Chapter2: The blood fiend.

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I decided to release the second chapter today as well I hope you also enjoy it. If you did drop a vote id appreciate it. Also check out MrSkywalker69  he's making a chainsaw man fanfic as well if it weren't for him this story wouldn't exist. Make sure to vote and follow if you really do enjoy his stuff we'd both appreciate it.

Two brown eyes opened groggily and Y/n found himself lying on a brown leather sofa that was up against a wall. He took a look and realized he was at home.

Sitting up from his sleeping position he rubbed his eyes with his arm confused how he got home. His question was answered when he saw makima sitting at a coffee table reading a book, she had her right leg crossed over her left.

Y/n: Uh miss makima?

Makima looked up at him and smiled before setting her book down and leaning her cheek on her fist.

Makima: I'm glad to see you've woken up. After your fight with the chimera devil I brought you home and tended to your injuries.

Y/n looked down at himself and found himself completely healed with no scratch or scar on him making a look of awe cross his face.

Y/n: That's awesome! But how'd you do that?

Makima chuckled when Y/n gave her a look of amazement before tilting his head like a dog.

Makima: I had help from a devil.

Y/n: Whoa. .so why didn't you leave after I was healed?

Makima: I wanted to make sure you were completely well. And now that I have seen that I will now be leaving.

Makima stood up and grabbed a black duster and put it on as she headed for the door. Y/n watched her go with a slight conflicted expression on his face.

Just as Makima opened the door and was stepping out Y/n stood up.

Y/n: Wait.

Makima looked over her shoulder at Y/n who was sheepishly standing there while rubbing his shoulder with his hand.

Makima: What do you need?

Y/n: You uh, said I could join public safety if I changed my mind right?

Makima: That's correct. Are you taking up my offer?

Y/n: . . .Yeah, I don't want more people dying like my grandpa if I can help it.

Makima: Grab the stuff you need, you won't be living here anymore. It's too far from public safety and would take too long for you to respond to devil attacks.

Y/n furrowed his brows but nodded and went to his bedroom grabbing his school bag and putting the stuff he needed alongside a few things of sentimental value.

After a few minutes of packing Y/n came out with his school bag in his hands.

Y/n: Alright I'm all ready.

Makima hummed and nodded her head before aiming her hand at him and making a gesture telling him to follow her.

Y/n followed makima outside and she got in the backseat of a parked car and left the door open and Y/n got in as well closing the door.

After putting on his seatbelt the car started to pull out of the driveway.

As he sat next to Makima who was looking out the window Y/n felt like there was something off about her.

Makima: Y/n, I hope you realize the death rate for being a public safety officer is higher than any other job.

Y/n: I know Miss makima.

Makima: That's good.

Y/n: So am I going to be your partner?

Makima chuckled softly and shook her head slightly as Y/n watched her curiously.

Makima: No, no, you'll be with someone else. All his other partners end up dead. I hope for you to change that.

Y/n: What's his name?

Makima: Aki Hayakawa, you'll be living with him as well.

Y/n: I am? Does he know?

Makima: Not yet, but I'm sure when I inform him of the news he'll understand.

Y/n nodded his head and looked out his window watching the scenery change as the car kept moving.

Timeskip. . .

Y/n stood in an office and makima sat at a desk that was up against a wall facing him with a smile.

Makima: I had a feeling you were going to join us so I went out of my way to get you some clothes for your new occupation as a public safety officer.

Y/n: Oh is it one of those reinforced suits?

Makima: Not quite.

Y/n itched his cheek as Makima reached into a drawer in her desk and pulled it open before grabbing a set of folded clothes. She pulled them out and set them on the top of her desk.

Y/n: Eh? A school uniform?

Makima: Since you are still in school I figured you'd be more comfortable in that type of clothing. Just like normal public safety it is reinforced to protect you more during devil attacks. Go on, take them and put them on.

Y/n picked up the clothes and looked at Makima who had turned around so she was facing the wall. He took his shirt and pants off before putting his new clothing on.

After a minute Y/n looked down at himself in the reflection of a window and smiled since he thought he looked nice.

His new attire was a black long sleeved shirt with a red colored hood around the collar, and red wrist cuffs. Black slacks and red shoes.

Y/n: Wow, they actually feel pretty good. Better than my normal school clothes actually. .

Makima turned around facing the wall and looked at him, examining him up and down.

Makima: You look great.

Y/n: Thanks I thought so too. So uh now what?

Makima: I suppose you and Hayakawa should meet. I will call him here.

Y/n: Alright I'll wait here.

Makima stood up from her desk and left the room as he Y/n walked up to one of the windows and looked out of them with a smile.

Y/n: As a devil hunter, I'll finally be able to do some good. I hope you're watching grandpa because I'll make you proud!

A few minutes would pass and the door would open and makima entered alongside someone else.

He was dressed in the usual public safety shirt consisting of a black business suit with a white dress shirt that has a black tie. He wore black slacks and brown shoes. His skin has a palish complexion and he has blue eyes with black hair tied into a knot on the top of his head.

Makima: Aki this is Y/n, he'll be your new partner.

Aki just looked at Y/n unimpressed who just looked back at him waiting for him to speak

Aki: He's just a kid.

Makima: Indeed, but he is stronger than he looks. He's the one who dispatched of the chimera devil yesterday.

Aki looked at Makima and then back at Y/n who raised his hand in greeting.

Y/n: Hi there I'm Y/n itadori, but you. . .knew that already hehe.

A sigh came from Aki who extended his hand towards Y/n who firmly grasped it and shook with an excited grin on his face.

Aki: I'm Aki Hayakawa, nice to meet you. I've heard good things about you from makima. I will hold you to her statements.

Y/n: Alright! I'll make sure not to disappoint you!

Makima: I'm glad to see you two getting along. Now then I have an assignment for you two.

Aki: We're on it.

Y/n: What is it?

Makima: Eager, good. There's been whispers about the blood devil being nearby in a wooded area beside a graveyard. .looks like she's looking for a body to inhabit.

Y/n: For a body? What's that mean?

Aki: Do you seriously not know? Devils can possess human corpses and become fiends. They look just like the body they took over just with a few added traits from their original body.

A look of realization crossed Y/n who smacked his fist into his palm as a grin formed.

Y/n: Oh so it's like that American movie the exorcist right? With the demon possessing that girl?

Makima: Precisely Y/n. And it's your job to find her and bring her back here.

Aki: You can count on us.

Makima: I'll station you two near the graveyard. It may be a minute for the two to find her since she only comes out at night from what I heard.

Y/n: So we can just wait until night to head there?

Makima: You could but I believe it would be better to be there by the time the sun starts to set.

Aki: Alright, Y/n let's go.

Y/n: What we're leaving already it's only the afternoon.

Aki: We're going to get-

Makima: I almost forgot to mention it may take a few nights for her to show herself. So I suggest getting a tent and sleeping bags.

Aki: Thank you for the information, now come on Y/n.

Y/n groaned softly and his shoulders sagged, getting a slight giggle from makima as the pink haired teen followed the older experienced devil hunter out.

A few minutes later Y/n could be seen walking with Aki with his hand shoved into his pockets. The older top knot pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth before lighting it.

Y/n: So. . . .

Aki: So?

Y/n: Uh. .I was told you had multiple partners. . .

Aki just gave Y/n a look and the teenager blinked and rubbed his arm.

Y/n: Sorry. . .that was insensitive of me. . .

Aki: They died because they were weak. . They were afraid and it cost them their lives. . . hopefully for your own good you aren't.

Y/n: Hey! That's not fair! Blaming others for being afraid! They're devils and fear is a natural response to that.

Aki paused and looked at Y/n blankly who was scowling at him.

Aki: Then they shouldn't have become a public safety officer if they wanted to do some good they could have become a police officer or a firefighter. At the very least they wouldn't have gotten themselves killed by their own idiocy.

A cough erupted from Aki's stomach when he was punched in the stomach by an upset Y/n. The older devil hunter grunted and stumbled backwards as Y/n pulled his fist back.

Y/n: They were your partners! How could you be so heartless!?

Aki glared at Y/n who was readying himself for a fight.

Aki: You don't understand even half of it! So keep your nosy ass out of people's business!

Y/n could see that under that cold shell that he had around himself that Aki did care. He looked away from Aki who scoffed and took a puff from his cigarette.

The two of them walked in silence as they made it to a graveyard that was decently big with a large wooded area behind it.

Aki: You stay here, I'll be back with supplies.

Y/n nodded sitting on the grassy ground staring off ahead into the woods as Aki strolled off.

Y/n: Dammit. . .I messed up. . .

Timeskip. . .

The sun was starting to set and Y/n was helping Aki set up a tent that was big enough for two people. They secured it with a rope and a few metal rods.

After they were finished Aki sat down on the ground next to Y/n gazing at the woods just like his partner.

Aki: Thanks for the help. . .here.

Y/n looked at Aki who was holding out an item wrapped in Aluminum foil. Unwrapping it he saw a baked potato covered in various toppings.

Y/n: You bought this for me? Thank you. . .

Aki: It's no problem. . . . Maybe I was a little rude about the deaths of my previous partners. . .

Y/n: A Little, more of like being a total ass about it.

Aki: Yeah. . . anyway people drop like flies in public safety my partner's were no different. . .they were good people. . .but their fear was their downfall. . .I did care about them but once you lose so many partner's you just. . . become indifferent.

Y/n: I understand. . I'm sorry for being nosy and hitting you.

Aki: It's fine. .let's just get this mission over with. If you see the blood devil just let me know and I'll do the same if I find her.

Y/n: Yes sir!

Aki nodded and he stood up before wandering through the graveyard in search of any sign of the blood devil as Y/n just kept focusing on the woods.

Soon the sun was completely down and it was almost pitch black outside if not for a few lanterns that were lit.

Y/n was in his back sleeping next to a lantern illuminating his frame. Aki was standing up beside him smoking a cigarette which was hanging out his mouth.

Aki: He could barely stay up past eleven.

The top knot blew a puff of smoke out his lips and sat down next to Y/n who was snoring.

After a while of nothing happening Aki flicked his cigarette off over the iron fence of the graveyard and retired into the confines of the tent. He laid down on his side and closed his eyes before shortly passing out.

Around the middle of the night Y/n woke up feeling the need to use the restroom. Opening his eyes he sat up groggily rubbing his eyes. He looked at the tent and saw Aki sleeping in it in his sleeping bag.

A deadpan crossed Y/n's face at being left outside and unzipped his bag before standing up. He nearly tripped over a grave stone and groggily made his way out the graveyard. After relieving himself in some random alleyway nearby he was making his way back to his sleeping bag.

The sound of something being munched in caught his attention. It was coming from the woods and Y/n looked at the many trees.

Within barely visible clad in a shroud of darkness was a girl his age with blonde hair and red horns completely naked with blood covered hands. Her skin was dirty and light skinned. She was crouched down in some shrubbery devouring the limp corpse of a wild hare.

It took a moment for Y/n's brain to register and the girl took notice of Y/n and bared her teeth at him before running off into the woods disappearing into the night

Y/n: . . . Better tell Aki. .

"I already saw her"

A yelp left Y/n's mouth and he spun around finding Aki who was stepping out from within the tent. His hair tie was gone, letting his hair fall past his cheeks in a disheveled manner.

Aki: She would have seen us regardless, we were too far away. She would have escaped anyway; it's why I only watched from the tent.

Y/n: Oh. But weren't we supposed to stop her from becoming a fiend?

Aki: Are you blind? She already is a fiend.

Y/n: Whoops my bad, i forgot.

Aki rolled his eyes with a sigh while putting his hair back up in its usual manner with his hair tie.

Aki: Whatever, just stay on guard in case she comes back. Give me a second I gotta grab my sword from the tent.

Y/n: Alright I'll be here.

Aki walked towards the tent and Y/n looked into the woods once more and saw a pair of reddish orange eyes staring at him.

Almost in the blink of an eye the blood devil fiend started to run further into the woods making Y/n start to run after her getting Aki to turn around.

Aki: Hey what are you doing?!

Y/n: I'm running after her!

Aki cursed and quickly grabbed his sword from the tent and ran after Y/n.

The pink haired teenage public safety officer ran deeper into the woods after the blood fiend. Aki eventually lost sight of him and was now walking around while shouting Y/n's name.

Y/n slowed to a stop after the blood fiend stopped running away. She turned around and faced him letting Y/n see her bright red horns and strawberry blonde hair, her eyes were a reddish orange and she had razor sharp teeth that glinted in the moonlight.

Blood fiend: Stop following me you filthy animal!

Y/n: Stop running!

After a few seconds the blood fiend suddenly ran to the right disappearing into some shrubble. Y/n sighed as he lost sight of her.

A whistling reached him and he was tackled to the ground by the blood fiend who had her blood stained mouth dripping with saliva which fell onto his face. Y/n had his hands on her head pushing her back keeping her from taking a bite out of him

Blood fiend: Foul human!

Y/n: H-Hey I'm not trying to kill you!

Blood fiend: Liar!

Y/n: I promise! I just want to talk!

A cut opened on the blood fiends wrist making blood spurt out constructing itself into a pointed spear that tries to pierce Y/n's head if not for him moving his head so it only cuts his cheek.

The blood fiend grinned down at Y/n who used his feet to kick her off him and roll backwards onto his feet as he regained his breath.

Blood fiend: Why do you humans keep bothering me?!

Y/n: Listen! Eh. . .er. . .blood fiend! I already told you I don't want to hurt you, I'm just trying to follow my orders to take you back to my workplace

The blood fiend growled at Y/n and created a mace made from blood. She swung it at him and the human teenager raised his arm to block it.

The second it made contact pain shot through Y/n's body as purple bruising immediately formed on his forearms.

Y/n grunted and lashed his leg out kicking the blood fiend in her side only to be grabbed by the ankle and spun around.

A scream left Y/n's mouth as he was lifted up into the air by his ankle and spun in a circle making him dizzy. He was then thrown through a few trees that snapped from the force of his body going through them.

Y/n laid on his back staring up at the starry night sky for a second before he started to stand up rubbing his bruised back.

Y/n: Ow ow ow. .

Blood fiend: Huh? Your body isn't a broken heap? Most humans die with one hit. . Ahahahaha!

The blood fiend didn't make another move to attack and just observed Y/n who was relatively unscathed other than the bruising on his arms and back.

Y/n: Ah man, you're stronger than I thought. .

He laughed slightly and rubbed his wrists before rolling his shoulders as the blood fiend looked surprised.

Blood fiend: Wait you're gonna still fight me? Hehe ahahaha! Idiot! You will be crushed by power!

Y/n: Your name's power? That's pretty neat.

Power grinned and jabbed a thumb at herself as the tension between the two of them vanished.

Power: Indeed! I am the mighty power! My scent alone drives off many devils!

Y/n barely dodged a sudden drop kick from her and grabbed her by her blonde hair before throwing her at a tree. He then proceeded to punch her through it destroying the wood.

Power rolled across the ground and stood up quickly with a grin as she threw her arms out and flicked her wrist up and a drop of her blood on the ground near Y/n pierced through Y/n's foot.

A shout of pain left Y/n's mouth and power punched Y/n across the cheek launching him flying onto his back.

Power approached Y/n who stood up and leaned against a tree for support and just when she was about to stab him with a sword of blood her arm was suddenly deflected by Aki who appeared In Front of Y/n

Aki sent Y/n a slight scowl and pushed powers sword back before cutting off both her arms making them drop to the ground.

Power screamed more in shock rather than pain as Aki stayed in a defensive position.

Aki: You're a damn idiot itadori, are you trying to get yourself killed?

Y/n: Well no I. .

Aki: Whatever, blood fiend you are coming with us.

Power: Nuh uh! I'm staying in the woods!

Aki: I don't think I need to tell you that you are in no position to decline.

Power growled and ran at Aki, mouth opened wide to take a bite out of him only to be slashed across the stomach before she could.

Power dropped to the ground bleeding out as Aki grabbed Y/n slinging his arm over the boy's shoulder while dragging power by her hair.

Timeskip. . .

Makima sat at her desk, hands clasped together looking at Y/n who seemed fine, Aki who seemed tired as Power and Y/n argued with each other.

Makima: Quiet you two.

Y/n closed his mouth immediately and power scowled at Makima and stuck her tongue out at her.

Power: I refuse! I-

The blonde haired fiend froze as Makima's ringed eyes bore a hole into her. It felt like her body suddenly refused to listen to her instincts which was to run away.

Makima: I will not ask again power.

Power: Y-Yes ma'am!

Power closed her mouth trembling in fear while Y/n just looked at her and makima switching between the two for them with furrowed eyebrows.

Y/n: What. . . just happened? Aki?

Aki: It doesn't matter. . .

Makima: Y/n, Aki, thank you for bringing her here. You two can go home. I will be talking to her in private for a little while.

Y/n: Oh thank God. My foot has been killing me.

Aki: It wouldn't be killing you if you just waited for me.

Y/n stuck his tongue out at Aki who let out an annoyed groan as makima chuckled.

Makima: Now, Y/n was just eager. Now then get some rest when you get home. But before you leave, go meet up with michiro tendo. She will use her contract to Tend to your wound.

Y/n: Wait do I get paid for any of this?

Makima: Oh yes speaking of, here you go.

Makima reached into her drawer and pulled out a white envelope that seemed packed. Y/n reached out and grabbed it.

Y/n: Whoa. . This is the most money I've ever had at one time. .

Makima: there's more to come if you live long enough.

Y/n: Whoa. .

Aki: Alright let's get going. . .

Y/n: Bye miss makima. See ya power. .

Y/n limped out the room with Aki helping him and when they were out Aki looked at him.

Aki: You realize that fiend tried to kill you around an hour ago, right? Why are you being so friendly with her?

Y/n: Well she's not bad she's just uh eccentric? And prideful.

Aki: You mean childish like you?

Y/n: Hey I'm not childish! I just mess around a lot is all.

Aki chuckled and pulled a pack of cigarettes out his pocket and stuck one in his mouth before lighting it.

Aki: You are childish, and naive.

Y/n frowned and put a finger under his eye before pulling it down at Aki while he stuck his tongue out at his superior who scoffed.

Y/n: Anyway so are we going to your apartment now?

Aki: Yes, you're lucky I have two guest rooms, otherwise I would have made you sleep in the living room.

Y/n: Well at least I have a place to put some of my stuff.

To be continued. . .

Chapter 2 there ya go.

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