Chapter 1

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8:56 am

"I'm so hungry, I could eat a hippo," Duke mumbled. The big mutt was sitting in the kitchen, watching anxiously as Katie filled their bowls. Out in the living room playing with Liam, Max stated, "Duke, relax. You're not starving to death. Katie is going to set the bowls down any minute now."

"If we were at the farm, we'd have work to do before we got some breakfast," Rooster grumbled, rolling his eyes. Originally laying down, the Welsh sheepdog sat up when Liam started walking up to him. Sighing heavily, he muttered, "I miss the farm."

"It's only been three days, Rooster," Max pointed out. Trotting over to get Liam, the Jack Russell terrier reminded the Welsh sheepdog, "You've been overworking yourself lately, the vet recommended you get a week off from the farm." Letting out a huff, the bigger canine growled under his breath, "City slicker."

"I heard that!"


"Alright boys, here comes the food!" Katie declared, picking up two bowls that were easily identifiable as Max and Rooster's. Setting those two down first, she then grabbed the biggest bowl that was Duke's. At the same time, Chuck emerged from the bedroom. "Alrighty," the man declared, "Who's ready to go to the football game?" Clapping his hands together, Liam cheered, "Football! Football!"

"They're going to a football game?" Duke whined. He liked football. Looking up from his bowl, Max murmured through a mouthful of food, "It's for the high school in Brooklyn." Making a sound of disgust, the Newfoundland mix snarled, "But the team this year sucks!" Nodding his head, the terrier agreed, "I know."

"Okay boys, you be good while we're gone," Katie told all three dogs as she set Duke's bowl down. Having put his coat on, Liam raced over to them and gave each canine a hug as he bid them farewell. In response, the young boy got his face licked three times. He was still giggling when the small family left the apartment. Turning to Max, Duke remarked, "Why do they have to go see a crappy football team?"

"I don't know Duke, I don't know," Max replied. Walking back over to his bowl, the Jack Russell terrier added over his shoulder, "Now come on! You're the one who was so hungry you thought you could eat a hippopotamus!" Following his brother, Duke quipped, "Still am!"

"Thank goodness, I thought they would never leave!" Snowball declared, scaring the dogs with his presence.

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