Chap 60 story time.

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In the Vault under Haven Academy, the sound of a weapon clanging is heard. Neopolitan and Roma stares at the door that once guarded the Relic of Knowledge; the door itself is now a stone wall since the Relic has been taken out.

Cinder: Now you understand.

Cinder Fall is sitting on a boulder, flicking her dagger and changing its form. Mercy was at the side and Emerald was on the other side sitting knees crossed

Cinder: I've got to get to y/n group before they reach Atlas. It's the only way that I could tell them (sighs before she finishes) It's the only way we can stop her.

Neo looks back at Cinder.

Cinder: look, we both want y/n. If we reach to him and his friends we could tell them about what Salem is planning.

Roma turns to face her unlikely Ally 

Roma: alright, you peaked my attention. What do you want us for

Cinder: Neo's and Emerald's semblances could help into getting us into the city. If we find them we only need to warn and try and get on there side. 

Roma: what if they do get to old Atlas.

Cinder: If they do reach the city and go to General Ironwood, we better hope if Y/n defends us

Roma ponders at her words before looking at Neo who shrugged.

Roma: alright, you got yourself a deal

Roma stretched out her hand which Cinder takes sealing there deal

(Back then)

Wind is heard howling. In a mountainous region, a lone, cloaked feminine figure with a skull mask concealing her face crosses a rickety bridge. Halfway across the bridge, she hears the screech of a Nevermore. She turns to her left to see the Nevermore appear from the fog, and she draws her weapons - a pair of sickles.

The young Maria Calavera backflips off the bridge just as the Nevermore rams through it, splitting the bridge in half. She throws one of her sickles at one of the Nevermore's wing and uses the gravity Dust imbued in it to pull herself back up, while also dragging the Nevermore down.

She grabs her other sickle on her way back up, getting above the Nevermore, and uses the recoil of her weapon to spin and grapple onto the Nevermore.

She then throws one of her sickles to a mountain, pulling the Nevermore with it. The Nevermore crashes into the mountainside, losing its balance, before crash landing to the ground. Maria's other sickle is called back and lands on the ground in front of it.

Maria takes out the sickle from the Nevermore's wing, catching her breath. She looks over to the Nevermore's head, whose eyes stare back at her, causing her to gasp. The Nevermore tries to snap its beak at Maria, forcing her off. It swipes at her, knocking Maria back and forcing her to drop her sickle.

The Nevermore charges forward, but Maria's eyes glow brightly, engulfing the area around her. She stands back up and notices the Nevermore petrified in midair, before dropping down and crumbling. Maria walks over to her sickle to pick it up, using the gravity Dust to call her other sickle back to her.

Suddenly, Maria deflects a bullet aimed at her. She notices three men - one with a giant hammer, one carrying a rifle, and one with a machete - come out of hiding. Another woman, a crocodile Faunus named Tock, then walks up behind her.

Tock: Well, that's a fancy trick now, innit? 'Fraid it comes with a price though, love. (crushes a small piece of the petrified Nevermore in her hand)

Maria turns around to face Tock, while the three men ready their weapons.

Maria: I don't think you realize who I am.

Tock: Course I do. (takes out her clock, setting the timer and placing it on her belt) You're the Grimm Reaper, and these... are the last sixty seconds of your life.

Tock hits the button on her clock, starting the timer's countdown. She then draws a pair of saber swords and activates her Aura. The ticking clock can be heard in the background as the battle begins. Tock rushes forward and clashes blades with Maria. Maria attacks back, but Tock's Aura knocks her sickle out of her hand.

Tock kicks Maria back, with the latter summoning her other sickle back to her hand. She then proceeds to fight the three men, deflecting their bullets. She cuts down the rifle-wielding man, knocks out the machete-wielder, and dodges out of the way of the hammer user before cutting him down.

She then blocks another attack from Tock, who manages to push Maria back, causing her Aura to flicker.

Maria's sickles then circle around her due to the Gravity Dust, before combining together to form a double-edged scythe. Tock and the machete-wielder rush forward to attack, but Maria blocks them. The Grimm Reaper then takes down the machete-wielder before proceeding to clash with Tock again.

The two lock weapons with each other, before Tock uses her razor-sharp metal teeth to chomp through Maria's weapon. The crocodile Faunus headbutts the Grimm Reaper, shattering her skull mask in the process. Maria briefly opens up her silver eyes for a bit, when suddenly, time started to slow down before finally stopping. 

Tock's blade near inches away from touching Maria's eyes, footsteps can be heard coming from their side and a cloaked figure walks to them, dragging behind was a diamond like sword with dark blue colouring, gray spines and a large blade.

They stabbed it in the ground and go to the two figures. They lifted the cloak revealing your face. You summon a large bell like club with cyan colours and a red circle with metallic handles. 

You swing it up and down in a hypnotic movement a faint sound of a bell sounds through. The Huntress and bounty hunters eyes started getting heavy and fell asleep still stuck.

Unbeknownst to you. The dust of the Nevermore started sparking and rebuilt the Nevermore. You go behind a few rocks, dragging out a sled.

You desmond the great sword and the two people, floated down asleep. You put them on the sled and was about to go when seeing a large pile of ashes. You go to it and dig around before feeling a hand. You drag the body out finding a Faunus like creature, her tail was like a nevermore, dark gray skin and bits of white on.

You thought for a moment and put her on the sled, dragging it away. Snow was picking up then you and the slay disappeared in a cloud of snow.


You: and that's how it went for both of us.

You finished your story to RWBY, JNR, Quill, Octavia. who all have wide-eyed expressions.

Octavia: you stopped time

You: for a moment, and that is how Maria's eyes were saved.

Quill: (astounded) I can't believe it. You... You're the Grimm Reaper, you were a legend! And then you went under the radar for a few months.

Octavia: How exactly does a legend just disappear?

Quill: You never used your name, never showed your face. Lots of us thought you were just layin' low. Eventually, we just came to accept that you were probably dead. But the stories about you, I based my weapon off of yours. I wanted to be as good as the Grimm Reaper.

Maria: Well, I'm nothing but a disappointment, so you're well on your way.

Blake: How can you say that?

Maria: Listen, a Huntress is supposed to protect others to the bitter end. But after I was saved by y/n, I learned that I had to care for myself as well. Even after getting closely blinded and getting contacts , I was too afraid to fight. Afraid someone would find me again, start what the other couldn't do. You shouldn't aspire to be like me, especially when some of you are clearly stronger already.

Upon hearing this, Yang looks down sadly.

Maria: It's... comforting, seeing that your generation seems up to the task of inheriting this world. I'm just sorry I didn't do more to leave it in better shape.

You put a hand on Maria with a comforting smile

Ruby: Well, maybe you can do something now. Teach me to use my powers the way you did.

As Maria looks back at Ruby, a Scroll's ringtone can be heard. Ruby pulls her Scroll out and gasps in excitement.

Ruby: It's June!

Yang stops her bike, looking back in surprise. Everyone says "Huh?" as they wonder how June contacted them.

Weiss: How?

Ruby: (answering her Scroll) Uh, hello?

June: (voiceover from the Scroll) Ruby! Oh, thank you! I've been checking my Scroll for your signal since we made it to the city!

Ruby: The city? Wait...

Ruby looks to her Scroll, her contact name for June being "Vomit Girl". She looks at the little signal symbol under June's portrait, watching it get better as she points her Scroll toward the road ahead. The group sees a hill where the snow ends. Yang proceeds forward to drive them up the hill. At the top of the hill, the group sees a walled city in the distance along the ocean.

Yang: (smiling) Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived in Argus.

At the entrance to the city of Argus, Yang inputs a code, "4-5-8", to lock Bumblebee and the trailer in a garage. Team RWBY, Quill, Octavia, and Maria take the time to admire their surroundings. Through the crowd, a certain bubbly ginger-haired girl in pink zooms in.

Nora: Cute! Girl! OZ!!! (points her finger to the group)

Octavia looks over in confusion, only to get tackle hugged by Nora.

Nora: Oh, come here!

June and Lie Rin also arrive.

Rin: Are you all okay? (hugs Yang)

June: We were so worried! (hugs Blake)

Yang: It's been kind of a crazy trip.

Weiss: That's an understatement.

You: we'll tell you later

You get a hug from Rin and Nora before noticing Maria.

Nora: Wait, who's that?

Blake: I'm so glad you're all safe.

Weiss: Seriously...

Nora: Ah! You're gonna love this place!

As everyone else engages in their own conversations, you and June walk up to each other and give each other a big hug. After parting from the hug, June looks down and frowns.

You: Hey. I promised, didn't I?

June: (smiling while tears well up in her eyes) Yeah, you did. (wipes her eyes) It's good to see you guys.

The two share a smile together. She then leans in and kisses your cheek.

Later on, the group is seen traveling through the city on a trolley.

Yang: It's a lot bigger than I thought it'd be.

Rin: It's actually one of the largest non-capital cities in all of Remnant.

Ruby: (gasps) No way! But wait, wouldn't it be harder to settle something this big away from the main Kingdom?

June: Well, it was, until Mantle showed up. Early settlement attempts by Mistral didn't go well. But colonists from Mantle were able to help them brave the cold climate and return for goods that Solitas couldn't provide.

Rin: The two nations worked together to create a hybrid city. While it falls under Mistral domain, Atlas keeps a military presence here to help keep the people safe and keep trade between the two nations steady.

Nora: Well, until recently...

The trolley makes a stop and everyone hops off.

Blake: We should probably start looking for a ship.

Octavia: (to June) So, where have you guys been staying?

June chuckled nervously.

S: There you are!

We look to see a woman with blond hair, blue eyes and has a striking resemblance to June In her arms was a toddler with dark skin.

Yang: Is that...?

June: Hey, Saph. (smiles and waves back)

Ruby then zooms in, all starry-eyed. She looks back and forth between June and Saphron, and gasps upon realizing who the woman is.

The group later reconvenes in a living room at a home, you were shaking her hand with a smile

Ruby: I can't believe I'm meeting your sister! I have so many questions.

You: is is absolutely lovely to meet you, you know back in our journey she couldn't stop talking about you.

Saphron: and your y/n, June, couldn't stop talking about you, and that your her boyfriend.

You: I have so many questions

Nora: Oh, I can give you the rundown later!

June: Will you guys knock it off?

Saphron: What? I love telling stories about my baby sister. (squeezes June's cheek)

June: (groaning while also flailing her arms at her elder sister) I am not a baby! That is a baby. 

She points at Adrian, who huffs back at her calling the toddler a baby

Yang and Weiss get all wide-eyed as they fuss over Adrian. Both of them make baby talk at him.

Yang: Aww, you're so cute! Yes you are! Oh, look at your little face!

Weiss: Aww, coochie-coochie! Aw, baby! Oh my!

Blake: So Saphron, you're the only Arc living here?

A picture on the bookshelf of the Arc siblings all together can be seen, with the young June at the center with pigtails and a deadpan expression while holding a sign that says "HELP" on it while her sisters do various crazy things around her.

Saphron: Yep! Moved the second I could. June and I are the only two living away from home. (in a teasing voice) I guess she just wanted to be like her big sis.

June: I, uh... (groans)

Saphron: (teasing) Aw, you didn't deny it!

The two siblings play fight with each other by pulling each other's cheeks. Then, a door is heard opening. A dark-haired woman with glasses is seen walking in with bags of groceries.

Saphron: Everyone, this is my wife, Terra Cotta.

Everyone greets Terra.

Ruby: Hello!

Nora: Hey there!

Blake: Nice to meet you.

You: hows it going.

Terra: (chuckles) Why, hello there! Wow, quite a party, you weren't kidding. Hun, can I get some help please?

Her grip loses and a few groceries drop were stopped by a purple aura around it. You have purple gauntlet with a red gem on the top with five smaller ones on each finger

You stood up and held up the gauntlet as you walk over and grabbed each of the groceries floating in mid air.

You: it is lovely to meet you Terra

Terra had a small pink tint but shook it of and does an akward laugh.

Terra: it's great to meet you to, so you must be y/n

You: guilty

You pointed a finger to the kitchen and the bags floated to and on the counter. Saphron grabs your gauntlet and examined it while it was still attached to you 

Saphron: June's letters have mentioned your ability but never thought it was like this.

You: well it's got more then that

You snap your fingers and a purple sphere rises up and out came a pointed entity with three pointed fingers on there hands which weren't connected to it's body

It floats to Adrian and who hides behind the couch. The ghost laughs and licks it eyes of. Then makes them jump on his tongue

Adrien started laugh a little and claps his hands. The spirit then twists his face upside down before going back to normal and sticks his tongue out and bug eyes.

Adrien the falls on his back laughing.

Terra: now that's cute.

Later on, June, Rin and Nora are seen preparing sandwiches for everyone.

Weiss: And you're sure it's alright if we stay with you?

Saphron: Of course, we're happy to house Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Terra: You all risk so much to keep people like us safe. It's the least we can do. (turning to Quill) Especially for such an elite Huntress like yourself. Although, I will say I was surprised to learn you had students helping you. Is that even... legal?

Quill, not paying attention, gets an arm bump by her niece.

Quill: Uh, of course. Think of it as an extended training mission. Trust me, I was a professor. Even went to the same academy as them. Let me tell ya, these kids are way better than we were at their age.

June, Rin and Nora walk back into the room with plates full of sandwiches. Ruby gasps happily upon seeing them.

Quill: (continuing) Well, not better than me specifically, but a lot of students--

Ruby: Shut up, there's food!

Everyone heartily eats the sandwiches. Saphron and Terra share a look with each other, before the latter's Scroll is heard buzzing.

Terra: (sighs) Excuse me, I'll be right back. (answers her Scroll and walks out of the room) Hello?

Blake: Is everything okay?

Saphron: Oh, yeah, it will be. Terra's a technician for the town's relay tower. Unfortunately, the military's radar system is also housed there. (making baby talk at Adrian) Guess what's been on the fritz lately and who's getting falsely blamed.

Terra: (peeking back into the room) Me.

You: you're getting blamed for the relay towers problems

Terra: yep,.

Saphron: So, what's your plan for tomorrow?

Ruby: (mouth stuffed) Well... (takes a gulp) We're trying to make our way to Atlas. We'll probably start with the military base.

Nora and Rin share concerned looks.

June: (nervously) So, we kind of already tried that, and... it didn't go... super great.

Yang: Come on, it couldn't be that bad...

The next day, Team RWBY walks up to the Atlesian Military base on the island off the coast of Argus, only for the gates to abruptly close on them before they could even enter.

You: well that went well.

(Atlas mountain)

You were outside near a cliff with one of the bracelets. You twist the nob on it and arms appear around you and thigh armour appears. You were then lifted up as legs folded out. Then a chest plate covers your face as you continued to grow, then a helmet forms it visor glows blue, then a large sword grows out from your back, then a blue cape started to form out. You stand in your new battle armour as the wind blows on your cape.

You pull the sword out and examined it. Then swiped down breaking a rock you then swiped up and then swiped left making an energy charge to fire out. It splits another rock in half and fall down with the two halves glowing blue.

You then put a knee down and ran to the edge and jumped of and the booster on your back lights and you rocked foreward To another ledge. You land on to siad ledge and look up seeing the ice wall, you then stab the sword and started to climb up.

You eventually reach the top and see many Mountains and the sun rising up from behind them. The wind blew making your cape fly as the mechas hand grips the side of the mountain. Looking at the sun setting below the clouds.

Then a whooshing sound is heard the mechas head turns seeing Raven in her bird form. She examined you, jumps closer to the mechas head as the two of you watch the sunset on the peak.

(If your wondering how tall it is)

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