Lights, Camera, smash

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In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose emblem drop from the sky to the ground, where the four miniaturized members of Team RWBY and you pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: "RWBY CHIBI"!

Immediately after the title is announced Yang slips, sending the Chibi portion of the title flying. Blake Belladonna lands on Yang Xioa Long's head, perching on her hands and feet like a cat. The rose emblem spins in place while a few times before stopping in its original position just in time for Weiss Schnee to land, sitting on top of Ruby Rose, whose eyes have gone white and you still on the R.

Weiss: This is so unprofessional.

Ruby: You're telling me!

Ruby sits, holding Weiss, and Weiss jumps off of Ruby , you jumping of the R and stand next to Ruby as Ozpina walks into screen holding a megaphone.

Ozpina: Cut, cut. Ladies, ladies, man we have a show to do, what is the problem?

Yang: The problem is Blake sitting on my head!

Blake: I wouldn't be if Yang hadn't knocked everything over.

Yang: Pfft.

Ozpina: Alright, everyone calm down. Accidents happen.

Ruby stands up, bending over with her hands together and a look of fear.

Ruby: But, what if it wasn't an accident? What if we're being sabotaged?

Ozpina: You mean like some sort of nefarious plot being perpetrated by someone within our very own ranks?

A boom microphone swings down from off camera, smacking you in the back of the head making your glasses crooked; you were stunned for a moment before shaking her head and arranged your glasses back. The scene zooms out to reveal Mercy Black holding the microphone.

Mercy: oops, sorry y/n

Ruby's expression becomes increasingly paranoid.

Ozpina: Somebody who pretends to be a friend, but is actually trying to destroy everything we've worked so hard to build?

Loud creaking can be heard overhead and Blake pushes Yang out of the way as Ruby draws Crescent Rose.

Blake: Watch out!

The noise stops and a spotlight falls from the sky, crashing to the ground between Blake and Yang. The camera zooms out once again, showing that Emerald Sustrai is sitting on top of the scaffolding supporting the stage lights.

Emerald: Oops. It slipped.

Mercy winks up at Emerald and the camera zooms back in on the original scene.

Ruby: Yes! All of that! All of those things you just said!

Ozpina bursts out laughing, putting the hand holding the megaphone to her chest. Ruby appears mortified and is holding Crescent Rose at her side, with the spike on the end sitting on the ground and the scythe blade facing away from herself.

Ozpina: Ruby, I'd have to be a pretty incompetent leader if I didn't notice something like that happening right under my nose, don't you think?

Ruby: But!

Ozpina gestures to the side with the megaphone.

Ozpina: Now run along, all of you. Why don't you go play in a forest full of deadly Grimm?

Yang: Uh... Okay.

Blake and Yang exit stage right while Weiss exits stage left, you dragging Ruby behind her. Ozpina begins walking to the left.

Ozpina: Such sweet girls, but so naive.

While Ozpina is in front of the Rose emblem, it groans loudly and falls over on top of her. She lets out a single grunt of pain while Cinder Fall, standing behind the emblem with her arm outstretched -having pushed it over- gives an evil grin.

Ozpina: Hello? Can I get some assistance? This giant rose seems to have fallen on me completely by accident!

Cinder: Honestly? Sometimes I think it's too easy.

You then walked back into the scene

You: hey Cinder!

She jumps in fright falling of the fallen rose. Then rushes back up and runs to you with a worried smile

Cinder: h-h-hey y/n, how are you?

You: doing fine, I was wondering if you and your team wanted to go have lunch with me

Cinder: umm, well, yes

Ozpina muffled: y/n can you be a dear and get this rose of me

You: oz? Umm alright 

You pass Cinder who has a worried look and lift the rose up and throw it away of screen seeing a dizzy Ozpina on the ground which clears up to her, you then get her up who gets her glasses straighten

Ozpina: thank you y/n

You: now let's have a lunch break

Cinder: i-indeed

You and the rest then leave for lunch

A Compost King board is seen, a spinning circular shadow with two indentations is cast over the table as eerie theremin music plays. The scene is shown to be Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, and June Arc sitting at a table; Pyrrha is using her semblance to hover Akoúo̱ over the board while June makes strange noises with her voice. Nora is watching the scene looking gleeful until Pyrrha sneezes, causing the shield to fall and knock everything off the table.

Pyrrha: Sorry!

June and Nora look shocked for a moment, until Nora leans backwards, crying loudly, and June puts her hands on the side of her head, eyes spinning and teeth chattering.

Star Wukong, Neptuna Vasilias, June, Yang, Ruby, you and Nora are all standing in a line at the left side of the screen. Towards the right, Zwei and Penny Polendina are standing side by side. Penny laughs and bows to the other characters.

Penny: (Making various poses) Thank you for inviting me to your game of "dodge the ball then eliminate your enemies with the ball", Ruby.

Ruby: We just call it dodgeball. Also we're all friends here, not enemies.

Penny: Of course! I will adjust my targeting parameters!

You: right Penny

Penny puts her hand to her temple and her eyes become green crosshairs for a moment. Yang tips her head to the side, staring suspiciously at Penny.

The camera switches to a frontal view of Star, Neptuna, and June.

Neptuna: Yeah, my junior detective senses are telling me something's off about her.

Neptuna puts on her fake mustache and points at Penny with one hand. The camera rapidly pans over to Ruby who is quick to dismiss Neptuna's suspicion.

Ruby: Huh? What? Noo... There isn't. She's completely normal! Isn't that right, Penny?

Ruby strikes a pose with her arms at her sides and head tilted, one eye partially closed. Yang and Nora are giving her funny looks, and Yang is holding a red ball.

Penny: That is correct! I am a normal meat person, just like you.

All of the other characters share a concerned look as Penny gives an excited thumbs-up in the background.

Star: Okay.

Yang: Hurry up and pick so we can kick your butt, June.

Star: Psst, don't pick her.

Neptuna: Yeah, uh, go for the dog!

June: You guys, I'm not picking the dog over her. We choose Penny!

Penny: Ah!

Penny skips over to join the team consisting of June, Neptuna, you and Star.

Penny: I look forward to emotionally bonding with you, teammates!

Star: Just TRY not to get in the way.

June: Don't listen to her, Penny. And don't feel bad if you can't hit anyone right away. It's very hard!

You: you'll do great Penny

Penny's eyes become crosshairs and a loud, mechanical sound plays just before she launches the ball she is holding directly at Ruby; who is sent flying backwards on contact.

Nora: What the?!

Penny throws a ball, knocking Nora out; followed shortly by Zwei with a third throw.

Yang: Not the face!

Yang cowers but is still defeated by Penny's merciless aim. June, Neptuna, you and Star stand behind Penny with expressions between confused and terrified.

Penny: You mean, like that?

A ball rolls over towards Yang and she places one hand on it, growling with rage.

June: Uh, yeah, that was...

Star: Awesome!

The scene switches back to Yang, who throws the ball in the air and punches it with Ember Celica, sending it flying so it hits Penny in the head. Penny's head pops off and lands in your arms.

Penny: Oh my, this is embarrassing.

June, Neptuna, and Stat all scream and run.

Ruby: Oh my god, she's not a real person! I had no idea!

You still had the head in your hands and carefully place it back on her body. She strikes a pose then hugs you while rubbing her head on yours and Neptuna leans back into the scene, pointing.

Neptuna: Yeeeaaahhh, definitely something weird about this girl.

(Weapon showcase)


We open to you sitting near a desk next to you was Ozpina

You: hello welcome back to the show today on our first episode of season Two is with a special guest, please welcome Headmistress Ozpina

She waves as clapping and whistles sound comes through

You: today we will be reviewing this

Pointing at the key-like weapon

Ozpina: intriguing, what can this do

You: well it's a mystic weapon, powerful enough to open gates and portals to another world

You say while you grabbed the said weapon and ripped a tiny hole and you put your arm through then you pulled your arm back with a small item of a maddallion of a wolf

You: like so

Then a head pops out revaling another you, his arm stretches out and grabbed the madallion back

You 2: thank you

He then retracted back and the portal closes, leaving you speechless

You: okay, going to make a note of that.

Ozpina: indeed

You: and there is the creature's that come with it, known as the unown

You then ripped another hole and seven creatures come out all looking like the alphabet

One being an O

Then a Z

Then an I

Next an N

And the last one which got a little stuck but eventually came out A

They then arranged over the two humans as O-Z-P-I-N-A 

Ozpina: charming, thank you y/n

You: your welcome Oz,  alright shoo-shoo

The alphabetical creatures sqeak and go back into the portal from wince they came

You: and finally the test

We now see you in goggles holding the key in one hand you aimed it at a dummy and a beam of Unown goes to it which then started to go around it. When they were finished it was rearranged from arm to legs one leg sticking out the head, you then swipe down and the ground opens causing the dummy to fall in

You: and that's how you do it

Then a portal opens and the dummy comes back hitting the camera out


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