Chapter 26

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2:30 pm

"Run Gidget run!" Max barked. Both he and his girlfriend were running full throttle down the streets of New York City. Not far behind them was a parade of Flushed Pets chasing after them. Cats, dogs, ferrets, a wagon of sea monkeys, a crocodile and more. You name the pet, there was a good chance it was in the mob. The poor people of New York scrambled to get out of the way of the pursuit.

Quietly shuffling down an alleyway, Daisy jumped when she heard a loud commotion beyond. Thinking quickly, she ducked behind a trash can and peered around the corner as a bunch of animals ran by. She didn't know if her eyes were playing tricks on her but it seemed like Max and Gidget were leading the pack. Shaking her head, the Shih Tzu quickened her pace as she made a beeline towards a dark colored fire escape. Hopping up one step at a time, she arrived at her destination.

"Excellent work Princess! Keep it up! That's the spirit Pickles, you're doing great," Pops called out, overseeing an obstacle course. He suddenly snapped his head to the right and barked angrily, "Tiny! You're doing it all wrong! Pick up the pace boy!" Running as fast as his short little legs could go without tripping over his long ears, Tiny yipped, "Yes sir!"

"Hey Pops!" Daisy woofed, trotting over to the elderly basset hound. Glancing over his shoulder, Pops remarked, "Oh, if it isn't the Tiger Dog. I'm sorry Tulip but your son isn't here." Startled by the remark, Daisy stuttered, "What, no. No, Hu isn't... where is he then?" Shrugging his shoulders, Pops replied, "Don't know, I don't allow him in my apartment anymore after he ate that flatscreen TV. Now, out of curiosity," the old dog turned to face the Shih Tzu, "Why are you here?"

"Oh, you know. Snowball dragged us into one of his games and has his old friends hunting us down. The usual crazy stuff we find ourselves in," Daisy answered with a wave of her paw. A serious look passing over his facial features, Pops nodded his head slowly and murmured, "I see." Clearing his throat, he announced, "Class, take five. I need to take care of Tulip." Immediately, all of the puppies flopped down on the floor exhausted from their exercise.

"Ball of Fluff, that blasted boyfriend of yours, he called me early this morning explaining you all were gonna play a game he and the Flushed Pets often played," Pops explained, leading Daisy into the kitchen. He signaled Myron and two other hamsters over to open the refrigerator before he continued, "Thankfully he didn't ask me to join but he did mention that you guys might try finding my apartment for help. I'm assuming that is why you're here."

"Yeah, I'm hoping this is a safe place?" Daisy guessed. At that moment, there was a small tapping noise. The dogs looked up. It was Myron inside the fridge, tapping the side of a water bottle. Gesturing up to the hamster, Pops asked, "Water?" Daisy nodded her head. A moment later, the bottle came crashing down with a thud. "Thank you Myron," the Shih Tzu said gratefully, opening the bottle. Taking a sleeve of crackers from a low cupboard, Pops chimed in, "To answer your question, yes, this is a safe haven."

"Thank goodness," Daisy gasped, sitting down. Offering her some crackers, Pops added, "Yes, it's a safe haven probably cuz those strays know they break anything in here they're never welcome back. As for help, I can't straight up take you back to your building, that's cheating." Scratching her chin thoughtfully, Daisy asked, "What can you do?"

"Well, I offer snacks, drinks, medical attention and advice. I can also give directions," Pops pointed out. Her ears perking up at that, Daisy commented, "I honestly wouldn't mind having some directions right about now. I'm so lost." Snorting in amusement as he heaved himself up onto his forepaws, the elderly basset hound replied, "Of course. But for now, rest. You need it for the journey back home."

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