…” my dad trailed off.

“Nonsense, you guys can stay with me,” I grinned proudly.

My nineteenth birthday gift to myself was actually a new estate. From the money accumulated from acting and singing, I got enough cash to buy myself a luxurious house. I insisted for my mother to stay with me but she hates extravagant things.

I had no maids whatsoever so it was quite lonely staying the by myself.

“We don’t want to be a bother…” Kate mumbled humbly.

I threw them a reassuring smile from the rearview mirror, “It’s alright. How rare is it for my dad and best friend to finally visit me.”

We finally came close to my home. Adam leaned up and poked his head from the backseat, “Is that it?”

I nodded, and his eyes twinkled with admiration, “You certainly worked hard, Soph.”

My smile turned into a full out grin, hearing those words from Adam made me feel nothing but joy in my heart.

I did a turn and drove around the semi-circle until the car came to a complete stop in front of the white porch.

“We’re here,” I announced, pulling the keys out of the ignition.

“Here comes the heat!” Adam groaned dramatically, making me roll my eyes.

They grabbed their things from the trunk with amazing speed before entering my house. They claimed that there was no way they were staying out in an oven.

“You three calm down,” I giggled as they sat themselves on the couches in my living room. They were panting because of the run they did which wasn’t necessary at all. You’d think that they’ll burn out by just standing out in the sun for twenty seconds.

I went to the kitchen to get them some lemonade which they all drank gladly.

“I’m starting to regret this visit,” Adam complained childishly making me giggle at his expense. He asked for about three refills of lemonade and I was sure that he’ll be needing a bathroom pretty soon.

“I’ll show you all to your rooms,” I chirped as I started to make my way to the staircase.

“Pumpkin, I want to tell you something first,” my dad rushed out but I waved him off.

“Later,” I told him, “I better get my guest settled first.”


“You guys are the first people to come here, except for mom of course,” I told them.


“I just can’t wait to let you see the guest rooms. I decorated them myself,” I continued my rambling.


“After that I’ll show you around town,” I grinned enthusiastically, “Oh you guys would love this country!”

“Sophia Heart Valentine!” my dad yelled effectively cutting me off.

I stared at him, and saw nothing but seriousness in his face.

“So you want to talk,” I muttered stonily, dropping all cheerfulness that I had before. He nodded, and gestured for me to sit on the couch across from the one which he and Kate are occupying.

I slowly lowered myself on the white couch, and let my hands fall to my lap. Adam was sitting next to me, and was fidgeting with the tension that suddenly rose.

“Talk,” I told him.

He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair that was starting grey. He looked me with those blue orbs that I inherited. He placed his hand on top of Kate’s, and that’s only when I spotted the golden ring resting on her finger.

“Dad, you…” I gaped in shock.

“This is why I came,” he explained with a sigh, “Kate and I are engaged.”

I was shaking, I totally was. Adam took my hand in his as a way of comfort, and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside but this was not the time.

My dad is getting married for Pete’s sake!

Sophia would have bawled, and locked herself in her room for days but we’re quite forgetting that I’m Heart. That famous chick that had some slight anger issues.

“You and Kate are what?” I screeched, standing up from the couch and looked at him with utter disbelief.

“Now this might take you in shock…” he started out.

Shock is an understatement here, buddy.

“Shock?” I repeated, my voice reaching a higher octave, “My dad is engaged to girl I haven’t even met since today!”

“Sophia, I know this is something new to you but Kate and I have been dating for six months now, and we kind of fell in love. Please understand, pumpkin,” he tried to explain.

“My name is not pumpkin, it’s Heart!” I gritted out before my eyes landed on Kate who was on the verge of hysterics. She was slowly sinking down on my white couch, and I was quite expecting that she might be sucked in by the furniture.

Good, she’ll disappear out of my life.

“You,” I snarled, marching up to her, “You ruined my family.”

“I’m sorry,” she squeaked. She looked like a delicate and fragile flower that I would have no problem of crushing.

“Enough!” my father yelled, efficiently stopping me of my tracks.

“Looks like this a family issue,” Adam chuckled out nervously, “I’ll be exploring upstairs if you need me,” not a minute too soon, he was dashing out of the living room, living me with my dad and Kate.

“Sophia,” my dad started out slowly, approaching me and grabbing my shoulders to shake me lightly, “What has gotten into you?”

I shrugged off his hands from my shoulders and took a step back away from him, “What has gotten into you? You’re marrying without even telling me that you were already seeing another woman.”

A look of guilt flashed across his face, “I’m sorry but please find it in your mind to understand,” was all that he said.

I stood there staring at him as he looked down on my carpeted floor and Kate was fidgeting on her spot on the couch.

“I want her out of my house,” I finally said after a full minute of silence. Kate gaped at me and my father’s head shot up and met my hard gaze with an angry one.

If he was angry then I was furious.

“Sophia Valentine, you would not kick my fiancé out of this house!” she scolded and I fought the urge to smirk. Oh did he really think that he could command me in my own home?

“And why not?” I asked, raising a brow, “This is my own house which I bought with my own money. My roof, my rules.”

“Don’t act so smug to your own father, young lady.”

“I’m nineteen already, dad!” I stressed out, “I have my own house, my own car and a job that can sustain every luxury I need.”

He seemed to pause at this. I was already doing a victory dance inside my head, he knew that I had a point.

“What happened to you, Sophia?” he voiced out with nothing but confusion and worry on his face, “Why are you acting like you’re the queen?”

I’m not the queen, I’m the princess… Hollywood’s Princess.


Tah-dah? Please comment and tell me what you think about this freaking story.

By the way, who could make me a good blurb because I seriously can't write one. Please PM me if you can and I'll dedicate a chapter to you.

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