Chapter Thirty-Five: Payback's A B*tch

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"Ready?" I asked Adam, fixing the collar of his dress shirt for him. He nodded and showed the camera to me. He already done the settings for me, and all I have to do is to find the perfect spot inside the room.

We took a deep breath before turning to the door and pressing the small button that acted like the doorbell in that hotel room. I hid the camera behind my book as my father opened the door for us and we presented him with a smile.

"You're early," he mentioned, allowing us in. Kate was still in the middle of fixing her makeup, when she turned to me, her eyes widened at her laptop that was under Adam's arm.

From the start, we knew that it wasn't broken. What we did was we had every file of hers backed up in two hard drives that are now resting inside my huge purse.

He handed it to her and I knew she wasn't trying to be suspicious by holding herself back, trying to stop her shaking hands to turn on the laptop and to see if we did any damage.

Sorry, I'm not like a pathetic evil mastermind like you, I actually cover my tracks.

"Check if it's working properly," Adam said to Kate and my father approached to also take a look at the device. Adam gave me a subtle nod as the two were occupied; I went to the drawers and placed the camera slightly behind the lamp. It was hidden but it was positioned so that it could still capture most of the room.

"It's working," Kate said, signaling that their attention was now diverted. I stood straighter and turned to them, showing the couple a tight lipped smile. Though I knew she was hesitating, she still managed to say, "Thank you."

"It's alright," I shrugged, sitting on their bed. Well, more to the edge of it, so that I could still be in the view of the camera.

Camera is placed, Kate is slightly nervous, now all we have to do is to get my dad out of the room.

I glanced towards Adam and when he caught my gaze, he cleared his throat, "So Uncle Rob, there's this thing that I have to talk to you about."

My father quickly perked up, turning to my best friend, "What is it?"

"It's a man to man thing," he tried to lie through his teeth. I'm mentally crying out good luck to him, because this might all possibly go horribly wrong and he may just burst into the room while I'm talking with Kate.

He nodded in understanding, "Then, ladies, we're going to go down ahead, just meet us in the lobby when you're done."

Adam walked up to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, speaking in a hushed tone, "Good luck, don't kill her just yet, if you're in trouble, just call me," he told me, "And don't kill just yet."

Grinning, I circled my arms around his torso to give him a slight squeeze, "Good luck to you as well, I'll text you if anything goes bad happens."

We let each other go as I watched my father bend down and give Kate kiss on the cheek. My eye twitched in annoyance but I waved them goodbye as they went out of the room.

Good girl switch has now been turned off.

Well, I'm not going to let this water to simmer slowly before boiling, I'm just going to dump hot water right from the start.

Turning to Kate, I laced my fingers together and gave her a sarcastic smile, "So Kate, we haven't been completely alone for a long time."

Last time we did, was just before Adam managed to steal your laptop away for the first time.

I should have seen the sign since the time she picked out the wedding dress that had the same design as my mother's. She had been a good actress before, but she should know who she's dealing with - nobody can beat this princess in her own game.

My voice was still leveled, it was calm enough so that I wasn't near to yelling everything to her face, but not too calm for it to make me look like everything alright.

Because with the shit she'd done, everything is definitely not alright.

"Yeah," she agreed, "So how are you, Sophia? I've heard that you and Axel Brooks have started dating."

We're here to talk about her fake love towards my father, not my real affection towards my own boyfriend.

"He's great," I found myself unconsciously saying, "But how are the wedding preparations?"

Her expression changed at the mere mention of the wedding. I've been informed by the girls in the bridal shop that everything got fixed, but it did move the date behind. They were back on track though, meaning it gave me less time.

No worries, the movie is out of my mind, I've covered everything up with Adam, and the Axel issue has been resolved. I only have one little thing to check off of my to-do list.

"The ladies somehow received the news that I was ill, I don't know how though," she frowned, but she still gave me that side glance, "But I'm glad everything worked out in the end."

She knows.

So now we're going to play a nice game of circling each other, waiting who would be the first one to strike.

"I wonder how that possibly went," I held back a snort, "So you still plan to do everything just like the original plan."

"Of course," she piped in automatically, "Nothing has changed."

"You're going to be really beautiful when you walk up that aisle," I was using every will power so that my tone sounded normal, I need to play the victim card here.

"I'm really lucky to have your father," she allowed a giggle to escape her lips, "I really love him, and I'm happy he feels the same way."

This bitch.

"You were also aware that he still have feelings for mom, correct?" I blurted out, the anger finally getting the best of me.

Her head snapped up towards my direction, her eyes widening, "What?"

"You were also happy enough to know that if you acted the same way she did about this wedding, you would charm him deep enough," alright, now the water's boiling.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, but I could see it in her eyes, she was slowly started to crumble like a badly baked pie crust.

And here I was confronting my father's horrible fiancé, and I'm thinking about pie. Good job, Valentine!

I lifted my hand to stop her from talking, "You certainly have him deceived, and I admit, for a short time, I was too."

"This is ridiculous, we just started getting along," she breathed out, denying everything I was throwing at her.

"I saw," I muttered, giving her the harshest glare, "Adam found out and he showed me the evidence."

"Adam?" she questioned, and in the faintest whisper I could hear her, "I trusted him."

Sorry darling, but that boy has and forever will be in my side - as I am to him. But at least I got the reason why Adam got the hunch, while I barely suspected a thing. We still have to talk about that little detail anyways.

If you trusted him to catch in that falling backward into his arms trust exercise then I trust him enough to know that when I jump off of a building, he will be standing there with a cushion to catch me. Don't attempt to make my best friend turn his back on me.

Though I'm still talking to him about this later.

Showing a small smirk, I slowly walked towards her, "You have nobody on your side right now."

"I have Robert," she spoke up, using my weakness against me. After this, my father will no longer want anything to do with you.

"Do you sincerely think he would choose you over me?" I sneered, though deep inside my head, there was this thought that he might. He might choose this bitch over his own daughter.

"He already did," she pointed out, her voice finally gaining the confidence that melted away earlier, "During the start of the summer, he could have easily agreed to stop the wedding until you were ready, but no, he went with my words."

Oh no she didn't.

My hands balled up into fists at my sides as I shot her my nastiest glare. She looked shocked, her arrogant pesky expression slowly went down as she saw how angry I was.

But she still wasn't giving up, she had this fighting spirit in her, "Admit it, your father loves me more than he loved you and your mother."

That was it, I snapped. Darling, the claws are out.

I lunged for her, knocking her off of her feet, scratching her face and pulling her hair. I was lashing out her, seeing red in anger as I tried to inflict as much damage as I can.

She, on the other hand, struggled to push me off of her, grabbing my wrist and using all of her strength to pry me off of her.

I knew that the camera was still recording, and I knew I was supposed to play the victim in this one, but my self-control was down the drain. I wanted this pathetic excuse for a woman to get out of my sight. Forget the other phases of the plan, I'm making sure she wouldn't even live to see the wedding.

Funnily enough, a ringtone was the one that stopped us from our actions. It was Kate's cellphone currently distracting us. Using the short moment that I was distracted, she pushed me off of her and rolled away, rushing to her phone.

I managed to grab the end of her dress to pull her back, but unfortunately, she was able to grab the device and press the green button to accept the call, "Robbie, come up here quickly!"

Oh no you don't.

I reached for the device and using this extremely expensive manicure that I just got, I allowed my sharp nails to dig into her arm, causing her grip on the phone to loosen and for me to get it. Sitting on top of her torso, allowing her center of gravity to be held down to the ground, I flipped my hair over my shoulder and blew a calming breath, "Hey daddy."

She tried to push me off but I was too heavy. Now Axel babe, aren't you glad that I didn't go on that diet you always teased me about?

"Umm, hello," he said cautiously, "I was just asking how long you two are going to stay there."

"Robert!" Kate yelled, praying that her fiancé will hear her. I reached down and covered her mouth with my hand, muffling any other pleas for help that she might make.

But apparently, dad did hear his name, "Is everything alright there?"

"Everything's fine," I waved off, "We're just doing stress release exercises since Kate suddenly got wedding jitters when we were discussing about it."

She licked my palm and I cringed, quickly retracting my hand back. She grinned in victory as she yelled again, "Help me!"

Girl, shut up.

"Are you sure you two are alright?" he questioned once again, concern filling his voice.

"Trust me," I said, applauding myself that I managed to keep my voice cheery as there was a witch attempting to throw me off to the side. Since the bed was right in front of me, I stretched my hand to get a pillow and then I squished the nice and soft cushion into her face, "You have nothing to worry about."

"Alright, we'll be waiting down here for you two," he told me before hanging up.

Carelessly tossing off the phone to the side, Kate lifted off the pillow from her face, taking a sharp breath of oxygen before giving me a dirty look.


She reached out and slapped my cheek, effectively stunning me. I gasped as an arm instinctively went to cup my cheek, my mouth hanging wide open as I stared down at her.

I never get slapped, I'm always the one doing it. She just pressed one button she should never have pressed.

I stood up, looking down at her. She thought that she was finally the winner as she started to push herself up, relinquishing the sweet freedom I temporarily given.

Without even thinking, I bent down and grabbed her hair, slightly tugging it. She yelped in pain and since I pulled on her hair, she had no choice but to look up at me, "Don't do that," I muttered under my breath, my tone was so menacing I was afraid that it wasn't me, "You played with my father, you completely disrespected my mother's hard work, you attempted to make my best friend go against me," I listed off before kneeling down so I was at her level, "And most of all, you crossed the one line you shouldn't have."

I could see that her eyes were starting to water, she was holding back the tears as he teeth gritted. She was looking at me with anger, but I felt nothing but pure hatred towards her.

I released her brown locks and her head bent down a little. Lifting a hand, I sent it flying towards her cheek, giving her nice and painful slap.

Payback's a bitch, isn't it?

Of course, this was exactly the perfect moment for my dad to open the door. I observed that Adam was pulling on his arm, probably trying to prevent him from entering. When he saw the scene in front of him, he nothing but shocked - his daughter and his teary fiancé were both on the ground as half of the room turned into a complete mess.

It didn't help at all that there was a huge red mark on Kate's cheek. Even though she slapped me first, it wasn't hard enough to leave a mark. If you walked into this, you would automatically think that I was the one picking the fight.

"Sophia," dad slowly called out my name, "What the hell did you do to Kate?!"

I opened my mouth to defend myself, but all the words dried in my throat. Kate stood up and rushed in my father's arms, sobbing into his chest, "I didn't know why she did it, I was just trying to get along."

That fucking liar.

"Sophia, I had enough of this attitude!" he scolded, wrapping a protective arm around his fiancé, "Maybe it is better that you're going on tour so you wouldn't be able to attend the wedding."

Isn't he going to listen to my side of the story?

"But..." I tried to explain, but he cut me off.

"No!" he shouted, making me flinch, "Hollywood did change you, you're now a stuck up and spoiled child, I can barely recognize the daughter I raised."

From the corner of my eye, I could see Kate smirking as he face was still buried into my father shirt.

I couldn't help it, the tears started to form in my eyes and I let out a sob. Memories flash of when I was a child and the moment the first tear fell down, my father would rush in and comfort me.

But no, this time he was tangled in the arms of Kate.

I finally broke down, full on tears were now streaming down my face, and I didn't have the willpower to tear my eyes away from the couple in front of me. He looked troubled, his eyes switching from me to his fiancé.

Adam quickly shoved them away from his path - he didn't even bother to see them stumble a bit into the wall - he was rushing down to collect me in his arms, rocking our bodies as he cooed soothing words into my ears, "It's alright," he hushed, stroking my hair with all the gentleness in the world, "Please stop crying."

Wrapping my arms around his, I pressed my crying eyes into his neck, finding comfort in his warmth.

He looked up to my father, and to my surprise, he was glaring at him, shooting daggers towards his direction with his gaze, "With all due respect, sir," he said to him, "But I think it's best if you leave for England the soonest you can."

"What?" he looked baffled at how the once calm and collected Adam Nicholas now had this furious tone that he didn't knew he could muster.

"You promised that you'll step away if she starts to cry," he reminded, hugging me tighter, "I know it hurts you too to see her like this, and I know you're torn between her and Kate, but if I were you, there would be no other choice than Soph."

"Thank you," I mumbled into his ear, but the tears still didn't stop.

Who is this man standing in front of me? I can barely recognize the man who raised me. You know what? I'm going to get rid of Kate not because I can't bear the thought of him in a one-sided marriage, but because she was the one who caused this huge riff between all of us.

Adam helped me up and I leaned into him for support. From the spot we were standing on, he could reach for the camera on the dress. Kate looked worried when she saw that it was there, but Adam didn't even bother on hiding it when he pressed the button to stop the recording. He grabbed my purse for me and stuffed the camera inside before wrapping an arm around me and slowly leading me out of the room, ignoring both Kate and my father.

When we got back into my car, Adam took the wheel as I calmed myself down. We did grab a few looks when we passed the lobby, but due to Adam's nonchalance, we were able to get through with no questions asked.

"Phase three," I muttered, catching his attention.

We were no longer going for the subtle approach.

I reached into my purse and got my phone out. Scrolling through the contacts I found the name Forever & Always Bridal, and I dialed their number.

"Hello, welcome to Forever & Always Bridal, how may I help you?"

"This is about the Valentine nuptials," I said, leaning against the seat, "I would like to inform you that due to some differences, both the groom and bride have decided to call the wedding off."

I could hear her gasp from the other line, but after a quick clear of her throat, she kept her composure, "That's terrible news, but we understand. Could we arrange a meeting soon to finalize everything?"

"But the couple have scheduled to fly back to England tonight," I told them, keeping on with the lies, turning to Adam, who had his eyes glued to the road yet I knew he was listening to the conversation, "Though they are willing to send me, Heart Valentine, the groom's daughter, in their place for the meeting."

Once she heard my name, I knew that I got her, "Very well then, when are you available, Miss Valentine?"

Smirking to Adam, I replied, "How does tomorrow sound?"


I feel so bad for Sophia, I want to kill Kate! But I shall not abuse my power the person who created these characters.

So how are you guys? Still good?

Thank you @minisweets for the cover, it's lovely.

Question: We have phase three, what's phase four?

It didn't took me more than two weeks to update, I feel quite proud!

But other than that, thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it and don't forget to hit the vote, leave a comment, and head on over to my profile for a follow.

(If you read ROL, skip this) P.S. I'm participating in this summer's #WattpadBlockParty (external link) which includes authors like DoNotMicrowave, JessGirl93, Fallzswimmer, and a lot more. I'm planning to either do a Q&A or an interview with one or more of the lovely characters from my book. Leave any questions for me (please let it be about writing or my stories, but if you want to invade my privacy, then go ahead) or a question to any character to any of my books, or you can even question a whole cast of a book.

That's coming out in July, keep an eye on that because I'm also posting the prologue of an upcoming book there: Being The Blond Cheerleader (temporary title).

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