Sherlock L/N

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We open to you sitting on a chair in a study, strengly looks like Sherlock Holmes apartment

(It's night, raining, and a deer head is over the open fireplace which is light up)

You put the pipe in your mouth and pick up a quilled pen writing into a book as a violin plays

You voice over: I begin my tale with lamenting on my life choices. The friends I made. Enemies who wish me dead. But my story doesn't begin there. I begin here and three knocks

As he said three knocks sound out.

You: come in

The door opens and Cinder Fall walks through. She sat on a chair opposite to you.

You: you called last night for me.

Cinder: yes, a few people recommend you. Saying you could find anything and anyone.

You voice over: I knew she wanted something. Something dark and... Nefarious 

She smiles slyly. You point a hand to a tea tray

You: care for a drink. Mrs fall

She takes a cup, pinky out and takes a sip

Your voice over: I knew she was trouble and yet I felt compelled to help her.

You take a tea cup and take a sip before speaking

You: so what do you need Mr's. Fall

Cinder: I'm looking for the Fall Maiden. She's... uh, m-my sister.

Your voice over: obviously she was lying. She had aura around her and had this faint smell of autumn. Or should I say fall season. I knew the Fall maiden herself and I knew they were not sisters.

You: Mr's. Fall, can you tell me of when was the last time you seen your "sister"

Cinder: she was on her own and just disappeared of the face of the planet.

You: hmmm. And do you have the payment for this

Cinder flicks her hair and gives a flirtatious look

Cinder: money's no object

You voice over: clearly she was trying to wrangle me but I had control.

You: nice try Mr's Fall but. Let my partner deal with it. he's good with money

Zwei walks through with a suit and mustache.

(Basically he's in Watts suit)

You: I'll get on the case

She looked at the dog with malice but more on the suit. But lightens up

Cinder: thank you

She stands and follows the dog.

You voice over: now that she left. I now begin on my research on her mistress. I knew who she really was and I was keen on finding who Salem was 

Then a board comes down with various pictures of Cinder, Mercy, Emerald and Neo and a few black photos of random individuals. In the middle was a figure with a question mark in the middle.

You voice over: I will find her and I will help her condition.

We pan to the left and we see Quill playing a Violin.

Quill: I know you will kid

Peter Port eats a chicken drumstick while sitting on a stone by a campfire in a forest.

Port: Ha-ha! Are you weak and whiny? Too soft to face the great outdoors? Do people often confuse you for a newborn kitten?

He throws the remnants of his drumstick into the fire and leaps to his feet.

Port: Well, you're in luck. Because I'm here to help you.

As he struts away from the fire closer to a clearing, the episode title stamps across the screen one word at a time: MAN UP WITH PORT!

Port: Today, we're going to build a fort using only a tree, a hammer and your bare teeth. Ah, just kidding, we don't need a hammer.

Taking the hammer he'd presented, Port flings it behind him where it sticks into a tree.

Port: All we need is determination. Sheer willpower and manliness! It won't be easy, but...

As Port continues his macho monologue, Winter Schnee appears in the background, walking into the clearing.

Port: ... if you can stick with me—

Port abruptly notices Winter when he hears her footstep. He stops and turns to stare at her. Winter, unaware or unacknowledging, takes out her sword and Summons a log cabin of ice. Port's eyes go wide. He tries to recover his pride as Winter walks into her shelter.

Port: I mean, sure, that's one way to do it. . . . But her butt's gonna be cold.

You then skip into the scene and knock on the ice door and Winter opens it. You talk to her with unhearable words. Then you kiss her cheek before entering making Winter blush.

Tiayang Xiao Long is walking down the Beacon courtyard, facing a camera.

Tia: Hey, guys! This is Tia's Tech Vlog. I heard these vlog thingies are all the rage, so I figured how hard could it be to

Tia falls to the ground, having tripped over something. Her camera captures her landing awkwardly before it cuts out.

Tia is sitting on the stones of the courtyard, a couple empty benches behind her. She looks abashed.

Tia: So... I dropped my camera and, yeah, it's broken after five seconds, but that's OK because I have a back up! Check this out!

She holds out both hands to the camera, and we see Zwei's tail wave back and forth.

Tia: That's right! Zwei-Cam! (baby voice) Who's a good cameraman? You are.

Zwei starts barking and Tia looks alarmed. Zwei starts running, moving away from Tia, who chases after him.

Tia: No! Zwei, come back! Sit! Stay. Stay!

Tripping over a small rise in the stones, Tia falls flat on her face.

Still in the courtyard, Tia is sheepishly determined to give it another go.

Tia: OK, one last camera. But, it's not just any camera.

She clicks the remote in her hand and the camera angle change to an airborne one.

Tia: Drone-Cam. That's right. How cool is this? Check out the bird's eye view of... Oh.

The camera moves from focusing down on Tia to straight ahead at an oncoming pink-eyed crow. The crow is startled and tries to avoid the collision, but doesn't. The camera falls from the drone and briefly shows both the crow and the drone falling as it spins in the air. It lands on the ground, facing the Academy. First the drone lands. Then Quill is face first on the ground shortly after. Tia rushes over and looks between the two, anxious. Finally She grabs the drone and runs off, spewing words.

Tia: Please like, comment and subscribe!

Quill's leg twitches twice.

(Weapon showcase)

Darmacitan & Darmitar

We open To you sitting next to Tia who has a nervous look.

You: hello and welcome back. And you saw what we're featuring and no it's not a double showcase mearly the same in a different form.

Tia: so how does this mace become something else

You: great question Tia. Well when it's low on power it turns into a scimitar but then it becomes a cursed item. I'll become petrified but still aware and move. 

Tia: so how do you recharge it

You: well hold it over a fire and it will charge up from the heat.

Tia: sounds, dangerous. So who's the little buddy

You: Darmanitan.

The weapon glows for a second and a bubble rises out revealing a statue like creature with cyan skin, blue limbs and yellow brows

You: this would be the scimitar version.

You touch the weapon again and the statue like creature glows as well his's limbs stretching out turning lighter. He then jumps and in a sparkle, revealing in his true form. He now has red skin, his brows more flared and a revealing teeth

He beats his chest and spins on the spot before disappearing in a sparkle

You: now onto the test.

We now see you standing in the middle of the stadium with a fire area. You ready your mace as Knights come out.

You first go to the lava volcanic area. Knights were activating there rifles and aimming at you. You run to one Knight and smash them down. You go to the next blocking the bullets by holding up the mace up and spinning it.

When the bullets hit they melt to the ground. You charge to the Knights hitting there sides then hit there heads. You hold up the mace and it turns into a scimitar. You now jog  to a group of Knights and held up your hand.

A purple aura energy forms around your hand and the Knights stopped in there tracks and float up then towards you. You raise the scimitar and sliced through them.

You then stab the weapon to the ground where it glows and Darmanitan in his zen mode. You point to the more active volcanic area and charged towards it followed by Darmanitan floating ahead.

You put the blade over a hot spot where lava erupts out dousing the scimitar in hot lava. When you pull out, it was back in its mace form.

Darmanitan jumps through the flame in his original state with a flaring brow. He punches one Knight away and kick's another. You smash one down before swiping another to your partner who punched it to a small volcano where it melts.

You look to the camera and smile with Darmanitan smiling as well and holding up his fingers in peace

You: and that's how you do it.

The camera moves revealing to be Tia behind it.

Tia: now give me a smile, stand up straight you two

You looked to Darmanitan as he looks to you and smiles.

Tia: what?

You: nothing.

Tia: alright you two let's go- ow! Hot!

She was cut short when she tripped, breaking another camera.


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