Roma's un-retirement

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In the Beacon common room, Blake Belladonna stands perfectly still and stares blankly at nothing in particular.

A rather dejected-looking Ruby Rose walks over.

Ruby: Hey, Blake. Man, I'm so bummed. I think I crashed and burned on that test today. How did you do?

Blake doesn't answer or move, her eyes still staring ahead blankly. After a couple seconds of total silence, Ruby becomes more chipper and her face brightens up.

Ruby: You know what? You're right. In the long run, one test is no big deal! I'll do better next time! Thanks, Blake!

Ruby walks off cheerfully. In walks June Arc, looking equal parts optimistic and determined.

June: Whoo! I'm gonna do it! I'm finally going to tell y/n to go on a date with him! (hesitantly) I think... I dunno... Maybe? Uh, what do you think, Blake?

Blake still doesn't respond in any way. After a couple seconds of total silence, June's eyes widen in horror.

June: Oh my gosh, you're right! What was I thinking?! That would've... That would've been a disaster! You know, I feel like you really "get" me. Thanks, Blake!

June skips off cheerily. Later, Weiss strolls into the room, casually humming a tune. She locks eyes with Blake and adopts a defensive, angry expression, with her hands on her hips.

Weiss: Huh? What? Why're you looking at me like that? Blake? Is it... Is it that thing I did? (gasp) How did you find out about that!? You can't tell anyone especially y/n! Look, I'll make it worth your while! A lifetime supply of tuna! Deal?

Blake continues to stare blankly and not respond.

Weiss: Oh, you're good. Very good.

Weiss walks off defiantly.

Then you appeared and seeing her,  while holding a clipboard

You: hey, Blake, I was thinking if you want to be my co-host for the showcase

You look at her still pulling a stoick look

You: I'll take your silence as a yes

You go over and kiss her on the cheek. You then turn and leave. Moments later, another Blake walks over, revealing the first Blake to actually be a shadow clone created by her Semblance.

Blake: Oh, there you are. (Blake dispels the clone with a touch of her hand, and it vanishes into thin air in a flash of black.) It's always weird when these shadow clones don't vanish.

Ruby, looking rather content and cheerful, greets Blake again.

Ruby: I feel so much better! You're the best!

Ruby walks away as Blake looks at her quizzically.

Weiss walks back into the room, pushing a box full of canned tuna. She kicks a can of tuna and it rolls over and settles at Blake's feet.

Weiss: You're the worst.

Blake: What's going on?

Weiss storms off, leaving Blake with her box of tuna and a great deal of confusion.

June ambles in.

June: Oh. My. Gosh. Blake, I have so many girl problems, good thing you're such a great listener!

June ambles away. Blake looks at her in total confusion.

Blake: I... 

Blake looks around the room, at a loss for words. Then you walk in with a smile

You: oh, thank you Blake, for this

You then go over and kiss her cheek, then turn and leave, leaving a very confused Blake

Blake:. . . Wha?

Outside, in the Beacon courtyard, Zwei growls and barks agitatedly at a Beowolf, who rears and snarls back.

The camera pans out to show Zwei and a miniature sized Beowolf both on leashes, being walked by Ruby and Cinder Fall, respectively. Both pull on their leashes, desperately keeping their feuding pets from attacking one another.

Ruby: (desperately) Oh my god, I'm so sorry, he never acts like this! I should never have taken him out, he's been cooped up all day long, it's just... I'm so sorry!

Cinder: No, it's completely fine! He's just a little grumpy today, mine's usually so sweet!

Ruby: He looks very sweet! (angrily, to Zwei) Zwei, don't embarrass me!

Ruby pulls sharply on Zwei's collar, flipping him onto his back, and begins dragging him away. The Beowolf turns around and slinks off reluctantly behind Cinder. When they were about to get of screen they hear a screaming getting louder. You then come out of Ruby's side, with three leashes connected to a dinosaur like red creature

A blue whale flopping on the ground and has big fins

And a long green snake flying in the air

You: no, no! No! Sit! Heal! Heal! Sorry Ruby, excuse me Cinder, sit!

The three drag you of screen leaving the two girls in complete confusion 

Outside Beacon, Team RWBY and you lies on the grass and plays fetch with Zwei.

Ruby: Good boy, Zwei? Ready? Fetch!

Ruby pretends to throw a stick, but actually hides it behind her back. Zwei zooms off to find the stick while the members of Team RWBY and you laugh.

Behind the carefree team, Roma Torchwick's head peeks out from behind a pillar.

Roma: Ha ha ha! Oh, Little Red, Little Red, laugh while you can, because Roma Torchwick is un retiring! Muahahah! You thought you could just move on into a spin-off comedy series and leave me behind?! Guess again! I will have my revenge! This time, things are gonna be different.

Neopolitan silently walks up behind Torchwick and pulls out a sign, saying "THEY WON'T", and shakes her head. Torchwick turns around and Neo quickly hides the sign behind her back.

Roma: Neo, it's time to destroy those meddling kids and steal y/n for me once and for all! And their stupid dog, too...

Neo nods vigorously. "STEAL Y/N FOR US"

Roma: Prepare the death ray!

Neo smiles evilly and produces a comically large ray gun twice her own size. Roma looks at it in shock.

Roma: (regaining her composure) Eh, right, don't be a show off. (Neo looks annoyed) My hour of victory is at hand! Neo, load the highly explosive Dust crystals!

Neo produces a huge bundle of red Dust crystals and smiles evilly.

Ruby: (calling distantly from off-screen) Zwei? Where did you go, dummy?!

Neo and Torchwick look around with concerned expressions. Zwei comes bounding over and stops right next to Torchwick, looking at the criminal innocently, panting and wagging his tail.

Roma: Shoo! Get out of here, you mangy mutt!

Roma tries to shoo Zwei away, waving Melodic Cudgel in the dog's face. Zwei grabs Melodic Cudgel with his mouth and bites down hard. Torchwick and Zwei struggle over the stick. Neo dances around helplessly.

Roma: No, no, no, this isn't your stupid stick!

Zwei yanks Torchwick's weapon out of her grasp, and Torchwick stumbles backwards, landing on her back next to Neo. Zwei holds the weapon in her mouth, with the muzzle pointed directly at Roma and Neo.

Roma: (nervously) Uh... Good stupid doggy...? Stay...?

Neo pulls out a sign that reads "PLAY DEAD!"

Zwei inadvertently fires a round from Melodic Cudgel at Torchwick and Neo, igniting the Dust and enveloping the villainous pair in a large explosion. When the smoke clears, they are nowhere to be seen.

Ruby and the other members of Team walk over and find Zwei.

Ruby: Ah, Zwei!

Zwei drops Melodic Cudgel at Ruby's feet.

Ruby: Oh, you found a stick! Good boy! Come on, let's go for a walk.

You: umm Ruby-

Ruby: Let's go!

they then leave with you trying to get her attention as they leave Torchwick yells as she falls to the ground from a great altitude, covered in soot and missing her hat. She lands on the ground with a thump. Her hat floats down slowly after her, finally landing softly on her head.

Roma: I... can't feel my legs.

Neo, also covered in soot, floats down from the air using Hush, with a displeased expression on her face.

Roma: Neo, how do I look?

Annoyed, Neo pulls out a sign that reads "NOT AS FETCHING AS Y/N". Torchwick smiles weakly as she lands next to her.

Weapon Showcase


We open to you sitting near a desk with Blake sitting next to you all facing the camera, with the weapon on a pedestal on the desk

You: hello and welcome back,  today we will be talking about this claw

Blake: it looks like a bug

You: that is because it is based of one, funny enough, and luckily i checked it is 100% not cursed

Blake whispers: oh thanks gods

You: what was that

Blake: nothing, so what can it do

You: well it can fire of shots of lighting through the mandibles and can clamp open and close, like so

You take it off the pedestal and put it on and it opens and closes

You: and of course it has the creature that comes with it. Vikavolt

It hovers around happily 

Blake: it kinda looks like a drone

You: yeah, and now, test time!

We now set yourself in the target room, where you had goggles on. You aim it at a target and a beam of lightning comes out destroying it. You then go towards a dummy and clamp on its head and ripped it of,  then

You: and that is how you do it

You then hear barking and a faint screaming then Blake ran across the screen getting chased by the three creatures from earlier barking and yapping at her on the back of the green snake was Zwei. They accidentally hit the camera making it fall over and break


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