Who are you again?

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Velvet jumped, wind blowing her hair back. She only just managed to make the jump and ran, and heard feet behind her. "Now you won't get away so easily." Andrew said, as they led her to a caution sign in front of a barbed fence.

Then all of a sudden, a limo drove up from the right, full speed. The boys jumped out of the way, while Velvet stayed there, frozen in shock. She closed her eyes, waiting for immense pain to bestow upon her.

It didn't come.

She opened her eyes

The car was inches away from her fingertips. The boys stood up and ran at the sight of the person in the van. Velvet watched them jump the hole again and turned the corner before facing the mysterious car that both saved her life and almost ended it at the exact same time. The door next to the drivers seat opened. "Get in." A demanding yet in a way gentle voice came from the car, and sounded of an aging women.

"W-what?" She said in a shaky voice.

"Get in before they come back!" She said urgently. Velvet rethought of what could happen to her if she stayed, and this person was her best bet, so she hoped in. "Is your brother safe?" The women asked her. She had some wrinkles here and there, but otherwise, she looked like a beautiful women. She had wavy, golden brown hair with piercing blue eyes, and looked strangely familiar. " Yes- wait. H-how did you know I had a brother?"

"Well, don't you?"

"Well yeah... But-" She cut herself off as she saw a golden heart necklace... And exact replica of hers... The missing half... She thought to herself. "Where did you get that?" The driver only laughed in return to the question. "Vel, let's get Carlos first, then I'll answer all the questions your heart desires."

"How do you know my nick-" She second thought the question and decided to say something different. "Soooo... Sense you're a stalker and know everything about me, I'm guessing you know where I live too." The women laughed. "I actually don't! But I would like to, so lead the way!" Velvet was hesitant, she didn't know who this person was! And yet here this person was, asking her where she freaking LIVED. But then again... They saved her... And they know all this stuff about her... AND they had the missing piece of her heart.
Velvet sighed.

"Fine. But you owe me LOTS of questions."
They are at the hotel, and the driver gasped. "Wow. I knew Linda and Eric were poor but I didn't know they were THIS poor... And they left you two with NO money at ALL!"

Linda... Eric? Mom??! Dad??! That's their names? Who is this person? All of a sudden she had a flashback...
Presents... Christmas Eve... That lady... The driver... I remember her... But faintly... Big mansion... Mom... Dad...
Another flashback came right after this.
Cold. Carlos crying. Mom and dad crying. My scarf. My... My MOM'S scarf. Mom's locket... Half to me... "Keep it safe Vel." She said. .. Dad out his silver ring on Carlos... Oh mom.... Oh Dad... Where did y'all go???

The flashbacks were over and Velvet was sobbing. The driver was consoling her. "Hey Vel, it's ok. Shh, shh, I know, I know..." Her voice is SO familiar... So gentle... Why can't I remember??? Velvet immediately thought against it seeing what happened last time. She ended up breaking down in front of a complete... Stranger..? She didn't know at this point. "Hey, let's go get Carlos, then I'll answer all your questions, ok?" Velvet nodded her head slowly.

They were in the house and Carlos ran up to her, tears in his eyes. "I-I thought you left me... Like mom and dad... I-I thought you were gone to... I thought you left me to... I-I... Oh Velvet... Don't ever leave me... Please?..." Carlos hugged her and sobbed. "Oh Bear... I will NEVER leave you. Please remember that. Ok? I'm your big sissy, and it would be a SIN. To leave you." Carlos cried harder. "V-Velvet... I-I love you so much..." Velvet smiled. "Awe, I love ya to Carlos." She smiled, running her fingers gently through his hair. "S-so, where were you?- ...And who is that?" He asked, pointing to the limo.

"That's what I wanna know..." Velvet said, frowning slightly at the car.

The lady rolled down the window of the car. "You guys pack up yalls stuff, I'm taking you guys home with me." Velvet frowned. "Who said we wanted to?"

"Well it's either that, or you can keep living your homeless life, and whether you like it or not, those boys ARE going to find you if you stay. Your best chances of survival are coming with me." Velvet sighed. She hated it when she KNEW the other person she was opposing was right.

"C'mon Bear. Let's go pack up."

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