Chap 16 a dog in a clown car box

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Right now I was in the lift going to Ozpina office to talk about the break in.

You: oh boy, hope this doesn't escalate 

Then I heard yelling from within

Jenny: Fantastic! You're aware! Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?!

I tap the alert and Ozpina calls through

Ozpina: come in

I step out to see Glynda, Ozpina and Jenny

You: sorry I took long, had to rush breakfast 

Ozpina: thank you for coming, y/n. How are you feeling?

You: fine, fine, just feel like my bad guy magnet wasn't working properly

Everyone stares silently.

You: okay, right on, that the tone we chose

Jenny: y/n, I feel it's appropriate to let you know that I think what you did last night is exactly what being a Huntsmen is all about. You recognized a threat. You took action. And you did the very best you could.

You: thank you ma'am 

Ozpina: Now, the general here has already informed us of the events that... transpired last night, but now that you've rested, we were wondering if you had anything to add.

Glynda: Was anyone else with her? Did she look familiar to you at all?

You: no not at all, her face was abstracted by a mask, but her eyes were oddly familiar and she never said anything to me. But I know she fought with glass. I don't think that was her Semblance, though. Her clothing lit up whenever she attacked.

Glynda: Save for the glass, that sounds like the woman I fought the night I met Ruby.

Jenny: Embedding Dust into clothing is an age-old technique. It could have been anyone.

You: I have a feeling she's connected to Torchwick and the White Fang 

Ozpina: It's possible. But we still lack the required evidence to link the two together.

You: actually I remember something, about a base at the southeast outside the kingdom 

Ozpina: interesting

Glynda: I thought you said the intruder never—

Ozpina: Thank you for your cooperation, Y/N. Why don't you go and spend some time with your team? You have a big day ahead of you.

You: if you need anything else call me

Ozpina: and Mr. L/N, please try and be... careful about this matter

You: of course ma'am

I turn and leave, and started to go back to the dorm

As I got back, and opened the door I find everyone waiting patiently

Yang: well what happened?

You: well, um

The scene cuts back to Ozpina's office.

Jenny: Well there we have it. We send as many troops as we can to the southeast, find out exactly what's going on, and eradicate any forces that stand in our way.

Glynda: (growls in frustration) Why must your answer to everything involve a triumphant display of military bravado!? You treat every situation like it's a contest of measuring di—!

Ozpina Glynda!

Glynda: Well, she does.

Ozpina: She's right. As much as I too would love to end this situation once and for all, we must remember that this may go beyond Vale. Beyond Beacon. And if this truly is part of some master plan for which we know not the final move, we mustn't be so bold. Nor can we risk the spread of panic.

Jenny: I have served you faithfully for years... but if you mean to tell me that your plan is to really hold the defenses, and wait—!

Ozpina: (abruptly stands from her chair) It is not! You're a general, Jenny. So tell me, when you prepare to go to war, which do you send in first? The flag bearers, or the scouts?

We then cut back to the dorm

Weiss: That was a risky move.

Blake: No, I think you handled it well.

You: I hope I did

Yang: I'm sure everything will be alright, by the way we were waiting for you

You: for what

Yang: this

She takes out a cylindrical package the length of her forearm

You: what is it

Yang: I don't know yet. Mom sent it to us. I thought we could open it together 

You: oooh, something from patch, maybe someday I'll visit 

Ruby zooms over to Yang and wraps herself around Yang, trying to take the cylinder from her. The package opens, and another cylinder, hairy and black, falls out onto the floor and starts to shake. The object suddenly transforms into a corgi. Team RWBY leans in, staring at it.

The animal barks twice. While Weiss, me and Blake continue to react with great shock, Ruby and Yang react excitedly, with Ruby jumping in the air. Yelling the little guys name

Ruby: Zwei

Blake: she sent a dog?

Weiss: in the mail

You: how did it-

Yang:Don't, she does this stuff like this all the time

Blake disappears, shown now to be on Ruby's bunk.

Blake: your mother or your dog

Weiss: Are you telling me that this mangy... drooling... mutt is going to wiv wif us foweva? Oh, yes he is, yes he is! Oh, isn't he adorable!

Blake: Please keep it away from my belongings.

I pick ùp the dog as he stares at me durply

You: please what sort of damage can he do

Glynda: (Over the intercom) Would all first-year students please report to the amphitheater?

Weiss: Well, we can't exactly leave him here while we're gone for the week.

Ruby sets Zwei down and he walks over to Blake still on the top bunk, and barks.

Yang: Look, there's a letter! (Zwei arrives in front of Yang) "Dear girls, I've got to leave the island for a few days, so I'm sending Zwei to you to take care of. Enclosed is all the food you should need. Love you both, Tiayang." "P.S next time you visit bring your boyfriend over I would like to see him for myself if he's perfect

She tips the package and dozens of dog food cans come out of the small package on top of the dog. While you had a broken and confused look

You: how did-

Weiss: What is he supposed to do with that?

A can opener falls from the package, bouncing off Zwei's head. You then grabbed the box looking it through and measuring on how this many cans, and opener and dog managed to fit

Yang: Well, that settles it! Come on girls, Zwei will be here when we get back!

Weiss: (talking to Zwei as she leaves) Oh, I'll miss you so much, we're going to be best friends, I can't wait to see you. 

her speech deteriorates into incomprehensible baby talk, Meanwhile Blake jumps down from Ruby's bunk and jumps across the table, avoiding Zwei. While you walked with a scared look on how it worked

You: how can they fit, it's arm length, arm length 

As you go you didn't notice Ruby stares at Zwei for a moment, before smiling sneakily.

We entered the auditorium, I noticed Ruby coming in with a huge backpack and putting it with the other luggage, we then stand in one of the rows as Glynda calls out

Glynda: Quiet! Quiet please. Professor Ozpina would like to share a few words before we begin.

Ozpina: Today we stand together, united. Mistral. Atlas. Vacuo. Vale. The four Kingdoms of Remnant. On this day, nearly eighty years ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, of greed, and of oppression. A war that was about much more than where borders fell or who traded with whom, but about the very idea of individualism itself. We fought for countless reasons, one of which being the destruction of all forms of art and self-expression. And as you are well aware, that was something many could not stand for. As a result, those who opposed this tyranny began naming their children after one of the core aspects of art itself: color. It was their way to demonstrate that not only would they refuse to tolerate this oppression, but neither were the generations to come. And it was a trend that is held to this very day. We encourage individuality, expressionism, and unity through diversity. As I have said, today we stand together, united. But this bond cannot exist without effort. Which is why today, while the rest of the world celebrates peace, Huntsmen and Huntresses will work to uphold it. As first year students, you will be tasked with shadowing a professional Huntsman or Huntress on a mission. Some of you may be taken out of the Kingdom for several days. Others may work within the walls for the rest of the week. But no matter which path you choose, remember to be safe, remember your training, and remember to do your very best.

Ozpina steps away as the students all begin to file out of the amphitheater.

Ruby: This is perfect! All we have to do is shadow a Huntsman working in the southeast!

Yang: Yeah! We'll follow them around by day and give them the slip by night!

Weiss: let's check "search and destroy"

Team RWBY approaches a hologram screen.

Ruby: Here we go! Quadrant 5 needs Grimm cleared out!

Blake: Well, it's in the southeast

You: sounds great

Ruby selects it and types in her team name. However, the screen says that first years are not allowed to take this mission.

Weiss: Wonderful!

Blake: Any other ideas?

Ruby: We mail ourselves there!

Ozpina: (offscreen) Well, that's one option.

Ozpina suddenly appears out of nowhere.

Ozpina: Unfortunately, we determined that the concentration of Grimm was too extreme for first-year students. It seems that particular region is rather popular. In fact, I have the sneaking suspicion that you five will make your way there no matter which job you choose.

Weiss, Blake, and Yang glare at Ruby, who nervously rubs her head.

Ruby: Whatever makes you say that?

Ozpina: I'm still curious how you all found yourself at the docks last semester. I'm interested to know how you really learned about a hideout in the southeast. And I certainly wonder why witnesses reported seeing robots and rose petals in a dance club and a boy in the same places at the same time some time ago.

Ruby: Um... well...

Ozpina: I doubt I'll ever find the exact answers I'm looking for. So how about this: instead of waiting for you all to break the rules, why don't we just bend them?

Ozpina selects some things on her scroll, and the hologram screen makes a noise.

Ruby: We won't let you down. Thank you, professor.

Ozpin: Do not thank me for this. Teamwork and persistence have carried you far. But you must understand, the things that await you beyond the protection of the Kingdom will not care. Stay close to your Huntress at all times, and do exactly as she says. She will be leading you on this mission, and she can have you sent back to Beacon, ifs he finds your skills to be unsatisfactory. Good luck.

We all left the auditorium and we were on our way to the airship that will take to quadrant 5

Yang: That wasn't exactly uplifting.

Blake: But it's the truth.

Ruby: It's gonna to be tough, but I know we can do it!

You: I believe we can

A student runs past the US yelling.

Student: Hey! Team CFVY is back!

Beacon students gather around to witness the return of Team CFVY. Blake goes up to Velvet Scarlatina.

Velvet: I'm fine. I had Yatsu to look out for me.

You: your mission was supposed to end a week ago, what happened

Velvet: Nothing happened. It was just ... there were just so many... 

She looks at us with worried looks 

Velvet: Oh, but don't worry. You first-years are just shadowing Huntsmen, so you should be fine.

Yang: Right.

Velvet: I should go. Be safe, okay? And y/n I missed you

You: missed you too

I kissed her head and she blushed at that. She then leaves with her team

Ruby: We can do this. We've never backed down before, and we're not going to start now.

Blake: Right.

Ruby: Besides, it won't only be us out there! We'll be fighting alongside a genuine Huntsman!

Yang: Yeah!

Later when we reached our ride we each had a face of shock and confusion, of finding out who we are shadowing

Martha: why, hello students! Who's ready to fight for there lives, and this counts for us as a date for us handsome

I then blushed at her comment

You mind: well this is going complicate things a little

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