Chap 19 Train through mountain

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We open to you sitting on a makeshift bed and a specific red head nursing your damaged body, after being beaten up by her

(Your point of view)

I was sitting on a bed with Roma Torchwick with an ice bag on my side, after beating me up

Roma: sorry about that, had to make it believable, it's amazing that your glasses didn't break from that

You: it's fine, I got swated by an ursai once, this nothing, and the glasses yeah somehow there now indestructible

Roma: yeah, so I'm guess your team is here too 

You: yeah, so how's this going to work

Roma: well your under my watch, so your not going anywhere

You: you only have a cane with dust, and I can summon anything, your kinda unmatched

Roma: ahh, right, so, your just going to slice me and run

You: well I can also do this

I then summoned a glove on my hand with a Ruby on the top and zig-zag on the wrist

She got confused, then I touched the wall and vanished, she then gets up with a shocked expression

Roma: okay not funny, come out

I go over to her and kissed her cheek then left the room, the action made her blush then began to swat the air. As I got out an explosion rocks through causing Roma to rush out and everyone to look up

Roma:Oh, what the... Perry, if you and the boys could take care of that? Kinda in the middle of something.

Perry nods and goes off to investigate the explosion just as another one sounds.

Roma: (annoyed) WHAT is going on here?!

A third explosion sounds and multiple White Fang members come running around the corner, some firing at an unknown enemy. team RWBY, Zwei and Martha run around the corner, much to Roma's annoyance. I then deshift coming into view of Roma

Roma: somebody get him!

Roma and the White Fang 

members around her open fire on me, which I dodges and weaves between.

Roma turns angrily to the White Fang member next to her

Roma: Attach this cart and spread the word: We're starting the train.

White Fang Member: But we're not finished!

Roma pins the White Fang member up against the wall with her weapon 

Roma: Do it or you're finished!

We cut to me running, I look up ahead to see a group of White Fang,  I was about to summon something when a huge explosion behind them happens sending them flying, the dust clears revaling

You: Yang!

She rushes to me and grabbed me and giving me a bear hug lifting me of the ground

Yang: y/n

Then the rest of the team came in

Weiss: are you okay

Euby: what did she do to you!

You: I'm fine, but listen! Roma is down here with the White Fang, she's got all sorts of weapons and mechs

Blake: what?!

You: androids, mechs,  they're being loaded on the train 

Martha: Ahhhh, that's ridiculous. These tunnels are sealed, the tracks lead to a dead-end.

Roma: (across a speaker system) Get to your places, we are leaving now!

The train starts moving towards the tunnels.

Yang: Well, it sounds like they're going somewhere.

You: let me call- oh right low signal

Ruby: so, what do we do?

Martha: I believe we only have one option...

You: let's go for a ride

The scene cuts to the train rushing through a tunnel, loaded with mechs. A White Fang member standing on the train hears a noise and looks outside the train to see rose petals. He brings out a communication device.

White Fang Member: I think they're on the—

The White Fang member falls down as Oobleck hits him in the head with her weapon.

The shot cuts to Roma in the front of the train as a White Fang member rushes in.

White Fang Member: Boss! They made it on the train!

Roman: (sighing) Then grab some cargo and get them off the train!

The White Fang member nods and leaves to follow Roma's orders.

Roman: Man, animals, every one of them.

Roma looks awkwardly at the White Fang member sitting next to her.

Roma: Not you though, you're, heh, you're great.

The scene cuts back to us on top of the train

Martha: Hurry, children! We must get to the front and stop this train!

Weiss: Err... Professor?

Oobleck: Doctor...

Weiss then points down to a hatch of the train

Weiss: what's that

Oobleck kneels down to take a look

Martha: that my dear...appears to be a bomb

We then all cringe away from the explosive hatch, then Ruby points ahead of us

Ruby: we've got baddies 

Dozens of White Fang members can be seen climbing onto the top of the train.

Martha: Well, I didn't expect them to go—

She was cut short when we heard beeping coming from the hatch

Oobleck: —easy on us. (stands up) Time to go!

We then took of running. But Oobleck stops Blake

Martha: Blake! Detach the caboose! It will kill us all 

Blake: On it.

Blake jumps down onto the connectors and gets ready to cut the connection, but as she does, the connection comes loose on its own.

Blake: Huh? (looking up at Oobleck) It decoupled itself!

Martha: What?!

You: I guess she really doesn't want us on this train.

As Oobleck looks back at the detached cart, it explodes in the tunnel.

Oobleck: That's not good...

Ruby then opens another hatch revaling another bomb

Ruby: Err, neither is this!

Blake: another bomb?!

Martha looks around then runs up to the next cart

Martha: no, no, no

She opens the hatch and yells at us from there

Martha: they all have bombs

The bombs under us began to charge up and start beeping and the cart we're on detached, we then took of running to the next

Yang: this doesn't make sense

You: yeah why would torchwick risk blowing us and her cargo up

We reached the next and White Fang climbed up

W.F member: get the humans

We then jump forward weapons. I summoned a pair of blades with light and dark blue colours, a shell near the hilt

I sliced one away and spinned getting a few. Oobleck turns around and watched the detached train car exploded. Only this time it creates a hole allowing multiple types of Grimm to emerge.

Martha: oh, dear

The horde of Grimm begin advancing quickly toward the runaway train.

Martha: she's leading grimm to the city

Weiss: what

Martha: It's the cars! They detach and explode, creating openings for the Grimm!

Blake: That's insane!

Martha: We have to hurry!

She then looks at Weiss, Blake and Yang

Martha: you three, go below and try to stop those bombs

Ruby: what about us

Martha: We're going to stop this train

We then nodded, but before we can do it

You: wait!

I then summoned a clone of my self for team WBY

You: just incase you need back up

We then move forward. As the train continues towards it destination, White Fang members start to pilot multiple Atlesian Paladin-290s, and jump to the top of the train. We were running to them,

Martha: up ahead

We look up to see a palledin charging towards us

Martha: We got a problem

Oobleck takes a sip from her thermos before transforming it into its weapon mode, a small flame burning at its tip. Zwei barks, prompting he's ready for an attack. He jumps and flips in the air, and Oobleck bats him, turning him into a small fireball. The Paladin is seen shooting, only for it to get knocked off the train by the combination attack. The Paladin tumbles on the train tracks, and explodes when it hits a barricade. Another Paladin appears in front of Zwei, its guns aimed at him. Suddenly, multiple fire attacks hit it, and Oobleck swiftly knocks it off the train as well.

Your mind: I question you dog

Down below my copy and the rest of team RWBY enter inside 

Yang: I guess this is what we trained for.

I look at her with a bland look

Yang: what

You: No, just no

Weiss reaches into her pouch and gives Blake a magazine filled with dust vials

Weiss: Here, this should help you.

Blake slides the mag into Gambol Shroud, and then the four of us charge forward. Suddenly, Neo girl drops from the ceiling and blocks our path.  But when she sees me, she smiles and waves

Yang: You three go on ahead. This one's mine.

You: hang on

My copy then copied again to stay and help Yang with this. Blake, the other me and Weiss proceed forward.  As Neo prepares for their attack, Yang fires a round to distract her, allowing Blake, Weiss and I to continue. We then walk forward to Neo, we stare down echother with Neo giving a smile, she looks at me and gives me a lustful look, we then began to fight with me summoning a short sword with light pink colour

In the next cart, we were running through, until we heard the sound of a chainsaw, we look ahead to see the lieutenant dragging a chainsaw, I then made another copy for Weiss

Weiss: you go ahead

Blake: got it

The Lieutenant chuckles menacingly as she holds up her chainsaw. The two Huntresses-in-training charge forward, with Blake deflecting an attack as Weiss flips backward. Weiss delivers multiple strikes at the Lieutenant, knocking her down. Weiss then smiles at Blake as she proceeds to the next car. The Lieutenant gets back up, again chuckling menacingly.

W.F Lieutenant: Finally, I get to kill a Schnee...

You: not on my watch your not

She noticed me with a morning star, that's orange and white, with stones

W.F: h-how, about you stay out of this weak human

You: threatening her, means this my fight

We then charge at the big woman

In the next cart, you and Blake stop as you meet

Roma: hello, kitty cat and Knight in shining armor. You miss me? You know, we really gotta stop meeting like this. People are gonna talk...

Blake then charges forward to attack, she then knocks her down and Roma attempted to get back up, Blake steps on her chest and points her sword at her throat

Roma chuckles nervously before his voice gets a dramatic change in tone

Roma: Why are we fighting? I saw you at the rally, we're on the same side and you know it... and dragging him there, not cool

Meanwhile the other clone with Weiss were fighting the lieutenant, Things take a turn for the worst when time suddenly seems to slow down.

W.F Lieutenant: C'mere, princess!

She was about to grab her face,  when the clone swings his morning star in her stomach throwing her away, droppingWeissas well. But then she jumps back in with a chainsaw reving

Meanwhile the other clone and Yang were going badly and Neo manages to throws Yang into the ceiling, knocking her out, then you zoomed over with the short sword, but she blocks with her umbrella, we were then connected she looks into my eyes, and she winks

(3d point of view)

We cut back to see Roma being held down by Blake, Roma grunts as Blake points her blade

Roma: Oh, still feisty. Soooo, what are we gonna do now? You think a little bow on top is gonna make people forget who you were? What you've done...?

She grited her teeth at her words, you and Blake then hear the door open, revaling the previous car open behind. An unconscious clone and Weiss are thrown to the floor, with the lieutenant emerging from the doorway, with a chainsaw reving. You then summoned a scythe with red and white colours, a red gem in the middle and spikes at the top

Roma: so what's it gonna be, Blake

She sheaths her weapon and kicks Roma in the face, knocking her unconscious, Blake goes over to Weiss' aid and you rush towards the Lieutenant, scythe in the air and her chainsaw raised

(Your point of view)

Meanwhile, pulls out a hidden blade from her umbrella, she strikes but I blocked ked with the short sword, she then kicks you in the stomach, then you hit a wall. Before another move, someone comes out of nowhere, wearing a mask with Raven black hair  clad in red and black. I knew she was a woman, the figure and hair, even with the mask I can she her eyes

She knocked Neo back. But Neo's eyes change from brown and pink to white, mirroring her fearful expression. The mysterious swordswoman slowly draws her sword again - long and crimson red - and holds it up intimidatingly. Neo, realizing the imminent threat before her, wastes no time and disappears in a flash.

The swordswoman looks down at the still unconscious Yang, she then looks at me, I mearly nod for her thanks, she does the same. She then slashes her sword to the side, opening a red portal, she walks away from the unconscious Yang then briefly looks at me then leaves. At that point, Yang reigned her consciousness and slowly gets back up.

As she opened her eyes she only got a glimpse at her rescuer before the portal disappeared with the woman, still reeling after regaining consciousness, before standing up, she then sees me and panicked

Yang: y/n! Are you alright, what did that little gremlin do to you

You: I'm not sure, I was on the floor, and she came and rescued me and you, scared Neo away and disappeared

Yang: alright, now how about you tell me when we get back

You: alright, also I think it happened again

Yang: What happened again

You: I charmed another criminal, Neo

Yang: seriously, it's like your a chick magnet

On top of the train me, Ruby and Oobleck, were dodging a couple swipes from the Paladin, Oobleck runs to the top of its head, and shoots it in the engine before jumping of. Ruby twirls crescent rose around a few times, and both of them fire simultaneously at the paladin feet, then you jump over and slice both legs of with a long sword with silver colours and beige

It then fell of the train

Martha: Ruby, y/n! You go on ahead!

Ruby: But-

Martha: Don't worry, Ruby. It's time... I teach them a lesson...

You: be safe

Martha: i will

The Doctor goes to take on two oncoming Paladins. Before we leave, Ruby notices the saddened Zwei looking up at her. She smiles and motions for him to go join his new friend.

Ruby: Go.

With that, Zwei expression changes dramatically and barks happily before running off to fight alongside the Doctor. We hurried to the front of the train. The remaining members of the Team reemerge from the train cars to rejoin us, the clones then disappeared leaving the only one. Ruby looks on worriedly as she realizes the train is on a collision course with a thick concrete wall.

Blake: what do we do?

Then an idea came to me, I summon two clones with the same sword, scythe and morning star, then all of us smashed the weapons on the floor, at the end blue shining rocks

Weiss then makes an ice shield to protect us all, we braced ourselves for the impending crash, the train hits the wall of crystal wall, exploding 

We recover from the explosion and everyone groaning in pain, when we came to an alarm was going of and we that we are in the central part of Vale, and multiple civilians in the area them among the debris of concrete and broken shards of crystal that was disintegrating.

 I then hears the sound of low rumbles and growls from behind me. Suddenly, a giant King Taijitu emerges from the hole, and multiple Grimm start pouring into Vale.

 The civilians scream as they attempt to flee the chaos. The sounds of screams and roars fill the air, and all of us can do is watch in horror. And my expression changes from worried and scared to angry and determined. The alarm continues to blare as the screen suddenly cuts to black...

You: time to fight

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