Chap 3.5 Initiative

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We see you on your way to Ozpina's office. You have been living here for about a week or so. Really enjoying this world. You reached the lift and pressed the top floor. The doors were closing, until you heard a voice.

P: wait, hold the door

You hold the door just as a grown up enters. She has pink hair, white lab coat and gray under shirt

P: thanks, I was just sending these notes to Ozpina and-

She was cut short when seeing your face.

P: I-I don't think I caught your name.

You: y/n, please to meet you Mrs..?

P: oh, Mrs Peach, and your the boy from Mount Glenn.

You: yeah that's me

Peach: well it's an honour, I was looking through the footage on Port's class when you were fighting that Borbatusk, you were incredible

You: thanks.

The door dings and the two of you walk into Ozpina clockwork office.

Ozpina: ah y/n, glad your here, and Professor Peach, I see you have the notes.

Peach: all accounted, Ma'am

Ozpina then turns to you.

Ozpina: now y/n, the reason I called you is because, usually first year students would go through the initiative. Where students would work together and get a relic from the ruins in Emerald Forest.

You: yeah, Team RWBY mentioned this. I would be honoured in doing it.

Ozpina: wonderful, I expect you to be at the cliffs edge when I get there, me and Glynda will be monitoring you from the many cameras in the forest. 

You: alright, I will be there, it was lovely to meet you Mrs. Peach.

Peach: that's Professor Peach, but that's okay.

You then turn and went back in the elevator. Peach has a pink tint on her cheek

Ozpina: Professor Peach.

She looks at them with dumb look, before realising what she needed to do.

Peach: oh, right!

She rummaged in her bag before getting her papers out


We see you standing near the cliff with Ozpina standing in front of you with Glynda holding a scroll. Team RWBY was at a distance holding signs of RWBY and your face

Ruby: you can do it y/n!

Weiss: show those beasts who's the warrior!

You chuckle at them and face Ozpina who begins to explain

Ozpina: now since you missed the Initiative for this year, we made a special one for you, all you have to do is go through the forest, kill the Grimm on the way and collect a relic in the temple on the other side of the forest, now usually you would have a few people with but, we also wonder about a solo student.

You crack your neck twice and stretch your arms

You: sounds simple and I understand.

Glynda types something in the scroll

You: so will you be getting an airship or-

The secret springboard activated sending you flying, screaming.

Glynda: maybe we should have worned him about the landing strategy.

Ozpina: possibly.

You were flying through air, screaming, not prepared for this.

You summon a long staff with a flower on the top

You clung to the staff, hugging it tight, while shivering uncontrollably.

You: good, staff, who's a good staff.

You land to the ground softly then breathed out. You straighten out your clothing. Just when three pairs of red eyes open followed by a growl. You Desmond the staff and get a long spear with gray colour and with black tail

You spun it and thrusted it behind getting a Baowolf through the head, you pulled it out and jumped up kicking one in the chest and impaled it through the chest. One looks at you from a far. It started to run to you but you threw it at it going through its mouth and out.

You then run through the forest passing the now disintegrating with the spear stuck in the ground. Unkowst to you a flash of a wolf appears next to the spear.

You were running through the forest getting close to temple. But Infront of you were large, two legged Grimm

They notice you and started to snarl at you. You then summon a lance with a chain connect to a chain with an axe.

You impaled it under the jaw going through the head, another was about to pounce at you, but you threw the axe getting stuck in the head. You threw the giant lizard Grimm at another and threw the axed one at the piled up Grimm.

One was going sneak up on you but you get it with the axe to the chest and threw it dragging the flailing Grimm with it. The lance hits a striking Grimm. You run past the disintegrating bodies and the weapon flashes with a vague humanoid shape with an axe head, in the shine of the blade. 

You go to a cave entrance, entering it. You walk through the cave seeing nothing but darkness. You then hit something, you feel around before hitting something, it felt smooth, rounded and big. It then glows and lift up.


Outside two chipmunks were eating some nuts then squeaked at eachother. 


Chipmunk 1: we are cut and devious

Chipmunk: 2: I'm cute and devious too

Chipmunk 1: that deserves a hug

They then hug eachother, before a rumble goes through, we zoom out to the tree being up against a rock wall that exploded. You were thrown out holding a large white and green axe

Then a large scorpion Grimm walks out

You get the axe, ready to leap at the giant. Then a chipmunk lands on your head and started to scratching. You started to swing the axe, the Grimm tires to strike you but your accidental swings block every strike. You then swing up cutting of the tail just when it was going to strike you.

The Grimm was going to shit you with its pincer but the stinger lands on top of it embedding itself. You throw the axe out of your hand still wrestling with the squirrel.

The scorpion was going to strike with what energy and strength it had left. But the axe came back down hitting the stinger going deeper into the carapace. You get the chipmunk of throwing it away. You look to see the disintegrating body with the axe in it's stinger.

You: wish I would of seen that

You then run up to the bridge that leads to the ruins, the axe shines revealing a shadow of a large creature with white skin and green shavings.

You reach the end seeing the temple in its glory

You look around unbeknownst to you a shadow pass by scattering. You reach the main complex seeing multiple chess pieces. You go to one that stood out then rest. Most of them were black and yellow, but one Knight pieces was a sparkling white.

You go to it gently picking it up. From the shine you saw human sized shape coming to you. You then summoned a sword with green thorn vines, steel saber and rises near the handle

You swing but was caught by a claw. You look to see a Grimm spider 

It then tires to strike you but you blocked it with the blade. You tried to strike it's face but every slash you make was blocked by the fast movement of the spider. It opens  it's pincers revealing mouth. With the opening you stab the sword in its mouth.

It convulses a few times before falling limp.

You hold the piece triumphantly. You walk past the corpse the sword shines a vague humanoid shape green skin, white bushel of hair and flowers for hands.


Ozpina was watching from the cliff through the scroll, impressed. The rest of the teachers show up watching.

Glynda: he's quite skilled

Oobleck: I want to see how he can do it

Port: I want to see him fight bigger.

Peach: I want to see him more

(Back with you)

You walk through the forest peacefully, until you felt rumbling faintly. You look to a large shadow coming towards you. You then started to run. You reach an open plains with grazing buffalo. You look back to see a large lizard almost as big a bullhead.

It roars at you ready to charge. You summoned a sword with orange colour and blue wings


Glynda: I lost sight he went into an open field.

Oobleck: the one spot we couldn't have visuals on.

Port: although from the footage it was an alpha Komodusk.

Peach: we need to pull him out

Ozpina: hold on, let's listen.

They then look up to see multiple flashes of blue.

(With you)

The Grimm raised its head a fires a stream of blue fire.

You raise the sword and the fire was getting absorbed. The fire dispersed and the sword was large and sparks of fire go through.

You ready yourself and rush the dragon. You across its face and slashed near the eye leaving a scar. It roars as it started to sizzle and burn.

You land near a rock and the dragon was going to fire a blast when a pitch black ball hits it's face. You look above seeing a large wolf above you

It howls and jumps near you. The Grimm roars but a large bear like creature with snow like skin and green pines growing

It's fist glows white and punches the Grimm to the side.

Then two humanoids pop from the other side. One has green skin, white truffle of hair, roses for hands

The other was Roman like creature with axes on its chest and head

The walking bushel of roses hands glow and multiple glowing leaves shoot out

They stick to the side of the Grimm. The Knights arms glow a dark colour  forming into claws.

He jumps and slashes across the beast.

The dragon roars the pain and looks to you and spits a fire ball. The ball was rocketing towards you. You cover yourself for the explosion but the sword glows a bright light. The fire ball hits something, but wasn't you. You look to see a large draconic creature, with orange skin, blue inner wings and a fire on its tail.

It roars and fires out a blasts hitting it's face. The Grimm roars now seeing it's outnumbered by your team.

It gives a roar and started to walk back into the forest.


Team RWBY and the teachers were watching intently. They then see a shadow fly up and started to head to them.

Port readied his blunder buster

Ozpina: wait.

The large creature lands on the ground Infront of the teachers and students. You jump of still with the sword and your team come of as well.

You walk over to Ozpina and show the sparkling Knight.

You: yours I presume

She takes it and examined it with a smirk.

Ozpina: you've done well, Mr. L/n

You: thank you.

Oobleck: who are they.

You look to the group of creatures who looked on in curiosity. You look down at the sword and in the forest.

You: I think they came from the weapons

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