Chapter Thirty-Three: Last Statement

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"Last day!" George sang, practically prancing around the set as I stood still, waiting for the woman who was bent down, fixing the hem of the skirt I was wearing.

We had to finish the last few scenes before the director calls a wrap, and it looks like our producer couldn't wait any longer. When Adam was passing through him, carrying two cups of coffee, George swung his arm around his shoulder, forcing him to dance around with him.

I couldn't help but feel amused at the scene unfolding in front of me. My best friends looked extremely troubled as he tried to break free as well as concentrating on keeping his hands still so the coffee wouldn't spill.

"You're good," the woman stood up, giving me a smile before moving on to fix another cast's costume.

Adam finally evaded George's happy dance and he quickly ran to my spot. He handed me my coffee, letting out a sigh of relief, "Never let me do that again."

"I thought it was quite a funny show," I giggled, sipping the caffeine filled beverage, "He's just excited. I admit that I am too."

"Because you two are back to normal again?" he teased, poking my side. Just the simple reference to Axel made a noticeable grin come to my face. He playfully rolled his eyes as he muttered something near the word 'whipped'.

Shifting from one foot to another, I scanned the whole set, finding this place somehow precious. The way they somehow managed to create different looking rooms into one small space and how the crew never fails to make everything picture perfect when the camera starts rolling.

Show business is a complex yet beautiful thing.

I just feel like I'm going to miss this place a lot more than the other movies I've done.

"We still up for lunch later?" I questioned. We still had to plan what we will do with Kate, as well as calling all the people involved. Tomorrow is the big day and I don't want a single hair out of place so nothing should be overlooked.

Adam hummed in confirmation beside me, "We have a lot to do."

The director called us to go to out places. I handed my empty cup back to Adam who gave me a smile of good luck before sending me off.

Axel met me halfway there, grinning towards my direction. There was a mutual understanding between us, and honestly, this is the best thing we could have right now.

It's more of a beta period than anything.

"Alright, we just have a few more scenes to go," the director said, looking at his copy of the script, "Actually this is your second to the last scene."

We nodded our heads as we listened to his instructions on how act, "Axel will be at the other side of the door, you just have to act like you don't want to let him in, but in fact, you want."

"So in other words, she's denying everything inside her brain because she's too stubborn to admit it?" my co-star smirked, giving me a side glance.

I scrunched up my face and shot him a light glare, biting my lip to prevent myself into saying something.

"Precisely," the director clapped, "Get this right and I'll let you two off until the last scene which is filming later this afternoon."

He started to yell directions at the crew, calling out the people who were managing the microphones and the telling the cameramen to take their places.

"Block head," I muttered to Axel, pouting at his side comment earlier.

He wasn't the least affected by at as he chuckled and placed a hand on my head, "You know it's true."

Rolling my eyes, I went to my position before the director gets a temper. Axel went to the other side of the door, waiting for instructions.

"Ready?" the director asked, sitting on his chair. We gave him our confirmation and a crew member held up a clapperboard in front of the camera, reciting the scene and take number.

"Hey Valentine?" I heard Axel whisper at the gap found at the prop door.


"Want to join me for lunch later?" he asked.

Oh fuck, out of all the days he could have asked, he chose this particular one. Now I'm faced with another tough decision of whether I should go with Adam so we could confirm everything for tomorrow or I could have a peaceful lunch date with the beloved Hollywood's Prince.

I felt the small tap he did on the door separating us when I took too long to answer. My gaze went around the room until it fell on Adam, he raised his cup of coffee towards me when he caught me looking, giving me an encouraging smile.

He'll understand, he always does.

But this one isn't just for me, it's for breaking that witch.

Another tap and I still have yet to reply.

We heard the director yell, "Action!" and we both jolted up in surprise, an obvious indication that we got our heads floating away somewhere.

We completely forgot out lines. Axel was supposed to say something first, but he was completely silent from the other side, and even if he was able to make out a sentence, I don't know what to reply.

"Cut!" the director sighed, "I thought you were ready."

"Sorry," we both apologized. He nodded and gestured to the crew who was holding the clapperboard to do his job.

You can do this, he can do this, we can do this.

Am I even referring to the film anymore?


There was a loud slam on the other side of the door, and I knew from the script that it was Axel who collided into the door as he just finished a running sequence, "Ellie!" he yelled my character's name.

I leaned my forehead on the door, listening to his pleas, closing my eyes as I thought about sad things in order to force the tears to come out.

"I'm sorry that I let you go," I heard him choke out, "I'm sorry that I gave up, I'm sorry that I didn't fight hard enough, I'm sorry that I forced you to do something you're not ready to do."

Did they hire some fortune tellers to do this script, because I felt like my whole summer had been predicted from start?

My character was supposed to be silent until the very end of the scene, meaning, Axel will just have a little monologue on the other side.

"I heard," he made his voice softer as he said these words, "I heard from them that you were leaving."

I wanted to tell him that I was leaving Hollywood.

That was his cue to start knocking like a bezerk. I wanted to slam my hand just to make him stop, because since I was still leaning against the door, the vibrations were sending me crazy.

"Please tell me we're not over," he begged, "I need you."

"It's never going to be over," I whispered loud enough so that microphone hanging over my head could still pick it up. It was meant to be quiet so that Axel's character wouldn't be able to hear it.

"After every single shit we've been through, I still believe we can still make this work," his emotions were so raw and I felt myself tearing up for real.

"Why?" I questioned quietly, my voice directed to the small gap, making sure he could hear me.

That was when he paused his knocking. The whole set fell quiet, and I was trying to remember if this was part of the scene, because if I recalled the script correctly, he has to keep knocking until the very end.

I stole a glance towards the director who was anxiously chewing on his pencil, but he still refused to cut the filming.

What is he doing at the other side?

After a good minute, he finally spoke again and what he said next made me want to crash down onto the floor in tears. It wasn't part of the script, he wasn't supposed to say it until the very last scene, and I knew the director will go mad because this means we'll have to re-shoot this scene again.

But when he said, "Because I love you," it made freeze to my spot. My eyes widened in shock and the hand that was settled on the door fell to my side.

"What?" I tried to make him say it again, just to make sure he wasn't just screwing up on purpose. I was half-expecting him to just laugh it off and continue on with his acting, but just like what I did, he whispered through the gap, so quietly, so softly that I'm sure even the mic wouldn't pick it up in this silent room.

"I love you."

I've never been confessed sincerely before, but is this how it's supposed to go?

"Cut!" the director finally yelled, "What was happening there?"

When neither of us replied, he took a deep breath, "Let's run this again."

It took us multiple times to get it perfectly, most probably because our minds were juggling around with each other.

How could he just blurt that out the middle of filming?

When the director gave us his approval that we could go, I instantly rushed to Adam, my legs wobbling with every step.

"What just happened?" I questioned, my mouth hanging open.

"I would like to ask you that same question," he countered, his face showing that he was extremely baffled with the recent happenings.

We subtly looked at Axel who was now sat on his chair, looking frustrated with himself. I turned to Adam and gulped, "Can I skip out on lunch today?"

And that was how I ended up in a nice café at the middle of the day with Axel sitting right in front of me. We both had our beverages and food in front of us, but neither one made a move to eat or drink them. We were silent, staring at each other, weighing in who would be the first one to break the silence.

He was the one who invited me out and suddenly said that he loved me, he should be the one to talk first!

It was a Saturday afternoon, it wouldn't be too shocking to find that there were a lot of people out. I was just particularly concerned by the amount of attention we were getting. I was just happy they were subtler than the last restaurant Axel and I went to together.

"I'm sorry, it was just the heat of the moment," he finally said.

One does not simply blurt out 'I love you' because of the heat of a moment. Especially after the fight and the reconciliation we just had.

"This was our previous mistake, you know," I scoffed, "We were just circling each other, it was like we were both scared to pounce."

I hate to admit it, but it's the truth.

"And another previous mistake of mine is that I was too much of a pussy to admit it," he growled.

Language please.

He reached out for his mug and gripped it between his hands as he stared right into my eyes. Oh god, please don't say it again.

"Valentine, you know that I meant what I said," he told me, "Like what I said before, don't give me some poetic bullshit and answer me frankly."

But poetic bullshit is my specialty! It's a good way to avoid answering specific topics that I don't actually want to be part of.

"Well, I think you've figured out that I indeed like you," I coughed out awkwardly. I feel like this conversation will be a lot more compromising than I originally thought, "And I'm currently speechless with what you've just admitted."

"Why do I feel like there's a but in this?" he groaned, leaning back against his chair.

Because there is one.

"But I just don't know, I mean, we just got out of an argument," I pointed out, "Where do you want this to go?"

"Be my girlfriend," he stated, before correcting himself, "No, I'm asking you to be my girlfriend."

Say what?

My throat felt heavy as I opened my mouth to reply, but nothing came out. I don't think I like straightforward Axel very much, he's just hitting me with surprises left and right.

Boom and pow, I'm dead now.

I slightly stood from my chair and leaned to the other side of the table, pressing a kiss on his cheek, "I'm sorry."

Now am I just a complicated being?

"So it's a no?" he asked solemnly as I sat back down.

Shaking my head, I tried to show him a small smile, "More like I don't want a title."

"So we're together, but you're not my girlfriend and I'm not your boyfriend?" he tried again, and this time, I nodded.

He scrunched up his brows in confusion, trying to comprehend our state. I blew a sigh of defeat and propped my chin on top of my palm with my elbow resting on the table, "Forget it."

"So we're not together?" he gave off another conclusion.

I don't love him yet, and with me leaving for a world tour, this isn't going to be easy. One thing though, when I looked into his hopeful eyes, I couldn't turn him down, and I knew I'm going to beat myself up if I even come close to rejecting him.

You know what? Fuck it.

"I'll be your girlfriend," I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Wait, what?" he voiced out.

"I'm your girlfriend," I stated, "Got a problem with that?"

Who said we were going to have those moments where we cry, hug, kiss or whatever those movies portray. We've acted in those cheesy scenes to know that it's never going to happen.

"Why do you have the say in this?" he retorted, standing up straighter, "You're the one who made me go in circles."

"Oh so you don't want me as you girlfriend?" I lifted a brow.

"No, but I should be the one who says that you are."

"Excuse me, but I just said it," I pointed out.

Even in getting together, we're arguing. Ah, this feels like home.

"Right now, you're officially my girlfriend," he stated, "I get the final statement in this."

I gritted my teeth and shot him a glare, "You're my boyfriend now."

He nodded and I smirked. For now, I technically I have the final statement.

Realization dawned upon and he sent daggers towards my direction. He stood up and I stared at him, praying that this doesn't get too out of hand, but now that I thought of it, I started this.

He grabbed both sides of my face and smashed his lips onto me. My eyes widened, but I returned the kiss nonetheless.

My hands instinctively went to the back of his neck as I pushed his face more towards me. Finally closing my eyes, I savored this. This was the start of a new relationship and the perfect seal to this complicated thing.

He abruptly pulled away and I was rendered speechless as my mouth was wide open and I was frozen to my spot. When I noticed the amount of people who was now witnessing our spectacle with their phones and cameras in the air, a blush crept to my cheeks.

"I get the last say," Axel smirked.

Damn you Brooks!


What just happened? So umm... yeah.

I'm just kidding, so those two are together, I can't believe it, I actually made it happen, I originally thought that I would just end the story with Sophia ending up with nobody, to be honest.

Dedicated to @_losingmymind__ for the cover. Speaking of covers, what do you think of the new one?

Question: Any plans on how to sabotage Kate?

Now just go crazy in the comments. Vote while you're at it and follow. Love you guys and see you next chapter!                                                                

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