Chapter Thirty: Treacherous Witch

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Ever since I found out about Kate's little secret, I became a little more sadistic towards her. That didn't go unnoticed by my father whose calls and texts I've ignored for the past week. I wonder how relieved her felt when Adam started to play the angel and arranged a dinner between us.

Instead of opting for a public restaurant, the best way to go was in a private setting where I can uncover every little secret. The best thing we did was to order room service and squish ourselves inside their hotel room.

And that folks is how you make a very seriousness talk into a pathetic excuse for a dinner meeting.

Since there weren't enough chairs, I ended up seated on the bed with Kate by my side. I was internally smirking even though I was frustrated and tired all over.

Ah, causing misery does take my stress away.

She looked like she was on the edge, fidgeting on the spot as she tried to fork in some of her food into her mouth. I think she found out that I finally gained the information that she was desperately trying to hide.


"Sophia, do you have any idea how did it all happen?" my father questioned after he explained the situation about the wedding, the flowers, and even the gown I've decided to meddle with.

Your fiancé is a lying bitch, that's what happened.

But for now, let's play innocent, "I have no idea, they must have had a problem with their system or something."

Adam snorted while drinking his water and he started to cough loudly though I could still see that he was amused at my answer. The couple turned to him and he held up a hand to tell them to ignore him, "Just went down the wrong pipe."

I shot a small smile towards him and when they turned back to me, I reverted back to my serious expression. Dad clicked his tongue as he lifted a hand to massage his forehead to prevent an oncoming headache, "Kate wanted this wedding to happen before the end of summer."

"There's nothing that I can really do, I mean, I'm not in charge of the bridal shop," I told him as I casually twirled the pasta on my plate, "I could only do so much with my influence."

You know, like ruin a wedding in one snap.

"How about just have the wedding back in England?" I suggested, my gaze passing right by him and meeting Adam's. He froze on his seat, midway from biting his food to stare at me, silently asking if this was alright.

It was a risky roll since to have it at England means that everything might go downhill, but it would be much easier to kick Kate back to wherever she came from when we do it at the country where she belongs.

Besides, I've been playing a weird game of Russian roulette lately, what else do I have to lose?

"I'll talk to the girls at the bridal shop, and I'm sure everything can be done smoothly," I tried to reason out with them, nonchalantly drinking from my straw, "A reschedule will be no problem for them."

Kate looked troubled as I finally noticed her hands shaking with her eyes shifting all around the room, avoiding any eye contact from any of us. I resisted a smirk as I moved away my plate, standing up I walked around as we all fell silent. I was

If she's good at reading body language, she should have noticed already that I was pissed beyond belief and I crave for revenge.

My hand landed on her laptop that sat on the desk, I turned to Kate and gave her an innocent smile that was obviously fake, making sure my hair shielded my father's view of my expression, "Mind if I borrow?"

She gulped audibly, shaking her head furiously, "You can't!"

"And why not?" I questioned, making my tone come out as if I was offended, "I just want to look at the bridal shop's website."

"Just let her, Kate," dad assured his fiancé, "Sophia wouldn't do anything wrong."

"It's..." she trailed off, wracking her brain for an excuse, "It's broken."

"But Adam just got it repaired last week, didn't he?" I lifted a brow, my joy increasing when she started fidgeting on her spot. Darling, you make a horrible antagonist if you can't even act calm at a situation like this.

"I accidentally spilled water on it earlier," she tried to reason out.

"Then I'll get it repaired," I offered, my voice leveled, "Think of it as my gift."

She doesn't know how to work around the situation, you have to steer clear of any possible turn out that will flaw your plan. It's a mistake that I did, but this time, I'm not doing it anymore. We all learnt our lesson the hard way.

"That's a nice gesture, Sophia," dad praised, standing up to sit beside Kate, "Isn't that great, honey?"

I could almost barf at the term of endearment. Kate was frozen on her spot as I clutched the device in my hand. I gave it to Adam for safe keeping as I occupied the chair that my dad was previously seating on.

"So dad, you know that I just didn't come here for shits and giggles," I breathed out and he shot me a reprimanding look for my language.

I turned to Adam and he nodded his head. He pushed himself up from his seat and gestured to Kate, "Do you want to go to the downstairs café?"

With just those words, the couple knew instantly that this was a serious business. I didn't want Kate hearing any of it, because she will change her drive if she knew. Also, this is something meant only for my father to hear.

Dad quickly got the message and she whispered something to Kate for her to stand up and exit the room, following Adam's steps. When I heard the door click shut, I turned to him, my fingers laced on top of my lap.

"I'm quitting, dad," I said to him, looking out the window for dramatic effects.

I heard a smashing sound and when I turned to him, I saw that the mug he was sipping from was now broken on the floor, the liquid contents was now staining the nearby carpets that got a few drops from the sudden crash.

"You're what?" he gasped, his eyes wide in surprise.

"I was just joking," I suddenly stood up, grabbing a napkin and I handed it to him, "You must know that I love my job too much to do that."

"You haven't been the easiest to read nowadays," he mentioned, wiping off the stain on his white shirt, "But tell me what's the real problem here."

Leaning against the wall, I let out a loud sigh, this isn't going to be easy, "Half of my statement was true."

He stared at me, trying to comprehend whatever I'm saying, but with the look he had on, I could almost hear the gears in his head working up to catch up with my thoughts.

Alright, let's break this down slowly.

"So after everything that has happened this summer, I've decided to take a break," I explained slowly, "It's not a break from my job or anything, it's more like a break from Hollywood."

He shook his head as he still couldn't understand what I was trying to convey, "But Hollywood is your job."

I shot him a bitter smile as I crossed my arms over my chest, "Hollywood is the reason why I can't do what my job really is. I came here to sing, and acting came along the way, but this place, it's more like I'm a goldfish with the world watching me as I swim around in my fishbowl."

I may have reached the point in my career where I no longer had to stretch my limit to get recognized. I was already there, I have nothing else to prove, but this place make it seem like my personal life is more important than what I'm actually doing onstage. I'm a performer, not a pet.

Besides, this place contains so much drama and idiocy, I could practically feel my brain cells dying down the more I try to walk around.

"I'm going to stop with the acting and the random concerts at the famous stages in this town," I told him, shifting from one foot to another, "And plan to move back to England for a couple of months."

"I'm not going to pressure you into anything, pumpkin, but you're at the height of your career, are you sure you would like to do this?"

Tilting my head to the side, I scrunched my face in disgust at the nickname, "It's Heart, not pumpkin."

His expression morphed into one of frustration as he lifted a finger to stop me from talking, "I don't care if you're Sophia or Heart or whatever, you're still my daughter."

"I don't recall being your daughter means that I'm suddenly a vegetable," I deadpanned, showing him a tight lipped smile after.

He ran a hand through his hair, deciding that I was a hopeless case. Well, it's a good thing he hasn't given up on me yet... I think.

"Some guy told me that it's nice to perform for others, but sometimes, it's alright to be selfish and perform for myself," I stated, finding my spot on the bed next to him.

The same guy that's probably having a cup of tea with a woman I'm so near to destroying. All I know is one thing, that guy hasn't given up on me yet, and I'm glad he hadn't yet, because if I were him, I would have put up the white flag a long time ago.

"Nothing's final yet," I held back another sigh from escaping my lips, "I still have a meeting with my label tomorrow, they're nothing near the word pleased right now."

"I wouldn't be if I was in their position," he mumbled under his breath, but due to the deafening silence inside the room, I was able to hear it.

My head snapped towards his direction and gave him an aggravated look. As if he was reading my mind, he lifted a hand and nestle it on top of my head, a gesture I used to be so familiar with. It was like a switch when I was young, once my father pats my head, it means that nothing was wrong. If I thought he was mad, the action will assure me that he wasn't, when my mother was leaving, he gave me the same pat.

It was assurance, and I missed it.

"But I'm not them," he muttered gently, "And I have never stopped you from doing any decisions with your career, this is yours, not mine."

When was this old man of mine all this time? It seems like I got the wrong person at the start of summer, but the person I'm facing right now, he's the one who comforted me so many times.

Reaching for my purse, I fished out two tickets and handed them to him, "Friday, I'll send a cab for you two."

I subtly shot a text to Adam, signaling him that it was alright to return the treacherous witch back into the room.

"Now when did my little pumpkin started to grow up?" he questioned, though I could see it was a little lighthearted.

"She still have a lot more growing to do before she gets picked up from the patch," I laughed, standing up as I walked to the door, "See you, dad."

He nodded as a form of goodbye and I exited the room. Leaning back against the wall, I waited patiently for Adam as I stared at the wooden door of the hotel room. There was something different in our interaction, a good different.

When I caught sight of my best friend as he marched up right behind Kate, I sent him a smile as I walked towards him. Kate entered the room as I found myself into Adam's side.

"I assume it went well?" he grinned at the fact I didn't look like I wasn't planning a murder inside my head.

"Extremely well," I confirmed, heading to the elevator with him, "Now let's head home because I have a very scary meeting tomorrow."

"You can't sleep yet," he protested, pressing the button of our floor, "You promised that we're going to look up our potential flat if you decide to move back to England."

"Are you excited to have a girl as your flat mate?" I teased, poking his cheek.

He locked me in his arms and started to tickle me. I laughed at this and as I begged for him to stop, he just added more force to his attack.

Since the rejection, I could calmly joke with Adam like this. There's nothing more to think about, because now we both know our relationship is purely friendship. Getting a place with him was no longer embarrassing, besides, we've been living in the same house for the past few months, what else would be new?

That's if I move back to England.


Well, I'm back and this time, I'll stay for a long time since I'm freaking done with high school. It feels so damn good! Graduation is in two weeks and all I want to do is leave that hell hole. I'm going to earn all of you guys back, because most of you left, but I'm glad a lot stayed.

I planned to upload this on Saturday, but I guess I've tortured you enough with the wait.

So secret's out, and that's what our dear Sophia has been planning. This chapter is more on her relationship progress with her father.

Question: How will the meeting go with her label?

I hope I can keep up with regular updates, but for now, I hope you enjoyed! I love you guys and I hope you vote, comment and hit me a follow.

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