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cleaning was so tired. i was perspiring the whole time and i felt sticky. the bathroom was really dirty and there was little water supply.

i gritted my teeth as i showered under the cold water. there weren't any water heater. at first i was unwilling to shower, but i was really dirty so i forced myself to take a cold shower.

by the time i came out from the bathroom and was dressed in my pajamas, i was already freezing. i hugged myself tightly as i wore a jacket and went downstairs, ready to close the shop.

as i reached the front of the stall and was close down, i spotted a human lying near the edge of the stall. based on the long hair and thin figure, i pretty much guessed that the human was a female. she was covered in thin newspaper and she was shivering as well.

i looked back at my own jacket, as i flickered my eyes towards her again. i was debating if i should give my jacket to her or just leave her alone.

shaking my head, i closed down the stall as i went back upstairs to sleep, chosing the latter.


i didn't even know there were chickens here.

i covered my ears with the pillow i had as i blocked my hearts from hearing the chicken's calling. honestly, it was so irritating and annoying.

i checked my phone and it was only 5:30am. usually i would sleep till 10am and this wasn't enough sleep for me.

but once i am awake, i can't get back to sleep again.

sighing, i jumped off my bed as i did my usual morning routines and was ready to start off a new yet tiring day.


opening up the stall, i was surprised to see that the female from yesterday was still sleeping there, and she could still sleep despite the loud noise that i made. this time, she was facing my shop as i admired her features.

she looked feminine yet masculine at the same time. i had a doubt now; is this human a female or a male? i was confused at the gender.

i dusted off the dirts on my hand as i walked outside of the stall and look at my surroundings. the other stalls were not open and i was the only one.

this street was really different from the one i lived in. it looked old, filthy and rotten compared to mine. i feel disgusted just walking outside. there wasn't even any fresh air for me to breathe in.

since i could kill time by playing my phone, i sauntered my way back to the stall and i instantly froze as i felt something touch my left foot.

"you are... really, beautiful." a manly voice spoke out. i looked down and screamed as i saw that it was the human who was sleeping near the stall yesterday.

he wasn't a female, but a male. his hands grabbed my ankle just now and i was disgusted by his dirty hands as i immediately took steps backward.

he had long hair, and maybe that was why i distinguished him as a female. his figure was petite too.

i scrunched my nose in disgust when the stench around him tickled my nose. i coughed out several times as i couldn't stand the smell.

he was indeed smelly, and dirty.

has he not bathe for days?

how can someone not even bathe for days? is he those type of person that doesn't care about cleanliness?

"what are you doing here?" i pinched my nose to get rid of the smell entering my nose. he didn't reply me but just looked down instead as he fiddled with his tiny little fingers.

"where is your home?" i decided to furthermore question him. he shouldn't be sleeping on the streets, it was an unpleasing sight. i certainly do not wish a beggar to sleep near my shop, it would drive my customers away.

he gave me a sad smile, and it was as if the atmosphere turned completely dull.

"i don't have one."



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