Vacation with a pancake criminal

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A weary Blake staggers into RWBY's dorm room. She only gets to the center of the room, before falling to her knees, then splaying on the floor.

Blake: Ugh, that test was brutal! Must... rest... brain.

Zwei appears, and props himself on Blake's head.

Blake: Go away, dog.

Instead of leaving, however, Zwei just strolls around to Blake's right side and licks her.

Blake: No, this is not a game. This is not what a game looks like.

Blake tries to wave him away, but Zwei simply licks her fingers.

Blake: Agh, whatever. Dumb dog.

Blake lets her hand droop, allowing Zwei to nudge her for a few seconds. Zwei plops onto his butt, and scoots to Blake's side, snuggling with her.

Blake: I did not ask for this. These are unauthorized snuggles.

Zwei finally gets the message, and his body droops, saddened that Blake isn't playing along. As he plods away, Blake grabs him and pulls him closer, to the canine's surprise.

Blake: Didn't say to stop.

Zwei looks to Blake happily and licks her face.

Blake: If you tell anyone about this, I will shave your butt.

Zwei just licks her face again in agreement. Blake smiles, and the pair fall asleep snuggling, then you walk into the room which made her go wide eyed and you cued

You: awe, I knew you two would get along

Blake: *groaned in embarrassment*

Sue then jumps on you and snuggled with both you and Zwei and purrs in delight, and you mearly smile 

Weiss is waiting patiently at an airline terminal, tapping on her Scroll with an array of crisp-white suitcases at her feet. Out of nowhere, Ruby shows up with a crimson rolling suitcase and stops by her teammate's side.

Ruby: Weiss, wait! Don't go on your exotic beach vacation without me!

Weiss: Hmm, that's funny, I don't remember inviting you. I only invited y/n over

Ruby: Silly, that's because we're BFFs! And as your BFF, I just knew you'd want me to come along!

Weiss: Ruby, we're not...

gives an annoyed sigh, as she realizes Ruby is just too stubborn to argue with

 Weiss: Fine, I suppose one more person won't ruin mine and Y/N's vacation.

Right on cue, Star, June, Yang, Blake, Nora, Rin, and Neptuna arrive, moving past Ruby and Weiss with different beach items.

Star with a surfboard under her arm

Star: Star's out with her guns out!

June carrying a beach ball 

June: Beach volleyball champ coming through!

Yang: Who brought the suntan lotion?

Blake armed with knife and fork, and a hungry look in her eyes

Blake: I want all the fish.

Nora wearing a pirate hat 

Nora: Nora's captain of the party boat! Arrr!

Rin dragging Neptuna by her ankle

Rin I don't understand. Your name is Neptuna.

Neptuna scrabbling to get away

Neptuna: No water! Please! No water!

Weiss and Ruby watch as their friends pass by. The heiress turns to look at Ruby.

Ruby: Ah... I, uh, may have mentioned it to a few select individuals.

Ruby's suitcase opens, and Zwei trots out, panting happily and wearing a Hawaiian shirt. He then seats himself between Weiss and Ruby.

Ruby: Okay, I told everyone.

Ruby looks away with a guilty look on her face. Weiss looks down at Zwei, who barks happily twice. You then walk in with a suit case and sunglasses

You: alright, who needs sunscreen

Everyone: we do!

You alrighty then

You then skip on by to the bullhead followed by a depressed Weiss, yapping Zwei and excited Ruby

A junior detective badge with Star and Neptuna's faces on it zooms in, then out, in the middle of the screen.

Neptuna: Junior detectives!

Star and Neptuna stand in a poorly lit police interrogation room, arguing about their good cop/bad cop routine, and fixing their fake mustaches.

Neptuna: That's not fair! Last time you said I could be bad cop!

Star: Look, you're just not a very good bad cop, okay? I'm sorry!

Neptuna looks to Star with a doe-eyed expression on her face.

Neptune: Really?

Star: See?! That's not bad cop material!

Neptuna: Well, I'm sorry I have feelings!

Star: Bad cops don't have feelings!

Neptuna: I'll show you!

Neptuna leaps onto Star, initiating a fight between the pair. However, it's cut short as they hear the door open, and see Nora being bodily thrown in. Quickly regaining her composure, Star grabs a manilla folder from the table, and starts to leaf through it.

Star: Let's see here. Nora... Valkyrie, is it?

Nora: That's what they call me.

Star: Alright, Miss Valkyrie. Now, what would you say is your favorite breakfast food?

Star doesn't get much further, as Neptuna shoves her aside.

Neptuna: Where were you on March 1st?! Where were you on the night of the pancake incident?!

Star pops back up.

Star: Yelling already?! That's way too soon! You call yourself a 'bad cop'?!

Nora: I don't know what you're talking about! I'll never talk.

Star: We have an eyewitness linking you to the scene of the crime!

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Pyrrha, and a bloated Nora stand in a police lineup. As the camera pans across, it shows Ruby picking her nose, Weiss gagging in disgust at Ruby's actions, Blake sitting and reading a book, Yang flexing and posing, Pyrrha waving, and an engorged Nora belching, which surprises Pyrrha. On the other side of the glass, you points to Nora with tears in your eyes, before collapsing at Neptuna's feet. Neptuna soothingly strokes your head.

Neptuna: Shh... Its gonna be alright. She can't hurt you anymore.

Back in the interrogation room...

Nora planted a foot on the table 

Nora: Oh yeah?! Well, where were you on the night of the pancake massacre?!

Neptuna: Uh... I don't have to tell you that!

Star: (whispering to Neptune) Dude, this is super common. She's just trying to intimidate you. Just answer her.

Neptuna: (Quietly) No.

Star: Yeah, see?! Wait, why don't you want to say?!

Neptuna: (turns away) I don't wanna.

Nora: She's sounding awfully guilty... isn't she, partner?

Star: Yeah. (Stepping back) She is.

Neptuna: (nervously) I was... I don't know. I was just out for... a walk. Jogging! I was jogging... slowly. I guess that's walking.

Star: (shouting) Just tell us where you were!

Neptuna: I was coming back from dance class!

Star: A-ha! Uh, wait, what?

Nora: And then what?

Neptuna: And then I ate all the pancakes!

Nora: (singing) Nailed her!

Having heard the forced "confession", Nora pulls out her own detective mustache and sticks it to her upper lip before she and Star bump fists. Then you kicked down with tears in your eyes

You: how could you Neptuna, how could you

Then  you ran out holding your arm over your eyes crying, Neptuna gets up and trys to stop you

Neptuna: wait! Y/N it's not what it looks like! Please


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