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"cho youn?"

i woke up from my resting position and i found jungkook standing there, but in his casual clothes. i instantly knew what he meant, and motioned him to wait outside.

i checked that all the things were placed properly, before grabbing my bag and closing the stall, calling it for a day.


"are you busy these days?" he questioned, as he sat on the swing beside me. i shook my head in response as i took a look at the clear sky.

"not really. i just rest there all the time, and it really isn't good since i wasn't able to move around as much as i use to." i answered back.

he suddenly stopped swinging and then turned towards me, gently grabbing my face and took a good look at it.

"look at these eye bags, oh god cho youn. did you just join a occult club as your part time activity? you look like you sold your own soul to summon a demon." he chuckled and patted both sides of my cheeks as i heaved a heavy sigh.

"i don't know, jungkook. i can't sleep well. i feel like shit, and everyday i tell myself that i will be able to pass by this day, but then it's easier said than to be done. i may greet the customers with a smile, but then it's just a temporary mask for me."

silence then filled the atmosphere after my response. i think jungkook knew that i needed some time to process my own emotions and i was thankful for that.

i admitted that during the first few weeks after his departure, i was still full of hopes that i could find him. but then apparently, luck was not my side.

then several months passed, and i was slowly giving up. no matter how hard i tried, i couldn't find any information about him, even with father's help.

finally a year has passed, and i had entirely give up, or probably not. although i said that i have given up, there is still this lingering feeling inside of me to tell me to not stop trying, and continue to persist.

"cho youn, are you happy?" jungkook suddenly questioned. i pursed my lips and stared at the concrete ground.

" 'are you happy?' is such a difficult question. i always say yes, because i have friends, like you. i laugh at my own jokes, i enjoy serving the customers and i always have fun with them. my life isn't as bad as it could be, and i don't have terrible problems. it could be worse. but then, one night at 3am when i'm alone still awake, lying in bed, thinking about life, i find myself crying my heart out. suddenly i'm convinced that nobody likes me, or nobody will ever like me. i feel horrible and i questioned everything i had, and i don't know if i was ever happy at all, especially with him leaving, jungkook."

"what about you?" i asked him back.

"i'm breathing, so i'm happy. it doesn't matter if any shit topple me down, because as long as i'm breathing, i can fight back. and when i know it's victory, i would be happy." he smiled.

"what if it's defeat?"

"i would still be happy, because i know that there is always a second chance, and i won't be able to make the same mistake as i did. also, i'm happy because i have a home."

jungkook surely was inspirational, and i find myself nodding at his words because every word he said was true.

"now let me ask you, what's a home to you?" i decided to question him. i was slowly gaining back my positive feeling after listening to his answers.

he looked at me in a weird way, but nonetheless replied to me. "to me, home is not a place, but a feeling. it feels good to leave home, but even better to come back."

he then gestured for me to answer, and all i could think of was jimin, to be very honest.

"it's weird, but home to me, is jimin." i spoke softly.

"how did you started to fall for jimin?"

"falling for him wasn't falling at all. it was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home, and that's the feeling." i breathed out.

jungkook bobbed his head and then suddenly hung his head low. "i feel so bad that i can't comfort you about him. i have searched everywhere for him, almost everyday, but then i just simply can't find him."

i patted jungkook's back, "it's okay, you did so much for me and i really appreciate it. it's enough, just the fact that you are by my side."

he grinned like a cheshire cat and got off the swing, "now, let's go home, shall we?"

"but jungkook, i don't have one."

because jimin's gone.

he pulled me off the swing as well, "idiot, who said that i can't be your home? that's what friends are for, my home is your home, and your home is my home. uh, i'm not saying that jimin's my home though, but you get what i mean right!"

at times like this, i was greatful that i have a friend like jungkook. it's better to walk in the darkness with a friend, than to walk in the light alone.


just a filler chapter because i'm literally brainless

but i will update again later, but don't expect too much from the last chapter !!

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