Chapter Three: Roast Beef

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“This is huge!” Adam exclaimed as he eyed the big portions of food in front of him.

I laughed at his reaction to this. Compared to the food in England, America really does serve a larger amount of food.

“Just eat up so we can go pick up my dad and that bitch,” I sighed, swirling my straw inside my cup.

His fork stop midair and he placed it back down safely on his plate, “Kate isn’t that bad, you know.”

“I hate her,” I deadpanned, “She just wants my father for his money.”

“Your dad really does love her,” he said.

“Which side are you taking here?”

“Fine,” he finally let out, continuing to eat his lunch.

Adam had known Kate since the day my father started dating her. My dad treated Adam like his own son and Adam sees my dad like his own ever since his father passed away years ago. The hurtful part is, he never once mentioned the relationship before. I’m sure my father somehow convinced my best friend to keep his lips sealed.

After Adam finished his meal and proclaiming that he was so full that he was going to explode, I asked for our check.

“How much is my food?” He asked as he started to fish his pockets for his wallet.

“I got this,” I told him as I grabbed some bills from my purse. He started to protest but I gave him a reassuring smile, “My country, my treat.”

Before he could argue with more, I handed the money to the waiter and grabbed my purse before standing up, “Come on, let’s head to the hotel.”

We both got into my car with Adam almost climbing up to the driver’s seat. He was so used to the other side of the road.

“How did you ever get used to living here?” he asked as he gazed out of the window, admiring the little things we passed by.

“I sort of had to,” I told him truthfully, “I knew that this was going to be my new home.”

“Do you miss England?” he questioned.

Without a second of hesitation, I answered, “Yeah.”

My move to America was the hardest thing that I have done for the sake of my career. There wasn’t much difference but I felt so out of place. People were driving at the other side of the road, it was melting hot here and they used different words from us

When we got to the hotel, we were instantly greeted by the employees. I gave my keys to valet parking and we headed to the lobby.

I went to the front desk to ask what room my father was in.

“Could you please tell me which room Robert Valentine is staying in?”

She looked up at me and I could see surprise written all over her face.

“Certainly, Miss Valentine,” she started tapping on her computer and I waited patiently for her to tell me their room number.

When we finally know which room, we headed to the elevator and pressed the floor. Unfortunately, there were two girls in the elevator who looked at me as they were jumping enthusiastically.

“Can we please take a picture?” they asked, showing us their digital camera. I nodded and they grinned and it was quite obvious that they were holding back a squeal.

“I’ll take it,” Adam offered and the girl gratefully gave him their camera before sandwiching me between them.

After giving them whatever they wanted – a picture and an autograph – it was just in time as we reached our floor. They said their goodbyes and we got out.

“They may be shagging in there,” Adam joked when we reached the front of the door. I scrunched my face in disgust before knocking three times.

After hearing a few clicks, my father opened the door and he looked like he was already dressed. I’ve called him ahead of time and I specifically told them that I wasn’t waiting for at least a second.

I’m a horrible daughter but I’m still mad at him. At least I’m the one paying for their hotel room.

“We’re heading around town then we’ll be having dinner at my house along with mom,” I informed them when we were back into my car.

My dad stiffened at this, “Your mother?”

“Yeah,” I nodded, “I’m guessing you haven’t told her yet.”

I took his silence as a confirmation to my theory and I gripped the steering wheel tighter than I should. It was none of my business but I was like the deal maker of their broken marriage. I’m living proof that they once loved each other and I think my mother has a little right to know.

So I showed them around LA, from Hollywood’s Walk of Fame to the Grove. I’ve given them some information about the various landmarks and told them the best restaurants in town. Knowing Adam, he’ll just eat his way through his vacation.

Soon enough, the sun was setting and we were making our way back to my house. Mom and I always agree to eat together on a Friday night, I made sure my schedule was always clear for that. I guess this Friday will be the day which she may break down into heartbroken tears or the time where she’ll finally forget about my dad.

My mom is still obviously in love with my father even after all these years. She would still fondly tell me stories on how they fell in love when dad was visiting from England and they had to elope because my grandfather hated dad.

When I saw my mother’s silver car parked at my house, I knew she was already here. I gave mom a spare key to my house so she could let herself in anytime she wants.

Parking my car behind hers, I cut off the engine. Kate was looking out of the car window, deep in thoughts. This is going to be huge, the ex-wife is going to meet the new soon-to-be bride.

“I’m kind of waiting for a bitch fight,” Adam mused as he fell into step beside me.

I gave him a dry look which obviously shut him up. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, calling my mom.

“Mom, I’m home!”

I heard her shoes coming our way. My three guests all held their breaths as we all waited for my beautiful mother to emerge.

“Just in time, honey, I have some roast beef cooking in-” her sentence was cut off short when she took the sight of my father and his arm around his fiancé’s waist. Her eyes trailed off from his arm to the ring resting on Kate’s finger. A pained look overcame her peaceful face.

I looked down to the ground until a hand enveloped mine. It was Adam’s, I knew it immediately from the warmth it gave off, “Don’t worry,” he whispered soothingly to my ear. Totally out of the situation, I felt my heart pound because of his close proximity. You would’ve thought that being his best friend would make me comfortable being near him but I have my limits due to this crush.

Before I die of a heart attack, he let go of my hand and ran to my mother, “Aunt May!”

Finally, my mother’s eyes tore away from the couple standing behind me and gave my best friend a welcoming smile.

“Adam,” she laughed as she crushed Adam in a hug, swaying him from side to side, “Look at how much you’ve grown.”

She then started the usual awkward conversation a parent has with their child’s friend. To tell you the truth, I found it extremely adorable on how red Adam looks as my mom recalled all the embarrassing situations she remembers of him.

I turned my attention away from my mom and best friend to the happy couple.

“I think you don’t have to say it, looks like she found out herself,” I said to them bitterly.

“Sophia,” he started out slowly, “You have every right to be mad at me but I beg you to at least give Kate a chance,” he pleaded, pulling Kate closer to him.

I eyed the woman who was observing me closely with her brown eyes. She was like observing if I was going to blow up any second.

“No promises.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. My statement was obviously saying that I was giving her a chance but there would be no way would I be completely happy with her.

“I even remember when you pooped your pants back when you came over to play with Sophia,” my mom continued on.

“Aunt May!” Adam whined, covering his face in embarrassment, and that’s when I finally broke into laughter.

“How about we go and set the table up, mom,” I told her, saving my best friend from further humiliation.

“Oh right,” she clapped her hands together, “I’ll have to take the beef out of the oven,” she spun on her heel and made her way back to the kitchen.

“Thanks by the way,” I smiled at Adam, “You distracted her.”

“I love your mom,” he said truthfully, “It pained me to see her sad as much as it did to you.”

“And I still can’t forget the time you pooped your pants when we were kids,” I giggled and his red face was back.

“I was four!” he yelled in exasperation.

This made me laugh harder, “Why don’t you usher dad and Kate to the dining room while I help my mom.”

He grumbled a few words under his breath as he walked to where my dad and Kate were standing while I went to the direction my mother disappeared to.

“Need help?” I offered and she pointed a wooden spoon to the pot sitting on the stove where potato salad were mixed in.

“You didn’t even say hi to dad,” I pointed out as I transferred her famous potato salad into a bowl.

“I would first like to know who that girl was,” she snorted, cutting up a tomato with more force than necessary.

“I think I should handle the knife work before you do something you’ll regret,” I stated cautiously, prying the knife out of her grasp.

“Who is she anyway?” she asked.

“Her name’s Kate and I guess it’s pretty obvious what’s their relationship status,” I told her, cutting up the tomato and mixing it with the green salad she prepared.

“I guess he’s happy with her,” she sighed sadly and it literally broke my heart. I wrapped a comforting arm around her and leant my head on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry, mom,” I comforted, “Keep your head held up high.”

She nodded and when I let go of her, she stood up and grabbed the bowls of food, “I guess we have to feed those hungry Brits.”

I smiled and helped her transfer all of the food to the dining table where our three guests were already seated.

“Oh boy, I’m starving,” Adam grinned as he scooped a huge amount of potato salad onto his plate then some slices of roast beef.

“Manners,” I scolded and before I could take my seat, we all heard the door bell rang.

“I’ll get it,” I told them, turning on my heel and headed to the front door. A figure could be seen through the translucent door and I unlocked it before swinging it open.

“Brooks?” I gaped in surprise at the guy standing right before me.


I meant for this to be uploaded yesterday but wattpad won't let me!

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