annie get your gum

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i loved you but someone pulled
the rug from under my feet/
converse first, falling
into a gaping hole
in a perfect floor to a perfect ceiling

these days i'm all too sure-footed/
to anyone else that's a sin/
i confess i believed in myself,
a little too much for comfort,
a little too tempting

head over heels plummeting,
towards doom,
towards love,
it's all the same i think.

in love and in war i am
never the victor/
i have laid down my sword
too many times to count,
always the martyr
never the hero.

i can't remember how i got here/
but my aches are still aches/
my bruises still bruised.
love's side effect is loss,
one of us is dying.

one of us will leave.
i am spiraling, i fear,
into space.
you can let go,
i will too.

i tied my shoes earlier/
but the laces are loose now,
and what a fool i am,
for thinking simple knots
would protect me from the wrath
of love.

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