New Parents?

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Echo's POV

"Ready to go, kiddo?" My Dad asks. I nod. I don't like to talk much. I don't like him much either. He always calls me "Ray Ray" when my name is Echo. Ray is my middle name. I don't appreciate being called by it.

Anyways, I have to be adopted out. I honestly have no idea where I'm going. Dad is handing me off to his closest friends. He has had the adoption papers forever. Probably because he's wanted to get me out of this bad situation forever. There has never been a good opportunity till now.

"Remember Ray Ray, my friends are in a band. They tour a lot. I'm sorry that I have to do this, but the situation at home isn't safe for you," Dad rambles on. I ignore him and put my earbuds in. I look through my music and play Kiss It Better by Jeffree Star.

As I said, our situation isn't good. My parents just divorced, my Dad's gonna lose the house, there are people next door always complaining about my music and killing our dogs, and finally, my Mom is out for my Dad. I just hope he doesn't die. She did have a bit of a drinking problem. That's why they divorced. I don't mind getting away from them, none of us were ever close.

Dad, and I get into the midnight blue Camri. I put my suitcase in the backseat and take one last look at where we buried my dog, Violet. She was such a sweet Pomeranian. I dyed her hair lilac once! I got the idea from Jeffree Star. He's my queen!

Kiss It Better ends and Damaged comes on. My favorite song! It's also by my favorite band, Blood on the Dance Floor. My Dad has talked to Dahvie and Jayy a bit. They're close friends, actually. But I highly doubt him letting them take care of me. He has another close friend named Isaiah that I know. I bet I'm going to live with him. Well, he does have a white husky named Olaf; shouldn't be so bad.

Dad pulls up at a very nice house. It looks a little more like a mansion. It's black with a nice fence and pavement around it. What the? If one of Dad's rich friends from the country club open up, I'm gonna be pissed.

Dad gives me my suitcase. I take it and walk beside him. He puts in a weird code and opens the gate. Then, we walk up to the front door. He knocks on the door, 3 times. There's one of those weird lion head knocking thingies on it, but he avoids it.

"Okay! I'm coming!" I hear a familiar voice say behind the door. Jayy? No! I'm totally hallucinating! Then, someone opens the door. Standing there to adopt me is: Jayy Von fucking Monroe.

Good first chapter? Nah? Yeah? Maybe? Bye Aqualines!

"You're perfect the way you are, I wanna hold your suffering in my arms" -Kiss It Better, Jeffree Star.

Edited 5/28/17.

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