Chap 30 the steps to the future

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We Open on a close-up of a pool of black slime in a dark red and purple land. A large paw emerges from within the slime and a Beowolf gradually crawls out, slime sliding off of it and onto the ground.

we pan out to show several such pools and many Beowolves emerging. We pull further and further out to see a mostly dark and desolate land made up of red ground, purple crystals, and a red and black clouded sky.

we now see Mercy Black and Emerald Sustrai reflected in a window, watching from inside a high building. Emerald has her hand to her mouth while Murcy seems slightly disgusted. A gloved hand appears between two purple crystal formations and snaps its fingers.

A wide shot reveals a large windowed room, at the center of which is a long purple, crystal table. Four people sit at the table with seven chairs. One of them is Cinder Fall who has a scar on her right eye, one arm covered in her robe.

 Emerald and Mercury move away from the window.

There's a close-up of the man sitting across from Cinder, was a man who has a broomed mustache, a suit and dark skin. And this was the man who found out about your existence 

Arthur Watts Right now he's is looking at his Scroll.

Next is the man to Cinder's right, he has black hair, yellow eyes, and a scorpions tail,  insane 

 Tyrian Callows. He sits in a crouch casually on his chair, resting his arms on his knees.

Across from Tyrian is a big man, who has, a beard, dark eyes and suit

Hazel Rainart. His arms are crossed, and he looks asleep.

Cinder sits quietly, while Mercy and Emerald move to her side. Emerald nudges Mercy out of her way so that she can be directly next to Cinder.

Watts: Yes, yes, please keep your posse in check.

Mercy grunts and makes a move toward Watts, but Emerald holds her back.

Watts: You hear that? Silence.

Hazel gives Watts an unimpressed sideways glance.

Watts: I've half a mind to thank the boy that bested you.

Tyrian: If I were you, I'd hunt him down. (snicker) Find him and, well, he took your eye, didn't he?

Cinder only stares at Tyrian while he cackles at her, her fist clenching knowing you didn't do it. Cinder tries to speak but only manages to make quiet exhaling noises. Emerald leans in to hear her.

Watts: Pathetic. Why did you even—

There is a sound of a heavy metal door being unlatched. The doors open and everyone stands just before Salem enters. She glides alongside the table with soft footsteps before reaching the head of it, jewels jangling from her hair. Salem stops, facing away from them and toward a candle and crystal display.

Salem: Watts.

Watts pales and looks at his mistress 

Salem: (turning) Do you find such malignance necessary?

She gestures for all to sit down.

Watts: I apologize, ma'am. I'm not particularly fond of failure.

Watts and Salem sit simultaneously.

Salem: Then I see no reason for your cruelty towards young Cinder. She's become our Fall Maiden, destroyed Beacon Tower, and most importantly, killed dear Ozpina. So I'm curious, to what failures are you referring?

Watts: Well, actually she still has half, the girl with silver eyes and lastly the boy

Hazel: Yes. We've dealt with their kind before. How is it a novice was able to best one of us? And the boy we've never dealt with

Watts: My thoughts exactly. Even without her new power, it should have been effortless. And the boy in general is a challenge 

Salem: It is because of the Maiden's power. Make no mistake, Cinder, you hold half of the key to our victory. But your newfound strength brings with it a crippling weakness. Which is why you will remain by my side as we continue your treatment.

Cinder is unhappy about this and lowers her head. Emerald looks at her in sympathy.

Salem: Dr. Watts, you are to take Cinder's place and meet with our informant in Mistral.

Watts: Very good.

Salem: Tyrian, I want you to continue your hunt for the Spring Maiden. And possibly the other half of the fall maiden

Tyrian: (laughing) Gladly.

Salem: And Hazel, I'm sending you to the leader of the White Fang. Adam Taurus has arranged the meeting. The two siblings continue to prove loyal. Ensure that Sienna Khan feels the same.

Hazel: As you wish.

Cinder raises a finger. Emerald fails to notice this gesture for a moment.

Emerald: Oh!

Emerald leans in to hear her.

Cinder rasps into her ear. Emerald straightens.

Salem: Speak, child.

Emerald: She wants to know... (hesitates) What about the girl? And y/n

Watts: (scoffs) What about her? Seems to me that this is Cinder's problem, not ours. And the boy, will have to wait

Cinder slams her fist onto the table and glares at Watts, who grins at her.

Salem: That's enough. Tyrian?

Tyrian: Yes, my lady?

Salem: Spring can wait. Find the girl that did this to Cinder. And bring the boy

Tyrian giggles elatedly and claps.

Salem: And bring the both of them to me.

Tyrian freezes, groans disappointedly, pouts for a second, then looks back up at Salem with an acquiescent shrug.

Salem: Because of your efforts, Beacon has fallen. And Haven will be next.

Everyone rises.

Tyrian snickers at Cinder and points to his left eye.

Tyrian: (laughing wickedly) Eye for an eye.

Tyrian goes into an uncontrollable fit of manic laughter, while Cinder grits her teeth in anger.

Watts: might I add, Tock hasn't returned any calls lately,  ever since her mission started

Salem: she's resilient, she's alright

She was about to go when a chill ran down her spine

Tyrian: there something wrong your grace

Salem: I just felt something, something off

Watts: off how?

Salem: something changed

(Somewhere else)

A girl wakes up in a panic and sighs in relief after looking around. She emerges from the loft of a barn and climbs down a ladder. The girl is wearing patched khaki pants, a white shirt, and orange suspenders and gloves. Tucked into his pocket is an orange-based multi-colored cloth.

She opens the barn door to a peaceful country scene with a rising sun and birds tweeting. White mountains are a background to a dirt road, grass, a few trees and a green water pump.

She smiles and pumps water into a blue bucket. As her gaze wanders the landscape, she becomes distracted from the pump and utters a quiet sound of surprise upon realizing she has overfilled the bucket. Her shoulders fall with a sigh.

The scene cuts to the girl shutting and turning a green compost tumbler that is marked with a yellow crown bearing the initials CK.

While hoeing rows in a garden, she suddenly straightens up and looks out into the distance.

To the sound of blowing wind, the scene cuts to a shot of blue sky above a green forest. There are a few shots inside the forest before Nora Valkyrie is heard speaking.

Nora: I'm just sayin'...

Nora and Lie Rin emerge from behind a tree, walking together. Then you followed 

Nora:...there's more members of JNPR in this team than RWBY. It just makes sense to go with that one.

Rin: But "junior" isn't a color.

You: gotta agree 

Nora: (groaning) How can I be more clear?

Nora puts out her hands and the letters JNRR pop into existence. She points to the first three.

Nora: One, two, three. That's more than one.

She points to the R.

Rin: But we're helping Ruby with her objective.

You: what about, "RNJR" sounds like ranger 

You holds out your hand and the letters RNJR pop into existence. Behind you, June Arc is crouched and watching something.

Rin : (pointing to the first R) But wouldn't that make Ruby the leader?

June: Guys!

You, Rin and Nora turn their heads toward her.

June: We need to focus.

The letters pop out of existence.

June: Also, JNRR is way cooler.

Nora: Exactly!

Rin goes to speak, but instead just groans. And you mearly shake your head. Then out of nowhere a rumble breaks through the silence.

June: It's here.

Scene changes to Ruby Rose flying backwards from trees, firing Crescent Rose in the direction she came from.

A collection of floating boulders with a Grimm mask moves the trees aside, clearly chasing her. The grimm had a white mask with a single eye and it's body made of rocks

Ruby falls, crashing against tree limbs along the way.

Ruby: Bad... landing... strategy!

Ruby lands on her feet on a big tree branch strong enough to hold her weight. She uses her Semblance to fly past the Grimm.

You, June, Nora and Rin look up seeing the fight. The team had a whole new wardrobe change. June keeping the same thing.

You: alright, let's get that thing

June runs toward them. Rin jumps up into the trees.

Nora: Don't forget me!

Nora pulls out Magnhild and shoots it at the ground, propelling herself into the air with excited whooping. She lands right besides Rin in her branch. You slap on a bracelet which glowed with an eye

And made your body glow a little, then you made appear in your hands a hand cannon

You rush to the side of it

Rin: We need to draw its attention away from Ruby!

As a stream of rose petals, Ruby flies past them.

Ruby: Could use some help!

Nora shoots the Grimm in the back. Rin hops around on branches. The Grimm tries to hit Rin. Rin runs up its rock arm, flies into the air, and comes down upon the Grimm, striking at it with StormFlower. It's ineffective.

June: gotta get in closer

She then lands next to June

Rin: My blades don't hurt him!

The Grimm turns, standing upright.

You: hold on I can get its attention! Hey granite face!

The lumbering giant looks at you and you aim the cannon at it shot a blast right in the chest making it fall back, but got its footing back.  And red lines appear on its chest then goes to the arm.

The red lines on the arm glow brighter, and the Grimm slams it into the ground. All are sent flying backwards, but Rin, Nora, you and Ruby manage to land on their feet. June tumbles along the ground painfully until she hits a boulder between her legs and falls forward.

June: (mimicking) "You'll be fine without a weapon. You're the strategist."

Nora: That's it!

She runs forward, tossing Magnhild into the air and transforming it into hammer mode. She jumps into the air and hits it, breaking its arm apart. A large piece flies straight toward Nora, but Ruby gets between them and knocks it away. The Grimm uses its other arm to strike at the two girls.

June straightens and stretches and soon has to dodge a barrage of rocks.

June: Wha? Whoa! Wha? Ho!

June lands.

June: Hey! Be careful!

A rock the size of her head hits him in the face and sends her into a tree. Jaune lands in a crouch and shakes her head to clear the pain.

The Grimm continually tries and fails to hit an evasive Nora.

June stands up and looks up at the Grimm.

June: Ah...

The Grimm's armless shoulder gains a glowing red circle with a symbol of an eye in the middle. The circle spins, and then a black, elongated arm with clawed fingers emerges from it. The arm rears back.

June: Uh-oh.

The Grimm shoves its new arm into the tree June was leaning against and lifts it from the ground.

June: (running) His arm is a tree! His arm is a tree!

You: we can see that June!

Ruby: Big mistake!

Ruby spins Crescent Rose and loads another magazine into it - this one with imagery of fire on its side. She fires, and the flaming projectile swings around to the tree arm. June fist pumps. The tree arm swings around to her, on fire. June loses her smile.

June: (putting her hands into her hair and running) Big mistake!

The Grimm chases June, swinging the flaming arm at her. It misses twice, but then June falls. It was about to smash her, when you blocked it with the cannon, trying to push you away.  But then One of StormFlower spins through the air and makes a cut across the Grimm's mask. The Grimm falls.

Rin lands beside June and catches her gun. Ruby and Nora come up behind their teammates.

June: Okay, how do we do this?

Rin: His body is too thick to break through.

June: It doesn't care about its body.

Nora: Plus it can keep grabbing new limbs!

June: But it keeps protecting its face.

You: thats the only thing it cares about 

Ruby: We can't break it!

June: Ugh, if we knocked all of its limbs off at once and went for the...

June's eyes light up with an idea and she turns to face her team. Behind her, the Grimm gets up.

June: Guys, I got it! We hit it harder!

Rin: (confused) Is that it?

June: No, seriously. It's trying to keep us from its face. If we kill the limbs, we'll have a shot to kill the whole thing!

Ruby: Alright! Come on, team, let's do this.

Nora: Yeah!

Rin: Right!

June: Rin, left. Ruby, right.

Ren and Ruby depart as told.

Jaune: Nora, ready to try out the new upgrade?

you: and that is why I put you in strategies 

June: thanks y/n, and your on the middle

You: alright

June: Right. And I will—

The grimm was about to hit June, when you blocked it with your cannon, you push it back and fire a shot making the rock hand explode.

You: Keep a safe distance June

You then rush into the fight with Ruby attacks the right side. Ren attacks the left about you in the middle

Nora activates a mechanism that generates a current of electricity across the hammerhead of Magnhild. June runs around to make himself a target, waving at the Grimm.

June: I'll take over here!

The Grimm goes after June but switches targets as Ruby and Rin attack it.

Nora charges Magnhild even more and braces her feet.

Nora: Ready!

Ruby lands next to June after another attack.

June: Use everything you've got!

Ruby uses her Semblance to fly at the Grimm, taking Nora with her, and the red and pink swirls go right for the tree arm. Ruby slices the tree in half, opening the way for Nora to hit the mask with Magnhild. The rock body shatters and the ephemeral Grimm rises out of it and flies off. Ruby aims a shot at it, and it turns its face right into the flaming projectile.

Next is a wide shot of birds taking flight from trees.

June: (breathing heavily before posing with his hands on hips) Another victory for Team JNRR!

They just stared at her in silence.

June: (deflating) Yeah, okay. Rin, I think you're onto something. I-it's just not sounding great anymore.

June walks away.

(Your point of view)

Ruby shakes hands with the town Mayor while I stand next to her.

Mayor: We truly can't thank you enough.

Ruby: Just doing our job, sir.

Mayor: That Geist had been plaguing our village for weeks. We were beginning to wonder if we'd have to relocate.

Ruby: Well, we are on our way to Mistral. You could always come along with us if you don't feel safe.

Mayor: (amused) Ha. I take it you're not from these parts. Anima is a large continent. I'm afraid our people would never survive the long trek to Mistral. It may be safer in the Kingdoms, but we prefer our way of life. I just wish we could pay you more.

You: it's alright, our arrangement is more then enough 

We then bowed respectively 

A shop door closes. At a counter, a burly man with horns sets down a set of armor.

Blacksmith: There you go, girl It's going to be heavier than what you're used to, but you'll thank me the next time you go up against a set of claws.

June: Wow. That-eh. I don't know what to say.

Blacksmith: Don't gotta say anything! Just put it on! I'll go get the rest.

The Faunus blacksmith turns and goes out back.

Nora: So, what are you waiting for?

June: Oh, uh, right!

June takes off his old chestplate.

June: (softly) Guess I was going to grow out of it eventually.

Rin: A sign of progress.

June: Progress.

Jaune turns around, and Ruby gasps then covers her mouth and tries not to giggle.

Jane: What is it?

Ruby: (pointing to her chest) What is that?

A bunny emblem is on June's chest.

June: What, my hoodie? I've always had this.

Ruby: (snorting) It's got a cute little bunny rabbit!

You: Ruby don't laugh

Ruby: (laughs) I can't help it

June: It's Pumpkin Pete! You know, from the cereal?

Ruby: (in near hysterics) What did you do?! Send in a box top for a prize?

June: (turning away) Yeah! Fifty!

Ruby cept on laughing almost like her heads about to blow up

Rin: Well, I suppose we don't have to grow out of everything.

Ruby chortles from the floor, feet in the air. The blacksmith returns from out back.

Blacksmith: Can't have a Huntress without her weapon.

A wide sword sheath is stuck into the countertop.

Blacksmith: Made all the modifications you asked for.

The blade expands into a shield.

Blacksmith: That was some fine metal you brought me. Accents the white nicely. Where'd you get it from?

June looks at me and smiles. I collected the metal from here and there, a few ore deposits, but it was worth it

June: From a friend.

Ruby, Rin, Nora and I wait outside the shop. June comes out wearing the armor. She pulls out the sword and expands the shield.

Blacksmith: She cleans up alright, don't you think?

Rin: She certainly does.

Nora: I still think a grenade launcher would've really brought the look together.

Ruby: Nothing's gonna stop Team RNJR now!

Nora: Team JNRR!

Rin: Still not a color.

You: I kind of like RNJR

June: It doesn't matter what we're called. As long as we're together.

Blacksmith: You kids sure you won't stick around? You've been real good to this town.

Ruby: Sorry, but we've got another mission.

Nora: Make it to Haven Academy, no matter what.

Ren: We've heard the next village over has a working Airship.

Blacksmith: Mmm, no way to know for sure. Scroll signals were weak enough out here back when Beacon Tower was still up. Haven't heard from Shion Village in a while.

You: Well, there's only one way to find out.

With a wave, Team RNJR andI turns and leave. The blacksmith waves back and grunts.

We're now on the road checking of all the things we have

June: Food?

Nora: Check!

June: Water?

You: Check 

Nora: Locked and loaded! Thank you, Schnee Dust Company!

June: Got the map?

Ruby is looking down sadly.

Nora: Rin's got it.

Rin: No, I don't. You have it.

Nora: Wait, what?

June: Guys, please tell me you're joking.

Nora: Uh.. heh-heh-heh.

June: Guys! Guys? Guys...

You: don't worry

I go into my bag and I take out a map

You: I came prepared

I hold it up. But then as if by a force a small Nevermore came and picked right out of my hands, flying away

You: and that is why carry extra

I take out another, but a Nevermore gets

You: okay... now we're lost

They then groan in disappointment


A clone you is walking through a mountain with a sled and a blanket over three people

You: God's, maybe these three know of "her"

You continued your trek until you see an abandoned bunker

You: perfect, and please have supplies and space


Your other clone was now in the underbelly of Atlas on a phone you hot wired to go to Atlas, it then gets picked up

K: hello, how may I help you

You: I'd like to know if a Weiss Schnee is there

K grumpy: who is this?

You: just a friend, just say "Mr l/n is coming to see her" to her

K: *sneeze* apologies,um sure I can do that. Good day sir *sneezes*

He then hangs up and you put the phone back and look up at the underbelly of the great city

Your mind: now how to get up there

Up in Atlas Weiss Schnee's reflection becomes visible watching as airships fly by through a window. She is sitting in a cushioned chair with her hands folded in her lap. Then a knock on the door comes through.

Weiss: Yes?

A wide shot of the room reveals a large, open space on two levels. On the upper level are two arched bookcases built into the walls and a picture of a knight resembling the Arma Gigas hangs between them. A gilded mirror hangs above the mantle of a fireplace on the lower level. The door opens and Klein Sieben, a butler, enters.

Klein: Pardon the interruption, Miss Schnee, but your father wishes to speak to you.

Weiss: (sighing) Thank you, Klein.

Klein: oh and before I forget someone on the phone called, do you know someone named Mr. L/n

Weiss jumps up with wide eyes

Weiss: y/n he called!

Klein: yes he said he'scoming to see you, do you know him

Weiss: can you keep a secret

Klein happy: anything for my snowflake

Weiss: y/n was a friend at Beacon and he also happens to be my boyfriend

Klein bashful: ooo, m-my l-little s-snowflake is growing up, so what's h-he like

Weiss: sweet, gentle and can do everything

Klein: seems like quite the match for you

Weiss: he is, so shall we go, Klein

Klein: come now

Weiss gets up and Follows her butler out and shuts the door

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