the question

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- marinette pov -
I was running to school because i am late . Again . While I was running is caught up with Alya .
"Hey girl " Alya said surprised to see me out of breath.
"Hi ... Alya " I managed to say between breathes . "How late are we ?" I asked .
Alya looked at me shocked .
"Girl . You do know it's Saturday right"Alya replied between giggles.
"What !! You mean I could've slept in today " I said wearily tired from running . I looked at Alya and we both started to die of laughter . Nino an Adrien must've been there for a while because after be both stopped laughing after my mistake they looked at us very confused .
" You .. nut job Mari and yes you could've slept in ." Alya said still with little giggles .
"OK explain no please " Nino demanded .
"Well you see Mari "giggled Alya and I slapped her for it " well she kinda thought that it was school " screeched Alya causing us to start laughing again . After we had calmed down again we look up to see Adrien and Nino staring at us .
"Any way what's up " I said calmly with Alya giggling slightly.
"Well I was wondering if you two could come with us on a surprise trip ?" Asked adrien slightly red
"Uhh sure " me and Alya replied in union .
"When do we leave "Alya said calmly this time . "And how long are we staying there "
"Well we leave tomorrow and we will be staying there for a couple of months " replied Nino
"Can we know where we're going at least ?"I asked them . That looked at each other and nodded .
"We're going to China " that said in union . Shocked me and Alya turned to look at each other. 
"Well I need to go there any way so... " I whispered in Alya's ear .
"We'll start packing then " I said about to turn round but Alya caught my arm and gave me a concerning look .
"You need to tell them Mari " Alya said as serious as she could speak .
"Tell us what . Mari " the boys said in union .
"I can't " I said running away .
- Adrien pov -
"Well that was strange " I said breaking the silence .
"Sorry about that Mari is just secretive " Alya replied looking at us "Well looks like I'm the one who tell you then " Alya looked to the ground and took a deep breath . "Come by mari's place after you guys pack then we will explain " Alya said calmly .
After that she left me and Nino standing there confused .
- marinette POV
" I can't tell them " i said to my adoptive parents looking at my locket mother ( queen Bridgette of china ) gave me so I could remember my birth right .
"You have to though Mari . And you have to tell them about the wedding." Sabine told me . I looked up at her . After that the door bell rang and Sabine went to answer leaving all my belongings in boxes and tears in my eyes . After about 5 minutes she came up with Alya , Adrien and Nino behind her . Adrien and Nino stopped as soon as they saw my stuff in boxes .
"Mari we are only going for a couple of months not for ever " Nino said causing me to look up at them .
"Maybe for you guys but not me " I said standing up . Alya came toy side and gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze . I looked  up at her with a sad smile .
" What do you mean marinette " Adrien said confused about my remark .
He walked up to my desk stopping when her saw a picture of me as my true self . As a princess .
"Mari what is this ?" Adrien asked me bringing the picture towards me . As soon as he showed me the picture tears started to run down my cheeks .

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