This fixing and breaking

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Ruby Rose is lying on the kitchen counter next to the sink, with both hands wrapped around the faucet, trying to contain a leak.

Ruby: Guys, we got a leak. Ahh, somebody call a plumber.

Tia enters the room, holding a red toolbox and wearing a blue hat with a white hammer and wrench emblem on it.

Tia: Sounds like someone could use a little help from... The Fixer.

Ruby: No, mom, no, we just need a plumber.

Tia: What have I always told you girls? As long as I'm around you never have to pay for plumbers, electricians...

The lights in the kitchen flicker.

Tia: Ignore that...or dentists

One of Tia's teeth pops out.

Tiayang and Ruby are standing next to the counter, the faucet has been wrapped in a large volume of tape and a few drops of water spray out of it. Ruby looks concerned and is still staring at the sink.

Tiayang: You see? Plumbing is my middle name! Hey, did you see a tooth around here anywhere?

Yang Xiao Long is riding on her motorcycle which is moving very slowly, making sputtering sounds and emitting clouds of black smoke.

Yang: Ugh, Bumblebee, come on. Maybe it's time for a tune-up?

Tiayang appears next to Yang and her motorcycle, smiling expectantly; she raises her eyebrows twice.

Yang: mom, no, I have a mechanic.

Tiayang: Oh, okay, that's fine. Hey, at least let me start a bonfire for you, so you can throw all your money in it. Because that's what you're going to do by going to a "mechanic". Oh, and while you're at it, throw my corpse in the fire, too. Because apparently I'm DEAD to you!

Yang: Jeez, okay, fine. Do your fixer thing.

Later we see Tia standing proud and Yang rides in shaky her bike looking worse then before.  

Tiayang: Look at that, good as new. Well new-ish.

A part falls off of the bike as Yang drives it past Tiayang, leaving clouds of black smoke behind her.

Tiayang:Oh, you don't actually need whatever that thing is.

In the distance, Ruby is blown into the sky by a torrent of water.

Ruby: Plumber!

We then see you working on your snake pistol with tweezers and a very small screwdriver. Tia slides in with a smirk.

Tia: you wanna me to help.

You turn and look to her with a serious expression.

You: Tia, I respect you as a mother and a friend. But you can't fix things

Tia: what, I can fix things.

You: the last time you helped me fix my musket it was spurting green ooze

Tia: i-its suppose to do that.

You: no it's not, you know Summer warned me about this, she even gave me a small booklet about this and I want to say you don't have to fix everythi-

You were cut short when seeing Tia almost about to cry. You sigh and slide the viper to her.

We now see you aiming the pistol at a dummy and stretching it far from you but when you pull the trigger nothing happens you did it again still nothing. But then the neck and head spring out with crossed out eyes. You then sigh and look down.

Star and Neptuna walk into a dark, empty room and high-five. They are wearing fake mustaches.

Neptuna: I can't believe we saved all of those orphans.

Star and Neptuna turn to face the room and audibly gasp.

Neptuna: (pointing) What is on your face?

Pyrrha Nikos and Nora Valkyrie are in the room, both wearing fake mustaches identical to those worn by Star and Neptuna.

Pyrrha: (singing) We want to be junior detectives like youuuu.

Nora: Yeah! We're she-tectives!

Neptuna mind: gods, that sounds way better then ours

Star: Right, it takes way more than a mustache to solve cases.

Pyrrha turns Star's hand over, staring at it closely.

Pyrrha: You have traces of chocolate under your fingernails; there's a wrapper in your left pocket; your pupils are dilated from shame.

Pyrrha places one hand on her chin before pointing dramatically.

Pyrrha: I deduce you ate Neptuna's candy bar.

Neptuna: Girl! You said all the Grimm worked together and took it!

Star: I'm sorry! I was starving, and you never share.

Neptuna: Okay, lucky guess. It doesn't make you a detective.

Nora opens a creaky closet door.

Nora: Look what I found?

Nora pulls a skeleton out of the closet.

Star: Girl, I think they have better mustaches than us.

Neptuna: Whoa, we have a closet?

Pyrrha pulls out a pair of aviator shades, putting them on as music begins to play.

Pyrrha: No bones about it.

Nora: (opening skeleton's mouth) Yeaaah!

(By the way had a thought instead of mustaches it's long eye lashes)

Ruby, summer, you and Yang have a glowing keyboard and mouse on a table and a holographic display in front of them.

Summer: now I know your mother has been doing her fixer routine, but she's terrible with computer's and to make it harder, Y/n, be a dear

You summon a small orange dagger with sparks of electricity going through.

You tap it on the keyboard and it flashes orange with a slight giggling sound comes through.

Ruby acting: Aw, the computer froze again.

Yang: This thing's busted.

Tiayang jumps into the room excitedly.

Tiayang: Ho ho ho, nothing is busted when The Fixer is around.

Ruby: Oh, hey mom. Think you could fix the computer?

Tiayang: (hesitant) Computer? Uh, yeah. Pfft, sure, of course I could do that.

Tiayang sits down in front of the computer. Ruby, you, Summer and Yang look at each and nod before moving sideways out of the room.

Tiayang: Um, oh. Um, right, okay. Where's my cursor? Oh, there it is okay. Right. Well, nothing happens when I click on anything.

Ruby, you, summer and Yang poke their heads into the room through the open archway, watching their father try to fix the computer.

Yang: Think that'll keep him?

Summer: Yang, the woman never learned how to change her wallpaper.

Yang: Fair enough.

You: she'll be there all day.

The group duck out as a popup appears on the monitor, reading "COOKIES ENABLED ON THIS SITE".

Tiayang: Ruby, this thing says you have cookies. You know those are bad for your-

A tooth pops out of her mouth and bounces across the table.

Tiayang: Teeth.

She looks back seeing the screen flash orange and a face appears

It the laughs before powering up something.

Meanwhile Nora and Pyrrha who were outside the dorm walk by before an explosion sounds through. They look to eachother and smile then nod.

Nora: this looks like a job for the...

The whipped out there mustaches and put them on

Pyrrha/Nora: She-detectives

They strike a pose before cutting of

(Weapon showcase)


We open to you sitting near a desk next to you was Blake Belladonna.

You: hello, and welcome back today me and my Assistant are showing Haxoruck.

Then the item itself was shown.

Blake: so it's a war pick, but what can it do.

You: well, it can cut through steel beams and has enough power to slice a Goliath in two.

Blake: so what's the creature that come with it.

You: Haxrous

The weapon glows and a bubble rises. It bursted reavling a large dragon like creature, with green scales, gray underbelly and two axe like tusks 

It looks around before laying eyes on Blake. She shakily puts her hand out and the dragon rubs it's head on her hand. He fades away in Petals.  

You: now test time.

We now see you in the middle of the arena with two areas. One area filled with rocks and gravel. The other was a forest. Knights come out from between the rocks and from the trees. You spun the pickaxe and charged at the group.

The Knights get there miniguns out and fired. You stab the pick out and pulled out a slab of rock blocking the bullets. You then hit the slab with the pick pushing it to a group of Knights crushing them. You swing the War pick going through the head, you swing the android to another crushing it.

You slice another by the neck, beheading it. You stab another through with the middle, then you flip it over and smashed it to the ground then started dragging it across the ground. One was about to Stab you from behind but was tail slapped by Haxrous. He roars and swipes his head left getting another Knight slicing it in half. You jump on his back, aimed the war pick at the forest and charged at it. We now see a Knight crawling with its lower half gone. But was crushed under the clawed foot of Haxrous.

The two of you go into the woods slowly looking around

You then walk over to the forest with only silence to be heard. Then the sound of a click goes through. You pull a slab of rock up, shielding you. But the bullet started beeping and glowing. You kick the slab away before it exploded. Seven saprate Knights come out in between the branches armed with explosive rifles

The aimed and we're about to fire. But Haxrous covers you getting pelleted by the explosive bullets. Haxrous releases you and roars rearing back

He made his tusk glow in a dark red glow

He slashes at the trees making them fall out. The tin heads stand back up but were caught of when Had jumps up, his fist glows darkly and stretches out.

The claw grabs one of the Knight head and smashes it through the ground. The Knight then did something unexpected. They sprouted jets and flew up. Haxrous then made a glowing or appear at his mouth and fires out a beam hitting the knight

The last one drops the rifle and gets two blades from its wrists. The Knight charges at Haxrous but he made his axe-like tusks glow purple and blocks every blow with his tusks.

A hidden knight was about to hit Hax from behind but you impaled it in the chest with one of the picks. You slap the flyer away. Hax bends his neck back as far as he can go with the same sphere building up power.

He shoots the beam out even more powerful, the shape looking like a dragon. In the reflection of the knight it gets closer. When it hit, the Knight was completely vaporised. Haxrous blows out some steam from his nostrils and roars. You spin the war pick before stabbing it in the ground.

You: and that's how you do it.

The ground below started breaking and open up swallowing the camera which points up seeing you getting grabbed by Haxrous.


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