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"Hey Scott, look at this!" Scott swivelled to look at Jimmy, wandering off into the forest. He follows, being led to a little stream flowing into a pond. Jimmy's face spells out the awe that he's in. "It's like a waterfall! But tiny!" 

Scott looked at it, noticing the reflection of the canopy above swishing around in the water. "Huh."

"Wouldn't this be a nice place to have dinner?" Jimmy turns his head to Scott, looking more hopeful than suggestive. "Sure, Sunflower. We'll have to get something to actually eat first."

Jimmy rolled his eyes. "Obviously." His focus is altered by a patch of yellow flowers nearby. "Ooh."

Scott chuckles to himself, how quickly he would get distracted. "Wait up, Jimmy!"

They both returned to their little house, with Jimmy making some sort of flower crown with a few flowers they picked up along the way. The sun was only beginning to set, leaving the plenty of time to get some food sorted for dinner. 

"What do you want, Petal?" Jimmy turned around with his newly made flower crown atop his head.

"I don't know, maybe just a little picnic-thing? Just some little things." Scott replied.

Jimmy nodded. "Sure! Sounds good."

After a little while, Jimmy shoves the food into a small basket. "All done! Can we bring some jars?"

"Jars?" Scott looks up at Jimmy's face. "Why jars?"

"Well," picking one up, Jimmy held it tight. "If we're lucky, we might see fireflies! Then we can catch a few."

Scott smiled. "Okay. Let's bring a couple."


Wandering off into the forest, Scott pushes past the large ferns and branches out of their way, leaving Jimmy to stare in awe of the place around them. He did that every time they went in the forest. "Here it is!"

Jimmy sets down the basket, sitting down onto the soft padded grass. Scott follows, looking into the little stream. It's peaceful. Jimmy begins to unpack the little basket, pulling out some fresh, still-warm bread and butter, a small box of vegetables and fruit, some crackers with cheese and mini apple pies. "How did you make this so quickly?"

Jimm smiles. "Just good at it."

As they dig in, the sun begins to set below the trees, casting shadows across their little picnic. The water sparkles and glitters, trees swaying in the subtle breeze. Jimmy sets down his mini pie and gazes off into the distance. "It's beautiful, isn't it Petal?"

"Yeah. It really is."

Once they had finished, the sun was barely visible, stars beginning to shine in the sky. The little stream continued to reflect the sky and canopy above, making it glittery with stars. "Gasp! Look!" 

Jimmy's points off in the direction of the stream where many little fireflies are floating off into the distance. "Come on! Let's see where they're headed!" Jimmy grabs a jar and stands, reaching his hand to Scott. "Let's go!"

They both run after the glowing insects, up the stream. As the terrain begins to steep, the fireflies only go faster, meaning that Jimmy would only go faster. "Sunflower- wait up!"

Jimmy takes one final step when he stops entirely in his tracks. Scott manages to heave himself up there before freezing in absolute amazement. The stream was leaking from a huge lake with lily pads atop the water, as well as other unrecognisable plant-life. A ginormous waterfall was spewing out water from above, creating what looked like soft, white foam at the bottom. Beautiful, blossomed trees lined the area, each with large roots that cut through the water like mangroves. Hundreds of fireflies hovered above the lake, creating gorgeous reflections in the water.


Scott felt Jimmy's hand slip into his, gripping onto it tightly. The sunlight was gone, and the stars and moon were glowing down onto the water, making it glitter and shine.

"This is-" Jimmy stuttered. "Amazing."


*:- Hello! Welcome to 'Home' the sequel to my previous books. This is NOT a continued story, but more like a one-shot style thing. If you do have request, please tell me. Keep in mind the only people still alive are Jimmy, Scott and PixlRiffs. If you want something like the ghosts/souls of others that's fine too, but keep in mind they are dead. Hope you enjoy!-:*

*:- Also do you guys like my cover? I made it myself 🥺-:*

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