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i didn't sleep well last night. i was too busy thinking about where jimin had gone to, and i found myself that i was worrying over him too much.

stifling a yawn, i shuffled my way towards the newly constructed stall. my bangs were covering my eyes, and i was basically walking like a dead person until i felt my right foot hitting something hard.

blowing my bangs away from my face, my gaze travelled to the floor and saw the old sight of a person sleeping on the floor; which was pretty nostalgic to me and of course i could instantly recognised who this person was.

"jimin!" i squealed like a duck and he stirred from his sleep. oh shit, i forgot that he was sleeping and i was just too excited to see him—

"you are... really, beautiful." he spoke and grabbed my right foot. his eyes were still close and i bent down to pat his head. approximately a second later, his eyes immediately shot open and his expression was so priceless when he sees that i'm just right in front of him that i did not expect him to hug me.

this really feels nostalgic.

he mumbled something which was incoherent for me and the hug last for quite a while. it was then until i fell on my butt when i heard the chicken calling out.

what i didn't realise was, i pulled jimin down as well and he was just pratically on top of me. legit on top of me, and i could feel my heartbeat accelerating till the point i can't even breathe anymore.

"i wished my eye could take photos," he whispered and i watched every single one of his movement — brushing my bangs away from my forehead and then he mummered something again.

his voice was gentle, and it made me feel soft, and save.

"i've never really seen someone that beautiful in my life. you're like an art — something that isn't supposed to be touched so easily," he muttered, and as his hands were moving along my face, i couldn't help but to relax at his soft touch.

"but yet you're like the galaxy — something that i can't even touch, but then deep down i know there are chances that i can, and just in my own world."

both of us were just staring at each other, with no words. because silence was the loudest scream, and no words were needed. i wanted to open my mouth and ask him many questions, but then i didn't want to break the beautiful silence.

it was then until someone interrupted us, and i swear the both of us was so awkward and he quickly moved away from me like a lightning bolt as his cheeks were flushing red, and mine as well.

"cho youn– oh."

i saw that officer jeon was standing right in front of us and he looked so uncomfortable, yet still hot as usual with his dashing brushed up purple dark hair. i swear, i would never get tired of seeing this hairstyle of his.


jimin and i were still awkward.

officer jeon was in the middle, while the both of us were beside him on either side. so basically jimin and i were facing each other but i still did not dare to make eye contact with him.

"so, uh. i came here to tell you that the one who bombed your shop was jung hoseok."

it wasn't really a surprise to me, to be honest. but did officer jeon really have to come all the way here and tell me this?

"uh, okay nice." i replied casually and i accidentally made eye contact with jimin. i swear i got lost in his eyes once again. can someone please hand me a map?

officer jeon groaned all of a sudden, and he was ruffling his hair in frustration. "goddamn, the sexual tension here is so not obvious that i feel so suffocated."

"i swear, get together already, you two!" he moved out of his way, placing each of his hand on either of our backs, and clashed the both of us together but then i was quick enough to escape the collision, even though i had so much thoughts and question for jimin.


i was shocked. business started, and it was suddenly running so well. when the clock strikes noon, many students came into the shop to buy stationeries. i was busy, and jimin was busy as well. he offered to be the assistant, helping the students if they can't find any stationeries.

as the students coming in slowly dies down as the time goes by throughout the day, i took out my record book.

current earnings : $685.
day : 20.
remaining earnings : $315.
remaining days : 11.

i smiled at how much i have achieved within almost three weeks. it was really an achievement for me, but then i was left with just a week and a half to earn rest of the amount.

i don't think i'm ready to leave this shop. i can't deny that i've really grown attached to this shop. this shop was like my third home, because jimin was my second home.

and we were each other's home.


i'm really sorry for always being so late at updating !!

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