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Ms Martian gasped when her life flashed before her eyes before the martian girl found the darkness engulf her.

"Megan!" Superboy came down from the open hatch and rushed to the Martian's side. His attention soon snapped to Nico, his eyes burned with rage. "I'm going to rip you apart!" He roared in anger.

"Superboy, wait!" Robin, Kid Flash and Artemis came down to aid their fallen commrade, but now tried to stop their fumed teammate from doing anything irrational. "Artemis!" Boy Wonder pointed to Nico. The green clothed archer nodded at the gesture in understanding and aimed her notched arrow towards the demi-god.

Nico winced at the mention of the goddess' name, the reminder of Bianca's decision to choose the Hunters over him fueled his anger. It wasn't fair at all.

"Don't you dare mention her name!" He shouted with rage. His battle instincts took action and his legs unconsciously moved aside just in time, as the arrow missed him by an inch in a blur of green. An arrow soon came towards him not long after and he was quick to slice it in half.

Artemis let a smirk grace her features when she watched the arrow be sliced into two. "Got you."

Nico's eyes widened when yellow smoke exploded from the broken arrow and surrounded him. He coughed when he inhaled the gas, his limbs going numb and he was met with darkness along with the Martian.


-Within the Bio-ship after the events-

"How is she?" Conner asked, standing beside Aqualad. They gazed at Meagan who layed still on the make-shift bed the bio-ship created for her friend and owner.

"She will be all right, my friend." Aqualad reassured Super Boy, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We will question the boy once we arrive back in Mount Justice, and Batman will see to it that he gets what he deserves."

Conner growled at the mention of the boy they captured. He crossed his arms and glared over to the dark haired kid in the newly morphed cage that held him inside.

"He better get what he deserves after what he did to her." 

"I sense an ancient power emitting off of him." Kaldur said quietly. Conner turned his attention back to the Atlantian with his brow raised at his sudden statement.

"What do you mean 'ancient'? He's just a kid." 

Kaldur thought for a moment, trying to place what this familiar power could be related to Atlantis in anyway. 

"I'm not sure but it is familiar, I'm sure of it." 

The two stopped their conversation when Robin opened the door to the room. He gazed over at Megan and his expression saddened before he looked back up at his two teammates.

"We're nearing Mt Justice. Red Tornado just sent a message that Batman brought Wonder Woman over to interrogate our target." Robin (Stardew Valley, anyone? Just me? Cool...) informed them. Superboy furrowed his brows, wondering why the Amazon was waiting for them too.

"Why is Wonder Woman there?" He asked and Robin shrugged.

"No idea." Boy wonder replied simply. "It might be because she might know the kid or he might have sparked her interest." He listed some suggestions. 

"Whatever the case, as soon as we arrive let's ask them about that boy's weapon and what did it do to Miss Martian." Kaldur said and all their eyes fell on the dark blade that was still in the boy's possession.

"I still think we should've taken it off him." Robin said and narrowed his eyes at the double edged sword, only for Kaldur to shake his head in respond.

"I can feel death coating around the entire sword, I fear if one touches it, you shall face the same fate as our fallen comrade." Kaldur stated and Conner looked away.

"Don't remind me." 


-Mt Justice-

When they arrived at the mountain they were met with the dark Knight and Amazon warrior. They brought out Megan first which wonder Woman immediately came to her aid in deep concern, while Batman frowned and asked Kaldur and Robin for an explanation on what happened during the mission. When the two leaders told Batman and wonder Woman what happened the two senior heroes seemed to have a silent conversation between each other before placing their focus on the team.

"Where is 'he'?" Batman asked them with a stern glare.


Nico furrowed his brows as his eye lids opened tiredly, he groaned in displeasure when his eyes was met with a bright light that woke him from his long sleep. Where am I? He questioned in his head. A fog seemed to have lifted from his mind and he remembered the events that occurred that seemed like it just happened a second ago, and the fact that he was asleep alarmed him. 

His eyes were wide open now and he realised he was sitting on something, he immediately shot up only to be pulled back down by his hand. He looked down to see what he was previously sitting on, it was a metal chair that was attached to the smooth white floor and his hand was restrained by an odd looking handcuff that was locked onto the chair. He whipped his head up when a cough caught his attention.  

Batman and Wonder Woman sat opposite him with frowns to welcome him. Nico's heart raced at the sight of the two strangers and pulled on his restraints. 

"Don't bother. Those handcuffs were designed to restrain people with super strength and cancel abilities, even Superman can have a hard time getting them off." Batman told him as his white eyes turned into low slits. "Now, tell us who you are and why a boy like you have a dangerous weapon in their possession and where you got it." The Dark Knight questioned Nico, who stood frozen by the hero's intense glare. 

"I'm not afraid of you." The twelve year old boy said lowly with his own glare. Batman's stern gaze didn't falter unlike Diana's. The Amazon princess was heart broken to see such hatred in a boy so young like Nico.

"Please answer our questions and if you answer honestly we'll try to see if we can convince the authorities to lighten your sentence considering you haven't harmed anyone." Wonder woman said.

"Except for one person. You harmed one of our own, Miss Martian with your sword. Now tell us where you got that?" Batman continued with the interrogation.  Nico gazed away from them.

"I didn't steal it if that's what you're thinking. My father gave it to me." Nico told them.

"Your father? " Wonder Woman asked in surprise while Batman kept silent. Nico didn't really know why he told them that, he guessed that he was just sick of everyone asking the same question about his sword and asking him where he got it like he had stollen it.

"It's none of your business, just let me go." He said as he tugged at his restraint in frustration. "I just want to go home!" Nico exclaimed in desperation and his words peaked Batman's interest along with Wonder Woman's.

"You want to go home?" The Amazon said. "Where is your home? We can help you-"

"I don't need anyone's help!" Nico snapped and the room temperature dropped, shadows crawled their way towards the boy's feet and slowly consumed Nico's side of the room as his anger fuelled. "You don't know what I've been through or who I am, so don't try to understand me or try to 'help' me. I've had plentyof help and I don't need anymore." Percy and Bianca  flashed in his mind and his eyes began to water. It took all his efforts to keep himself from crying ehile the two adult just stared at him in shock. Even Batman felt power radiate from the dark haired boy and he grew more and more suspicious. He stood and turned on his heel over to the door to leave.

"We're done for the day."

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