Hi Jeffree!

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(A/N: I'm using masculine pronouns for Jeffree, okay?)

Echo's POV

"No apologies, I'm not sorry, wasn't meant to be, move on without me—" I sit up and shut my alarm off. I'm so tired. I see that Dahvie and Jayy left during the night. They stayed in here with me for hours. I appreciate it.

I climb out of bed and skip into the bathroom. In there, I brush my teeth and hair. I really hope I can meet Jeffree today. I watch his makeup tutorials, and he's very funny in them! Hopefully he's that funny in person!

I finish everything in the bathroom and go to my wardrobe. I pull out a Falling in Reverse T-shirt and black skinny jeans. I sigh as I exit my bedroom. Hopefully someone else is up. I don't want to be alone with Devil. That cat may take a swipe at me.

I skip into the kitchen just to see Jayy and Dahvie making out. I hide behind the wall and feel my face heat up. I wish I wasn't always so blush-y. It's annoying!

I go past the kitchen and into the lounge room. I see Devil curled up on a reclining chair. So cute! I pull my phone from my pocket and take a picture. Hey, maybe if I meet Jeffree today, I can meet Diva, Diamond, Delicious, and Daddy!

"I'll go get Echo for breakfast," I hear Dahvie say. Little does he know, I'm already down stairs. I hear him go upstairs. I go into the kitchen, "Hi Jayy!" "Hey Echo. How was the rest of your night?" He asks. "Great! I dreamed of demon cats ruling the earth and they sang along to "Yo Ho!" I reply. "A pirate walks into a bar. The bartender asks, " What's with the steering wheel in your pants?" Jayy starts. "Arrh! It's driving me nuts!" I finish.

"Echo wasn't in ther— oh, hi!" Dahvie says as he comes back into the kitchen. "Hi and morning." I reply. "How was you ni—" "Before you finish, it was great. I dreamt of demon cats ruling the earth and singing "Yo Ho!" I cut Dahvie off. "Anyways, ready for breakfast?" Dahvie asks. I nod eagerly.

We all sit at the table. Jayy brings the food, which are pancakes, into the room. We all serve ourselves. I eat hungrily. This is the best I've had in awhile!

"I saw what you guys did this morning," I say in the middle of breakfast. Both Jayy and Dahvie stop eating. I look and see both of them blushing. I begin to laugh, "You should see the look on your faces!" "At least she didn't walk in on us having sex," Jayy points out. "You guys go that far?" I ask. They're hesitant, then nod.

"Use protection, and wrap your erection!" I yell. They both laugh. "Okay, shut the fuck up," Dahvie says. "You guys love me anyway!" I say with a cheeky grin.

"Can I meet Jeffree today?" I ask as Jayy and I gather the breakfast dishes. "I'm okay with it. Just wait till Dahvie gets back from the studio," Jayy replies. "Why is he there?" I ask. "You're so full of questions! He's just checking up on the new album. Nothing big," Jayy explains I nod and continue cleaning the dishes.

"Where'd you go? Where's your home? How'd you end up all alone? Can you hear me now?" I hear my phone ring. I run to it and check the caller ID. "Sup!" I say. "Hey Echo! It's Crystal. How are 'ya?" Crystal responds. "I'm great! My new parents are Jayy Von and Dahvie Vanity," I reply. "Lucky bitch. Have you met Jeffree yet?" "No, I am going to today, though. Maybe you can come over?" I suggest. "Yeah! Maybe. Ask Jay-Jay and Dahvs!" Crystal demands.  "K. Bye!" I say. "Bye!" She ends the call.

I kinda have a crush on Crystal. I love her beautiful hair that's dyed Arctic blue, her violet contact lenses, personality, tallness, smell, and presence. Okay, I'm basically in love with my best friend. She has a boyfriend, so I'll have to ignore my crush.

"Jaaaayy!" I yell, whining tone. "Whaaaat?" He replies in the same tone. "Can my friend Crystal come over?" I ask. "No!" He replies. "Please! She's my best friend and is in love with you!" I beg. Jayy comes into the lounge room. "Fine, but don't let Dahvie know that she's in love with me," he reasons. "Yay!" I yell.

I text Crystal.

Echo - Gurl! Get yo ass over here!

Crystal - Yay! Is Dahvs there?

Echo - He should be here when you get here. Get over here!

Crystal - Okay, but we'll need to talk once I do.

We stop texting. Talk? Talk about what? Who do I have to kill?!

"I'm home motherfuckers!" I hear Dahvie yell as he slams the door shut. "And I brought a friend!" I see four Pomeranians run into the room. "Diva, Diamond, Delicious, and Daddy!" I yell as the dogs run around me. Daddy walks towards Devil. Devil hisses and swipes his paw at him. "Hey! Daddy is only a pup. No hurting him," I tell Devil. Devil hisses again and stalks away. What a pissy hell cat.

I look and see Jeffree and Nathan! "Dahvie, you didn't tell me that Nathan would be coming to!" I say. "What? Nathan just followed the car here," Dahvie teases. Delicious prances up to us and spins around in circles.

"I hope you don't mind, but my friend Crystal is coming over!" I announce. "Cool," Dahvie replies. "Don't worry about Echo, she won't bite," Jayy assures Jeffree and Nathan. "Who said I wouldn't?" I ask.

"My friend and I love you!" I tell Jeffree and Nathan. "We're obsessed!" "Hi!" Jeffree greets and does that wave. "Hey," Nathan says. "Hello," I say, trying to remain calm.

I hear a knock at the door. "That's for me!" I run to the door and open it.  I see Crystal standing there. I grab her and pull her in the house. "What's up?" I ask. "Um, uh," Crystal stutters. "What's wrong?" I ask. "My asshat of a boyfriend broke up with me," she replies. "Look's like I'm gonna have to fuck up a bitch," I say, puffing my chest out. "Besides, Jeffree, Nathan, Jayy, Dahvie, and the Pomeranians are in the lounge room. "Crystal squeals and runs into the room. I close the door and follow her.

"Jeffree!" Crystal yells and hugs Jeffree. I giggle at her. "Hi..." "Crystal!" Crystal corrects. "Hi, Crystal. I've heard a bit about you," Jeffree says. "Like what?" She asks. "That you're obsessed with me, Nathan, Dahvie, and Jayy," he replies. "And the Pomeranians!" Crystal says, kneeling down to scratch Diva's head.

"So Nathan, how are you?" I ask. Crystal slaps me. I glare at her. "I'm good, you?" Nathan replies. "I'm awesome!" I say. "I love having Jayy and Dahvs as my parents."

I scream as Jayy picks me up, "Motherfucker! Put me down!" Everyone laughs. Jayy finally puts me down. "Show some compassion!" "I don't show compassion to kids," he jokes. "Fuck you, I'ma teenage monster!" I retort.

"Hun, what are going to do with your hair? It has split ends," Jeffree says, playing with my silver hair. I turn to him, "I don't know. I haven't thought of it." "Well, we'll need to set something up to fix it," Jeffree insists. Girly stuff.... Great.

Video Above - Blood on the Dance Floor - "Yo Ho!" (Full Song)
Video/Song By - bloodonthedancefloor

On March 22, 2013, MCR broke up. This year, on March 22, we should all watch the 'Teenagers' music video in honour of the band that saved so many lives. Whether you're a Bullet, Revenge seeker, Black Parader, Weaponer, or killjoy, please join in on this. Please thumbs up or copy and paste this message so it is seen by as many as possible.

Current number of views: 103,201,227 (if you're copying and pasting this please update this number)

Goal: 20,000 more views.

I know we tried to do this at christmas, but we didn't get as many views as expected. But we are the MCRmy. We are determined, we are hopeful. Please do this for MCR.

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