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A/N: Well, this little oneshot was written quicker than I expected xD Anyway, this takes place between movie 1 and 2 :)


"This is our new house?"

Normally, Dash would be reprimanded for taking on such a tone of criticism in his voice after being offered something out of kindness. Now however, Bob and Helen Parr could only stand in numb silence as they observed the tacky looking building from the outside.

The neon sign, meant to look welcoming, flickered somewhat ominously at the rooftop, casting an eerie orange glow over the area. The motel itself was in a questionable shape, with paint peeling off of the colored doors, walls splattered with dirty stains, and a pool rather unfit for swimming with how much grime was floating around inside. It was certainly a far cry from anything Superheroes should be living in - even their old house, while mediocre, was a much more suitable place to reside in. But that, of course, was no longer a possibility, not after how the abode was so quickly decimated after Syndrome's jet had fallen atop of it in a fiery explosion.

Things were not that much better upstairs in their actual apartment, either. The interior looked as though it had not been cleaned in ages, with dust as far as the eye could see and cobwebs upon every corner. A fly or two incessantly buzzed around, and a lone cockroach scurried away quickly when the lights were turned on. The grimaces on the family's faces only furthered, leaving them speechless to offer any sort of comment.

But regardless, Helen tried.

"Well...." she began, uncertain exactly of where to start. "It's uh... certainly not what we used to have..."

Violet scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You could say that again."

Helen gave her daughter a look before letting out a sigh. It wasn't as if she could disagree. There was barely enough room for Bob's hulking frame, let alone a family of five Supers, four of which held a myriad of powers begging to be used. How she wished she could be like her youngest child at that moment, little Jack-Jack, who was powerless and innocent to the world around him. But upon taking a closer look at her son, she could see that even he knew this place was not top notch. His large blue eyes curiously looked around, scrutinizing, before he decidedly scrunched his little nose in a show of disgust.

"All right," she said. "I guess we better get to unpacking." There wasn't much that was saved, but what was had been stowed away in a few boxes.

Dash groaned. "Do we have to?"

"Yes," Helen replied sternly.

"How long do we hafta stay?" the boy asked.

"I... um..." The woman paused, realizing that she wasn't entirely sure how their living situation was to be handled. She had not had a job since Violet was born. And Bob had lost his over two months ago, with his only other supply of money from Syndrome's operation no longer being an option. She glanced over at Bob with the question in her eyes.

The man heaved a tired sigh and stepped up. "Well, Dicker said the Supers Relocation Program would be able to cover the expenses for now."

"If that's the case, why didn't we get placed somewhere nicer?" Violet asked, clearly upset.

Helen glared at the girl again, but Bob spoke up before she could say anything to her. "It was the best that Dicker could do, honey. The program... hasn't really been as active in recent years, and financially, they're uh... they're not exactly that well off."

The teen turned away, shaking her head. "Just like us," she muttered. Not arguing the matter though, she began to get to work, going outside to grab the boxes left just outside the door so she could bring them in.

With nothing more to say, either, Dash got to work helping his sister, making sure to give the place another once over before he went outside. Jack Jack distracted himself from the surroundings by chewing on a rubber duck toy he was holding in between his chubby little hands.

Bob and Helen in the meantime exchanged a look.

They both understood where the kids' feelings were coming from. It was the same feelings they had. But, it was the best Dicker could offer, and they had no other choice... not unless they wanted to end up in the street. And so, sucking in the rest of their resolve, the pair followed suit and started working to unload what they had into the empty space, hoping that it would look more homely afterward and, more importantly, hoping that something better was coming along soon for them all.

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