Epilogue: Shut Up and Kiss Me

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There were many things that grabbed people's attention.

Cute animals, the flashing lights of a camera, the way a single shot in the sky can explode into a colorful display of fireworks.

Or probably, the most hyped thing right now – me.

Standing on the red carpet had been something I've become accustomed of. The many photographers kept yelling poses for me to do, and I happily complied, giving them different angles to take so their bosses would be happy with whatever they'll bring back that's saved in that little memory card.

As I tried to pass by, reporters kept halting my steps, asking for an interview. Like always, I would just smile and nod, preparing myself for one of those generic question and answers they always do.

"Are you single?" one of the many interviewers asked.

My lips curved into a little smirk at the question. This could have been the third time I've been asked that sentence for this night, and like all the others ones, I replied a quick, "No."

There was a slight sigh of disappointment from the man holding up the microphone as he nodded, asking me a few more inquiries, before bidding me goodbye so I could go on my merry way.

Don't worry, boy, my job may be a professional liar, but that's one of the few things I actually told the truth about.

Flipping away the annoying blonde fringe that insisted on falling to cover my eyes, I looked up the large steps that would lead me into the building.

Another night, another event.

There was this man who offered to help me climb up the steps, and according to his uniform and tired expression, it was obvious he had walked up to every dateless woman who turned up to help them climb up the stairs.

"Thank you," I replied graciously, looping my arm around his as I used my free hand to lift up my dress so I wouldn't trip on it.

As I reached the top, I thanked him once again as I watched him go down the stairs and ask the next girl who appeared on the bottom.

I silently wished the man good luck, before turning around and entering the building.

It was filled with the brightest stars in Hollywood, ranging from the multi-awarded actors to the platinum-selling recording artists.

It's an annual thing, yet people keep getting excited about it.

One of my past co-stars saw me and she weaved through the crowd to reach me, "Darling, long time no see."

"Yeah," I said, nodding in acknowledgement, "Have you seen the crowd out there? You couldn't get two steps without someone yelling your name."

She hummed as she walked beside as we made our way to the main venue, "Though I think they're doing that because they see you."

"You're too kind," I laughed, my tone implying that I was thankful for the compliment, "I'm just mediocre compared to this crowd."

She shook her finger at my statement and tsked, "You're quite forgetting who you are, you're considered Hollywood royalty right now."

I wanted to cringe at the title, but my parents insisted that I should be proud of it. It's not that I wasn't, but the weight I needed to carry and the expectations that arose from it gave me the chills.

I mean, most people at my age should just be enjoying life or wondering about if they have a good future after school, not worrying if they're going to trip in front of a hundred people, only to be broadcasted to a million more.

"I've only known you for a short time, but from what I've seen, you're handling things pretty darn well," she smiled, before gesturing to the large double doors that were wide open, ushers waiting to greet people and show them to their seats.

"You're opening, correct?" she asked and I nodded. She gave me a light hug, before saying goodbye and turning to enter the venue.

Shuffling on my feet, I walked to the other hallway where there were two large men acting as the security. When they saw me, they instantly stepped aside and let me through. My eyes scanned the long line of white doors, before I found the one that had my name taped on it.

It was like the ordinary dressing room setup. A small bowl of snacks sat on the coffee table with a few cushioned chairs around it. My performance outfit hung on the side, ready to be worn, and an array of makeup rested on the dresser.

Tilting my head to the side, I examined my surroundings, before the door behind me clicked open.

My mother poked her head inside and when she saw that it was only me inside the room, she grinned before allowing herself in.

You could say that I was a bit jealous of her. With all the poise and grace of a proper lady, she waltzed in with her long gown sticking to her figure.

You wouldn't even think she was a day over forty.

"Nervous?" she asked the obvious, sitting down on one of the cushioned seats.

I nodded my head, before plopping down on the chair in front of the huge mirror propped on top of the dresser, "How could I not be?"

The Grammy's is a big thing. To perform as the opening act just makes me want to throw up due to the nerves I was feeling.

"Calm down, you're going to be amazing," she cheered, looking at the snack bowl to see if she can scarf anything down.

Of course she would say that, to her, this is child's play.

"Well, not everyone could be as good as you or dad," I muttered under my breath.

Her expression fell and as she was about to say something else, the door swung open once again to reveal my father.

"There are my girls!" he smiled, walking to join mom on the loveseat, "Now how's my daughter? Ready for the show?"

I groaned, covering my hands with my face. Before they came, I was just dandy, and now they're here, I could just feel the extra pressure.

"She's nervous," mom whispered to dad.

I'm right here!

"It's because I'm no Heart Valentine or Axel Brooks," I huffed, referring to the two people everyone started to acknowledge as legends. Those two had made a name for themselves, touching almost every artistry in this town, and even excelling in all of them.

Singing, acting, modelling, anything really. Name it, they got it covered.

And those are the same two stars who gave birth to little ol' me.

Everyone was actually intrigued by me when I was born – well, according to my parents. Maybe it was because they did a very good job of hiding me from the public eye for most of my childhood as they claimed that they wanted me to experience the normal things.

But alas, that couldn't keep up forever. At some point, I appeared in one of the movies they both starred in, and that was when people apparently saw the potential.

When I was freaking out because everything was moving too fast, these two had the audacity to step back. I mean, they were there when I needed advice, but they just left me to my own devices.

"Well that's because we wanted you to learn things through experience," mom said as if she read my mind.

Wait a minute, "I said that out loud, didn't I?"

"You really are like your mother," dad chuckled.

I pouted at this, and when they saw my expression, they shared a look, as if they were communicating without saying anything, before turning back to me.

"You remember your godfather, Adam?" she inquired.

"Of course," I answered in a heartbeat. I loved that guy to pieces, he always visited and he was always ready to pull me away from the crowd. He even has two sons, one who was just about my age and another one who just started preschool.

From the stories my mom used to tell, I found out that at some point in her life, she was in love with him, but he, himself, was the one who gave her the push to be together with my dad.

Thinking about it, their story must have been quite a fun ride.

"There was a time that I wanted to quit my career," she told me, "All the pressure of Hollywood was dawning upon me, and I really felt the weight. What's worse, it was the time your father and I had this huge argument."

Dad chuckled, finally recalling the memory, as he allowed his wife to continue, "But he reminded me that this is a place where I have grown to become who I am. Without the pressure thrown towards me, I would have never pushed myself harder, and I wouldn't be where I am today."

"I love Hollywood, and you know me, England is my home, but this is home as well," she smiled, "I have experienced the toughest and emotionally breaking adventures here, and it's going to be a pleasure for me to see my own girl finding out who she really is in the same town that I did."

My lips pressed into a thin line as I looked at my dad, waiting for his own words of encouragement. He saw my expecting gaze and he sighed, pushing himself up so he could sit straighter, he laced his fingers together before speaking, "My only piece of advice is to never give up. Someone out there would not like you, but if you give it your best, that person may just be the one sticking up to every step you take."

My mom glanced lovingly to dad, sending him a silent message. Sometimes, I could gag by how sweet these two are.

At the same time, I envied their relationship. They had these childish banters as if they never grew up from the first stages of their relationship. They also have their serious fights, but before the end of the day, they'll be hugging their troubles away.

"You may not be Heart Valentine or Axel Brooks," mom stated, "But you're twice as good as those two, and we're very proud of you."

"You're both a Valentine and a Brooks," dad muttered, "So knock on 'em dead, kid. We'll be right out there watching you."

I finally smiled, standing up I nodded enthusiastically, before running to the bathroom to start prepping myself up. As I slowly closed the door behind me, I eavesdropped to the last parts of their conversation.

"Who knew you could say words like that?" mom giggled.

"Shut it, Valentine," he grumbled.

"Twenty years married and you still call me that."

"It would be weird if I said Brooks, it's like I'm referring to myself."

She lifted her brow, before smiling, "Then how about saying 'shut up and kiss me' instead?"

He nodded and smirked, "I'd like that."

Before they could even move closer, I shut the door to leave them to their own private moment. I think we've already heard too much of their story.


If you're still confused, this was written from Axel and Sophia's child's POV. There's probably a bunch of mistakes up there, but I'll fix them when I've had my sleep. You guys kept throwing ideas like, children, marriage, future career, so I just bunched them all together and created this.

I can't believe it, we have reached the epilogue. Can you hear me screaming in the distance?!

If you're asking, I will not create a sequel, as I've repeated a few times already, because I'm horrible at making sequels, and I don't really want to force myself to make one.

I love you guys so much! Thank you for sticking up with me until this very end, and we only have the bonus chapter left, before I list this as Completed! 

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