Chap 23 Meeting a winter queen and Aunt

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Right now we're in the Beacon Courtyard going to the landing docks where this atlesian ship lands which has Winter who's the sister of Weiss

Ruby: Weiss! What is the big deal!? Who is it? Who is she!?

Weiss: (as she stops and smiles at the sight of...) Winter.

The said person was a young woman who had white hair slick forward and has a specialist suit on

She was escorted by crimson coloured soldiers and Atlesian Knight-200's as she exits her airship.

Ruby: Wait... Your sister?

Weiss: (cups mouth) Winter! 

the two then run up to the elder Schnee as she turns to see them

Weiss: Winter! I'm so happy to see you! Oh... (suddenly curtsies) Your presence honors us.

Winter: (looks around as she approaches them) Beacon... It's been a long time. The air feels... different.

You: well it is the fall season lady Schnee

She takes a glance and has a small insty weenie pink on her but brushes of. Weiss then buts in

Weiss: so, what are you doing here?

Winter: Classified.

Weiss: Oh, right. Well, how long are you staying?

Winter: Classified.

Weiss: Of course. (nods and smiles in understanding)

Ruby: (looks pensively around in the silence) Well... this is nice... I think.

Weiss: (excitedly) You're going to love it here! I know you travel a lot, but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas! (discreetly whispers) Vale, too. The government and school are completely separate! Can you believe it!? I-

Winter: I'm more than familiar with how this kingdom handles its... bureaucracy. That is not why I came.

Weiss: Right! I'm sorry!

Winter: Nor did I come here to watch my own blood fail so miserably in battle. But it appears that I have no choice in the matter.

Weiss: (puzzled) But, we won!

Winter: Only a novice would refer to that as a victory. I counted at least three strikes missed. 

she turns to her security

 Winter: Leave us. 

The AK-200s obey, walking two steps backwards into formation as she sighs and smiles a little more warmly at Weiss

Winter: How have you been?

Weiss: Oh, splendid! Thank you for asking. I'm actually in the very top ranking of our sparring class! And the rest of my studies are going wonderfully, too! I'm-

She was cut of when Winter's slaps Weiss, leaving a massive bump on her head

Winter: Silence, you boob! I don't recall asking about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?

Weiss: Well, there's Ruby.

Ruby: (giggles as she pushes the lump back into Weiss' head) Heh, boob.

Winter: I see. So this is the leader you wrote of. How appropriately... underwhelming.

Ruby: Uh... Thank you!

Winter then look at me up and down

Winter: and you must be the boy from another world, y/n l/n

You: yes, I look forward to see more of you and if you want to spar together

Winter: that would be splendid, I am curious on about that power of yours

You: yes I will show momentarily

Winter: and that your also Weiss lover 

You: well yes that's true-

Winter: I wish to thank you for taking an interest in my sister.

You: but we're also in an open relationship 

Winter: really she never mentioned that in her letters

She takes a small glance at her which made the young heiress look away

You: well you see Weiss and the rest of her team are with me

Winter: hmm, interesting

Ruby: Oh! Uh, yes, of course! (attempts to salute and curtsy) The honor is in my... court!

nearly losing her balance with this gesture, waving her arms until she can get back up

Winter: I have business with the General and your Headmaster. But, seeing as I'm early, why don't you take me to your quarters?

Weiss: Really?

As she and Weiss began to walk to the academy followed by the robo's

Winter: Yes. I wish to inspect them and make sure that they are up to my personal standards.

Weiss: Of course. Just so you're aware, the bunk beds only look unstable.

Winter: Bunk beds?

Ruby: (waving goodbye behind them) I'll catch up- I mean, I will... reconvene with you both... at a later... 

You: right, I'll go with them, you can go

Ruby: alright

she turns and leaves while i followed the Schnee sisters 

she pauses with her hand on her head, wracking her brain for the right word

Ruby:  juncture! 

she raises her finger, before stepping out of sight to the left

Ruby: At a juncture. Yeah.

I catch up with them and follow in there pace

Winter: so tell me about yourself Mr. L/N

You: well, I love art and draw, I can also sing and fight

Winter: interesting, you are acceptable 

You: thank you

We then heard a clanking, and a voice

Q: hey!

We turn to see a decapitated head of a robot and a woman who has black hair and a silver vest and red cape like Ruby's. She oddly looks like... Raven

Q: yeah, I'm talking to you, ice queen

as one of her automated soldiers advances, rifle raised

Winter: Halt!

Weiss huffs and walks over to her

Weiss: Excuse me! Do you have any idea who you are talking to!?

Q: (places hand on Weiss' face) Sssshhh. Not you. 

pushes her out of her way as he moves forward

The stranger then eyes Winter and says venomly

Q: you

I noticed a Raven perched on a lamp and I knew instantly who it was she flys of and I look back at the two rivals

Q: Saw that gaudy ship of yours in town. I guess you're here, too.

Winter: I'm standing right before you.

Quill: (squints through her hazy state of mind) So it would seem.

Winter: You realize you just destroyed Atlas Military property.

Quill: (sarcastically apologizes as she looks at her surroundings) Oh, oh I'm sorry. See, I mistook this for some sort of... sentient garbage.

Winter: (walks over to face Quill) I don't have time for your immature games, Quill.

Weiss: Wait, you two know each other?

Quill: Geez, you Atlas Specialists think you're so special, don't you?

Winter: It's in the title.

Quill: Well, you know what you really are? A bunch of sellouts. Just like your boss.

Winter: I'm not sure what you think you're implying, but I've heard enough.

Quill: Oh I heard, too. I heard ol' Ironwood finally turned her back on Ozpina.

You: Ozpina

Winter: shoves the both of me and Weiss away

Winter: weiss y/n it's time to go

Weiss: What-

Quill: Listen to big sister, Weiss. She'll protect you. Just like Atlas is going to protect all of us, huh? Right handsome 

Winter: If you won't hold your tongue, then I will gladly remove it for you!

She draws her sword which was white and was curved which was a cutless

You: come on let's not be rational

Quill: I'd stay out cutie you do not want to make this one upset

Winter: I'll cut you in to pieces

Quill: alright then

She takes a glance at me and winks

Quill: come take some

The square clears before Winter charges at Qrow, starting the fight. She was about to stab her, but the stranger mearly moves her head from side to side, she takes a bow.

Winter was about to stab her back but it was blocked by a sword on the strange womans back.

 she pulls a trigger and it extends, she slips out throwing Winter off, the both of them get in a ready position, they both tap there swords and the stranger does a spin and push Winter away.

 she tried to slash her but the Specialists back flips back, but she blocks her side, the two exchange slashes one trying to cut the other.

 Eventually Ruby comes up and enters the crowd next to us.

Ruby: What's going on?!

Weiss: Some crazy woman just started attacking my sister!

Ruby: Oh no! Who would do such a th- (sees Winter's opponent) That is my Aunt!

Weiss: What?!

Ruby: (yells loudly) Kick her butt, Aunt Quill!

Weiss: Uh... (decides to shout her own encouragement) Teach her respect, Winter!

I then did the more mature way, I jumped up and landed right in the middle of there fight just as they were about to clash eachother I summoned a rapier with red and yellow at the hilt

It blocks Winter attack which caught her by suprise and Quill was blocked by a scythe with blue and white colours 

They were both caught by suprise and were stuck in a grapple

You: you two are acting like children, couldn't you two talk like normal disputed adults

Quill: Well listen who ever you are and I want your number. You are not from where ever you came from, we solve things with combat not words

You: really, Mrs schnee, your thoughts

Winter: Well, um, I guess I lost my temper with her

You: good, now shake hands and apologie to eachother 

I flip both weapons up in the air and both of them caught it

Quill: or, kid,you could join in

You: well uh

Quill: think fast

Winter activated her glyph, grabbed my hoodie and jumps back just in time for Ruby's Aunt to bring her weapon down and smashed the ground, the both of us land on the ground and Quill coming towards us. We dodged again just as Quill sliced a lamppost of.

 I desummoned the scythe and go over using the rapier but she blocks it Winter tried to get form behind but Quill kicked her leg at her and spins but I blocked it and tried to slice her but she bends backwards, she tries slicing me but I jump back Winter then jumps on her blade and kicks her in in face which knocked her back.

 The Schnee jumps back nearly got hit by the sword and jumps on a railing, I then go over to Quill, she tried to slash at me but I jumped and rolled under her. I swip her legs which made her trip, but she got her footing back, she tried to smash me but I blocked it with the rapier, Winter jumps back down with a blade raised ready to slice Quill.

 I then see two holes on the broad sword swivle at me I jump back just as two shots rung through where i was standing. Winter activated a Glyph and runs on the ring of the court yard with Quill shooting her. She jumps on a different part of the ring and continued to shoot her. But the last shot caused a white cloud which covered Winter.

She jumps through the cloud with a raised cutless, she activated a secret compartment which pushed out a small dagger, Quill gets ready for both of the weapons. They clash eachother and break some of the stone and the stone ground of the courtyard. 

They get back up and started zig zagging around the yard, Winter pushes Ruby's Aunt away, which made her pin her broad sword in the ground making a jagged scar on the ground which in turn slows her to a stop.

The two of them stare at eachother for a moment. Winter then stabbed her sword on the ground which made a huge Glyph with small white nevermore's apper and charging at the Huntress, I stabbed my Rapier in the ground as well and a lion like creature appeared with a small tail mane running down it's back

It roars and breaths out fire melting the Nevermore copy's. She looked suprised at the intrusion of the lion in the battlefield

Quill: thanks kid

You: this is Pyroar and I'm only stopping this fight, so you two put your weapons in the holster and shake hands, and apologie to eachother

They looked suprised that I'm stopping this useless fight but understood

Quill: Well that means that I won

Winter clenched her weapon in anger and rushes her but before she can stab her in the throat a feminine but ferm voice rang through the courtyard

Jenny: SCHNEE!

Winter looks behind her to see General Ironwood standing behind her, with Penny Polendina behind her.

You: Jenny, Penny?

The Schnee lowers her blade and address the situation

Winter: General Ironwood Ma'am 

She approaches her with Penny following

Jenny: what in the world do you think you're doing?

Winter: she started the altercation, sir!

Quill: (puts her hands behind her head in a relaxed stance) That's actually not true. She attacked first and he intervened.

Jenny: is this true

Winter searches for words, only to realize Quill is right. She looks down in shame

Jenny: and you

The both of us looked at the both of us and pointed at eachother 

Jenny: What are you doing here?

Quill: I could be asking you the same thing.

Ironwood: I-

Ozpina: Now, now, everyone. 

Ozpina came in intervening beside her was Glynda Goodwitch

 Ozpina: There is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the Colosseum, that I can assure you has better seats... and popcorn. 

swirls her cocoa

Glynda: Break it up, everyone! We will take care of this mess. 

glares at the three but on the inside she smiles at me for the interventio)

Ironwood: Let's go. Oh and y/n, you did the right thing

As Ironwood and Winter leave, Penny notices Ruby and quietly waves to her, while Ruby waves back, she then looked at me.and does a blow kiss for me which made me smile. Ruby then leaps giddily onto Quill's arm, shaking her legs in delight.

Ruby: Aunt Quill!!! 

as she hangs on Quill's outstretched arm

Ruby:  Hi. It's so good to see you! Did you miss me? Did you miss me!?

Quill: Nope. 

they share a grin as she pats her niece's head, she then looks at me

Quill: I want to know more about you, maybe a spar later

You: maybe

Ozpina: Quill!

The Huntress turns to look at the headmistress as Ruby was dropped

Ozpina: a word, please, and Mr l/n, I need you too

Goodwitch was fixing the damage that we might of caused

Quill: (to Ruby, discreetly) I think I'm in trouble.

Ruby: You did kinda tear up our courtyard.

Quill: Yeah, I did. (winks and gives her a fist bump) Catch ya later, kid. (she walks off to join the others)

Weiss: (walking up beside Ruby, arms crossed) And suddenly, your recklessness makes sense.

Ruby: (nudges Weiss' shoulder) You're just mad because she whooped butt.

Weiss: That was a draw, at best!

Ruby's grin says otherwise.

You: okay, I'll see you two later

I kiss both of there cheeks and run of after them leaving the two blushing in the courtyard


I got out of the lift accompanied Quill, Glynda and Ozpina

Winter: What were you thinking!?

Jenny: If you were one of my soldiers, I would have you shot!

Quill: (pulls out flask as the four of us enter the room) If I was one of your men, I'd shoot myself.

Glynda: While I wouldn't condone her behavior, retaliating like you did certainly didn't help the situation.

Winter: she was drunk!

Glynda: She's always drunk ! 

the five of us turn to Quill to see her drinking from a flask. Her eyes widen when she notices our staring, and she holds the flask out to the side, looking at it awkwardly before grimacing.

Glynda: and at least Mr l/n had the right idea

They then turn to me and I mearly nod. Ozpina looks at Quill in shock and sighs then sits down at her desk

Ozpina: Quill, why are you here?

Jenny: You've been out of contact for weeks! You can't just go dark like that in the field!

Quill: I'm not one of your special operatives, Jenny 

Winter: General.

Quill: Whatever. You sent me to get intel on our enemy, and I'm telling you, our enemy is here.

Jenny: (leans against Ozpina's desk) We know.

Quill: Oh! Oh, you know! Well, thank goodness I'm out there risking my life to keep you all informed!

Jenny: (exhales) Quill-

Quill: Communication's a two-way street, pal. You see this? (pulls out her Scroll and points to it) That's the SEND button.

Winter: They had reason to assume you'd been compromised.

Quill: And I have reason to assume you don't need to be here. (points to Winter) Seriously, who invited her?

Ironwood: (after a moment of silence, without looking at her) Schnee, we'll discuss this incident back at my ship.

Winter: (looks surprised) But sir!

Jenny: Winter. Leave and take y/n too.

You: but-

Jenny: you heard enough, go

I nod

Winter: (salutes Ironwood) Yes sir. 

turns on her heel, puts a hand on my back and gives the winking Quill who was winking at me a dirty look as we exits via the elevator

(3rd person view)

As you and Winter leave Jenny gives a stern look at Ozpina

Jenny: I don't understand why you invited him to this meeting, he doesn't understand this world and we don't understand his, and he's to young to know about her and all of this

Ozpina: but he will do something about it, he was sent here for a reason 

Ironwood: (gestures to Qrow) Go on. Quill

Quill: Your little infiltrator isn't just another pawn. They're the one responsible for Autumn's condition. 

takes a drink from her flask once more

Goodwitch: What?

Quill: Despite what the world thinks, we're not just teachers, or Generals, or Headmasters. The people in this room, The leaders of the other two academies, we're the ones that keep the world safe from the evils no one even knows about! (getting up in Ironwood's face) It's why we meet behind closed doors, why we work in the shadows. So you tell me, Jenny, when you brought your army to Vale, did you think you were being discreet, or did you just not give a damn!?

Jenny stares down at Quill as she places her Scroll on Ozpina's desk

Jenny: Discreet wasn't working. 

the center of the room projects a hologram of Vale, Beacon Academy, the Amity Colosseum and Ironwood's fleet of Atlesian Airships, which she gestures to

Jenny: I'm here because this is what was necessary.

Quill: You're here because Ozpina wanted you here! She made you a part of this inner circle and opened your eyes to the real fight that's in front of us!

Jenny: And I am grateful.

Quill: Oh, well, you've got a real funny way of showing it.

Jenny: The people of Vale needed someone to protect them; someone who would act. When they look to the sky and see my fleet, they feel safe, and our enemies will feel our strength.

Quill: (starts laughing) You... You think they're scared of your little ships? I've been out there and I've seen the things she's made, and let me tell you - they are fear.

Ozpina: (standing up) And fear will bring the Grimm. A guardian is a symbol of comfort. But an army is a symbol of conflict. There's an energy in the air now, a question in the back of everyone's minds... (gestures to the display) "If this is the size of our defenses, then what is it we're expecting to fight?"

Jenny glares at them before sighing and walking forward, picking up her Scroll just as it flashes with the image of a Black Queen

Jenny: So then, what would you suggest we do?

Ozpina: that's where y/n comes in, he's our guardian 

(Cut back to you your point of view)

I was in the elevator with Winter, it was uncomfortably quiet so I decided to strike a conversation 

You: you were quite good out there, Mr's Schnee

Winter: please call me Winter, and I am sorry that I lost my temper

You: it's fine, you were mad but you would've solved it through talking instead of sharp blades 

She blushes in embarrassment at my comment but rubs it of.

You: so what's home like?

Winter: It's... troubling

You: Weiss, mentioned your mother drinks

Winter: Yes she does

You: and that your father is a tight wad

She couldn't help but snort a little, but gets her stature back

You: and that you and Weiss call your brother... Shitly was it?

Again she snorts

Winter: your amusing to be around with... my sister picked well

You: I aim to please

We reached ground floor and we step out

Winter: I'll be going back to the ship 

You: and for me, my dorm

Winter; before you go... thank you for taking care of my sister 

You: your welcome

We then go our separate ways, her to her ship, and me to my dorm

I then noticed I was in the guest wing where the students from other school are, 

your mind: I have a bit of time, I can go and visit Cinder

I then started to walk to her dorm. When I got there, I knocked on the door, she opens and smiles a little 

Cinder: y/n, its good to see you

You: you too, I only came to see how you were 

Cinder: I'm alright

You: good to hear, by the way that um moment from that dance, why did you do it

Cinder mind: wait does he know that it was me at the tower

You: when you kissed me on the cheek

Cinder mind: oh thank gods, wait, no thank gods

Cinder: um, well, you see, um, I developed feelings for you that's why

You: oh um, really

Cinder: yes, I know your in a relationship and I also heard your in an open relationship, so I was wondering-

You: yes, I accept

Cinder: thank you y/n

She then comes closer to me and kisses me on the lips. It lasted for 6 seconds until she leans back and smiles,

Cinder: I will see you at the tournament. After a double battle with Emerald and Murcy against Coco and Yatsu, you'll be doing a two to one battle with Em and Murcy as well

You: um, yes I will, good night Cinder

Cinder: night y/n

She closes her door and I leave for my dorm

(With Cinder)

She closes the door and turns around then sighs and slides down the door till she was sitting on the floor her back up against the door

Cinder: what a dream

Emerald and Murcy then come in seeing there leader on the floor with a huge pink tint of her face

Emerald: Cinder who was at the door 

Cinder: y/n

Murcy: really, he stopped by

Cinder: yes, and after your match with the CFVY team up you'll be doing a two to one fight with Mercy against him

Emerald: are you sure, you saw what he did to four against one, are you sure two people can do it

Cinder: we'll see

Murcy: I'm sort of looking forward to a one on one, I feel sorry for the unlucky sap who's against him on that

(With you)

I made it to my dorm and unlocked the door and got in to see everyone ready for tomorrow

Yang: oh, hey y/n, heard about the awesome fight you had with our Aunt

You: yes, that, I only wanted to stop it

Ruby: you know, your to nice, but that is what we like about you

She comes over and kissed my cheek

You: yeah I guess, I'll go change

I then grab my P.Js and go change. After I was done I crawled in with Weiss

You: night girls

Girls: night y/n

I snuggled in and went to sleep waiting for tomorrow match

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