Chap 58.5 Raven up the mount

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In the bunker of grimm Faunus we see you cleaning plates while the grimm Faunus were playing cards on a table and Tock was polishing her clock. Everything was usual until a knock rang through the bunker, from the outside.

Cilia: who could that be

Jewel: and what are they doing up here

You get up and go to the door and open it to find... Raven. She was wearing a cloak and was wearing winter gear with hooks and picks

Raven: I wanted to-

She was cut of when you slammed the door on her. She knocks again but louder, you open it again.

Raven: look, I know your-

You slammed it again. She knocks again but harder. You open it this time she has an angered face

Raven: look wise ass. I'm here to say-

She cuts herself off expecting you to slam the door but nothing 

You: give me one good reason why I shouldn't throw you down this mountain 

Raven: I came to apologise you personally, I remember you have clones everywhere. I heard there was one up here in Mantle and one in Vacuo, I chose this one for obvious reasons

You: because its abandoned and in the middle of nowhere and north of hopelessness 

Raven: yeah, so could you let me in

You grumble and step out of the way. She enters and was met with a blade to the throat

Tock: well, if it ain't Raven Branwen

Raven: and your Tock, thought you up and vanished

Tock: well, this kind gentleman was pamperin me and takin care of me

Raven: you aided a criminal and one of Salem's dogs

Tock hisses and puts the blade close. But you put a finger on it and moved it away and walk past

You: I knew and she isn't anymore

Tock smiles softly then stands back to let Raven pass. She then notices the stares from the other grimm Faunus 

Raven: who are they

Raven puts her hand on the handle of her sword

You: they're a new species of Faunus known as Grimm Faunus 

Raven looks at them and notices the markings

Raven: are they... dangerous

You: no, they have a consciousness, a soul and lives

Raven gets her hand of and puts her cloak on a hanger

You: so where's Vernal

Raven: she's outside waiting for my signal

She goes to the door, opens it and in came Vernal fidgeting and cold

Vernal: I don't even know why you chose this area, but God's it's freezing 

She then sees Tock and the Grimm Faunus and gets defensive pulling her weapon out

Vernal: who are they?

You: they're friends, Grimm Faunus and Tock

Vernal: one of Salem's people and grimm, great

Raven: Vernal.

Vernal: fine

She places her weapons on the hanger and sits on a stool, you sit back on your bench and face Raven who sits on the bed

You: so what's the bandit Queen doing all the way up here

Raven: I'm here to say I'm  sorry, and I quit, I quit the bandit business, when we were packing I had a thought of what she and you said and I'm here to make up

You: really, the very people that raised you

Raven: can't believe I'm saying this, but. Quill. . . Was right

Said while trying not to gag

You: you know if Quill was here she'll be relishing this and probably die happy.

Raven: sounds like her

You: and do you mean it, you know this won't make up for the times you missed on Yang

Raven: I know, but first I want to get to, know you better

You: really, okay, by the way, why is she here?

Vernal: I came because of Raven and do this

She then punches my side getting most of the people defensive

Vernal: that's for shooting at me

You: I wasn't myself, when I came back from death

Bao: wait what

Crimson: you were dead 

You: it's complicated.

Raven: you were stabbed by an arrow through the stomach, I don't know what you were seeing but even you tried to kill me

You: and I'm sorry

Raven: you don't have to be

You: wow the great Raven branwen being modest  

Raven rolls her eyes and a small smirk sort of appears 

Raven: you know your not that bad, Yang made a good choice

You: hmm, so what do you want from me and not busy making up with the rest of the family 

Raven: actually I did, I got to Tia and Summer place and said my peace. They also want me to give you this.

She takes out a note and gives it to you. You open it and read

"Y/n, If you get this message then your with Raven, we wanted to say, we love you y/n, like you and RWBY love. Summer didn't want that to be in the letter but I managed to sneak this in and remember Patch is your home to. Love Tia and Summer

You had a warm smile and put the letter on the table

You: thank you, Raven.

Raven then stands up and stretched, interlocking her fingers and stretching her arms.

Raven: how about a rematch

You look at her and smirk.

You: alright, if I win I might accept your apology if you win I might consider you a place here.

Raven: so I win either way, your softening up to me.

You: maybe.

Raven: alright and I promise Vernal won't interfere.

You: okay, oh and you can use your Maiden magic, might make it more fun.

Raven smiles and walks to the door but before she can get out

Tock: you, a maiden.

Tock then started to full blow laugh

Tock: who in there right mind, would give there trust to you

Raven was about to grab her sword-

You: Tock, please

Tock waves her hand at them not caring. You open the door and got out followed by Raven.

You then summoned a large dark yellow crossbow/staff

You get in a ready position and Raven gets her sword out. But before one of them could make a move your eyes glow faintly yellow making you get a surprised look. You then grow furious.

You: how...could you

Raven gets confused not knowing what you ment


In Mistral you were writing in a journal while Ruby was having a nap. You look to her and mearly smile at how cute she was.

She then started to fidget in her sleep, scared. You take out the same staff you used on Blake when you and her were going to Menagerie

You wave it around in a circular motion, then Ruby's eyes glow purple and yours do to.

We see you floating in a void of black until it started to form in to shapes before finally making the scene of Ruby's home in Patch. You look at yourself to be translucent.

Y: I have to help mom set the table before the guests get here!

You look to see Ruby and Yang but younger. Like ten years old. Yang goes in and Ruby was playing with a potato. She looks up to see a black bird on a tree branch

You: Raven.

Y.Ruby: hey little black bird. Do you want to hear a story about my mom? I know lots-

Raven: you don't know lots, little girl. You know lies

Ruby then gets a surprised look seeing the bird talk while you look on in sadness

Ruby: uhhh what!? How're you talking?!

Raven then started to flap her wings

Raven: you truly believe all that Folderol. About what a magnificent, perfect partner and Huntress your mother is.

Raven flinched and flies up into the air.

Raven: Yang isn't Summer Rose's daughter.

She started hovering over the small girl scaring her now cawing out her hurtful words

Raven: Summer Rose would never be a true mother to Yang. She was weak and no child of her's could be better.

Ruby crouches down clearly scared and the bird was hovering over her.

Ruby: s-s-stop! You're lying! You're- you're a Grimm!

She throws her potato at the old bird making her fly away but when the potato hits the tree it shatters to glass. You were back in the black void with the crying Rose.

You crouch down by her side and stroke her back making her stop crying. She looks up seeing you with tears in her eyes.

You: hey.

Ruby: w-w-who are you

You: just a friend

You then sit next to her

You: now I may not know much of Summer, but she was smart, kind and welcomed me in to her family. Your family

She looks at you and hugs you tightly. Then a flurry of rose petals surrounded her, revealing now older still hugging you.

Ruby: I remember now.


We see you now back in Atlas's mountains aiming the crossbow now with malice and fury.

Raven: okay, now your mad about something that you weren't even apart of

You: how could you say those things, Summer saw you as an older sister, and you say all those horrible things about her. All because Yang wounded your pride.

You aim the war-pick and a dark pulse shoots out hitting Raven but she blocks it with her saber. She looks to see you coming at her swinging the pick down on her she blocks it but you pull back, taking her blade out of her hand. You catch the katana in your hand.

You: your not living up to it, Raven

You throw the blade, sliding to her feet.

You: pick it up

She looks at it and you, now with red eyes, she then noticed a large shadow rising up with glowing yellow eyes, a yellow toothed grin and red glowing eye.

You: Pick. It. Up

She shakily picks up the sword and readied herself. But she turns into a raven and flies up.

You: follow her.

The ghost flies up, it's hand glow yellow and disappears in a flash. Raven stops flying and looks around then hears a swish behind her, but before she could look. A fist collides to her side making her fall back onto the snow.

She shifts back when the snow clears. A bit dazed. At the entrance Vernal was going to intervene but holds back from Ravens order, not knowing what was going on.

You slowly walk to the down bird, dragging the pick behind. But then a magic ice blast hits you in the chest from the human shaped hole. Raven jumps out and slashes her sword and an ice wave heads to you, you slice it half but doing so, the picks blades freeze from the shear cold. She holds up her hand and a blast of ice, freezes your feet on the spot.

She then walks over to you, your eyes blazing red, she then stabbed her sword into the snow and continued to walk towards you. You struggle until getting your faced grabbed by the old bird.

Raven: I know your angry at me, and I am sorry for what I done. I regretted the day I left Yang, I spied on her life, when I'm free and on those free days I was angry how she just forgot me. You may not be Yang, but.

She then gives you a hug.

Raven: I'm sorry.


Unkowst to you and Raven, in Mistral you were floating a few inches of the ground, eyes glowing and just then the voices of Raven who just gave her speech. Infront of you was Yang who heard the whole thing. You float down and hug Yang mimicking Raven's hug through you. 

She hugs back with small tears forming in her eyes.

(Back in Atlas)

Your eyes go back to normal and blink a few times. You look to Raven who hugged you tightly.

You: hey, Raven.

Raven looks to you a bit worried now seeing your back to normal.

Raven: good to have you back.

She then goes back into the hug as we oan back from the sight just as it started to snow


Locked away again, I will break free from this body, but must find away how. You may have let me out these trying times. But I will be fully free. 

Old friend.

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