chapter seven

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"Could you stop that?" I hissed quietly at Kol, who was standing behind my uncle, Denzel's' back mocking him as he spoke.

"What did you say, Ororo?"

I blushed, turning away from my mama's glare.


When she turned back to Denzel, I glared at Kol. He snickered, shrugging.

"Color me intrigued. Never seen a proper family dinner in ages. Well, without blood being spilled."

I rolled my eyes, watching Finn out to the corner of my eye. He was standing obediently behind Bonnie's chair, watching her interact with her parents and Shelia.

Tonight was the Bennett annual family night. Something I couldn't miss out on. It was reserved for every Thursday night.

"Your parents are staring." Kol comments, snapping me out of my stupor. I met my father's worried gaze.

I shook my head, smiling. "I'm okay, just wondering if Caroline is waiting for me at the Grill."

"Well, dinner is over. You've eaten your dessert; you can go."

"Thanks, Ma." I stood from the table.

"Be careful! Take Bonnie with you." We left quickly, Kol and Finn following behind us silently.

"Hey, Ororo, do you feel like someone's watching you?" Bonnie questioned as I started the car.

"It's because our ancestor threw two Originals on our asses." I was going to be completely honest with Bonnie. There wasn't any reason to lie to her or keep secrets.

"Originals? You mean the vampire family you told me about years ago? Why would they be following us?!" She asked, looking around confused.

"Finn has been following you around your entire life. She recently threw Kol on me. "

"Where are they now?"

"In the backseat, confused as hell." Bonnie turns, staring into the backseat.

"She cannot see us, and I don't think she ever will." Finn sighs, shaking his head.

"Ah, cheer up, brother. At least yours isn't glaring at you." Kol says as he meets my eyes in the mirror.

"Because you're doing stupid shit. You were mocking my dad behind his back; that man is like a spiritual radio for spirits! The closer you are to him, the faster he'll discover you. Then, he'll start asking questions. After that, you'll be sent back to the other side."

Bonnie laughs, "I don't even think Uncle Titus will ask questions. I think he'd banish him just because he's a boy."

She was right, Dad hated boys around me, but that's every girl's dad.

"You're right; that's why I have to keep this moron away from my family at all costs. Qetisyah sent you to watch over me, not wreak havoc in my life, okay? So be a good little spirit, stop fucking with shit, protect me, and maybe I'll find your brother and get your undaggered. How does that sound?"

Kol and Finn exchange looks before nodding.

"It's a deal, little witch."

"Thank you."

We arrived at the Grill, getting tables near the back. Matt waved at us as he was taking someone's order.

"Isn't tonight supposed to be the meeting of creep eyes and Matt? Imagine the awkwardness." Bonnie comments as Vicki Donovan walks over to take our orders.

"Your girlfriend was looking for you earlier, Bennett." Vicki teased, smirking.

"For the last time, Caroline isn't my girlfriend."

"Yet," Bonnie laughs.

I rolled my eyes, "oh, whatever."

Matt walked over to our table. Poor thing looked like he was seconds away from breaking down.

"What's the matter, Matt?"

"The whole situation with Elena, you know."

"Ugh," I let out a sound of disgust, turning away.

"I forgot how bad she hated Elena."

"I don't hate her; I just have a powerful urge to bash her head in."

Kol bursts out laughing. "Oh, you're violent towards the doppelgänger. And here I thought you two were friends."

"It would be a cold day in hell before I'm friends with her. That's Bonnie's 'best friend,'" I give him a look of disgust.

I didn't see why Matt was moping around about Elena. She's moved on, quick, fast, and in a hurry. Matt was a pretty decent guy. For a human. He just had a shitty taste in friends and girlfriends. As soon as he graduated, he should've hauled ass out of this shithole town.

I know he dated Caroline and Rebekah in the show, but he wasn't touching my Caroline in this timeline. Especially not after she's turned. He dumped her in the show because she was a vampire. Then turned around, dated Rebekah, who was a freaking' Original!

"You need to suck it up, get over Elena because you two aren't getting back together anytime soon. I think she's after the new guy. Go out there, find a hot chick, have sex or whatever." I say as Vicki arrives with our drinks.

Bonnie and Matt stare at me in absolute silence. I return their stare.

"What? I'm right!"

Bonnie shakes her head, "give Elena time, Matt. She just lost her parents."

Matt looks away from Bonnie to see Elena and Stefan enter the Grill.

"More time, huh?"

"Nobody ever listens to me," I grumble, sipping my tea. "I'm not watching that shitshow. I can feel the tension and awkwardness over here. Matt will not take my advice."

"Why do you look like you're two seconds away from burst out into a maniac laugh?" Caroline questions as she takes a seat.

"Matt just met Stefan. It's the ex meeting the new squeeze tension."

"Your Caroline is quite a lovely-looking dame," Kol comments as Finn hits him in the shoulder.

"You know it isn't wise to speak about Ororos' Caroline, brother."

"All I said was that she was a doll! What I wouldn't do to sink my f-" He let out a bloodcurdling scream as I sent a blood-bursting migraine his way.

Finn shakes his head in disappointment. "I warned you." He turns back to watching Bonnie.

"Who are you glaring at?" Caroline asks, looking around. "Is it your ancestor again?"

I shake my head, "oh it's much worse than that. I'll tell you later. Mopey and Wimpy are coming over."

"Jesus, it hasn't even been twenty-four hours, and she's got her claws in," Caroline shakes her head, quickly taking a sip of my tea.

I glared at her, "You're always stealing my food and shit. Get your own."

"Why would I do that when I can always take yours?"

"You two are so getting married one day," Bonnie comments rolling her eyes.

"I'm thinking a June wedding," Caroline smiles.

I froze, inwardly panicking. Holy shit, she said that about her and Stefan. They had their June wedding, but he died on the same day. Now it's me she wants to marry? Dear gods, will Klaroline still happen, or will she still have a crush on me? I mean, I wouldn't blame her because I'd do anything to have Klaus blow my back out. That is one fine man; the entire family is. I hope I don't fall for one of them.

"Um, hi, guys." During my inner monologue, Elena and Stefan had approached our table.

Elena waves awkwardly, "I hope you guys don't mind. This is Stefan; he's new in town. I kind of invited him."

"Oh, I mind a lot. Who invited you?" Bonnie kicks me underneath the table as Caroline pinches me.

I let out a hiss of pain. I'm not taking back what I said.

"Please don't mind her, that's my cousin, Ororo. I'm Bonnie." Bonnie tells Stefan.

"I'm Caroline Forbes, the other best friend, and this idiot's girlfriend."

Girlfriend? Since when? I raised an eyebrow, "since when? I don't remember asking you out."

"I just did it myself because if it's left up to you, O, it would never happen. We're practically a couple, anyway."

Elena and Stefan sit down beside Bonnie. "Uh, are they serious?" He asks her.

"What? You're homophobic or something?"

"Oh, no! No, I was just confused. People told me you guys were best friends. I didn't know you were girlfriends."

"We aren't."

"We are."

Caroline and I replied at the same time. I shoot her a glare. She shrugs. What have I gotten myself into?

"Anyway, my cousin is an asshole until she gets to know you. So, disregard anything she says that's you know." Bonnie tells Stefan, who shifts in his seat as I glare at him.

"Your name isn't Stefan anymore. It's now, Barnabas."

His eyebrows crease in confusion. "Barnabas?"

"He's this broody vampire from this old tv show called Dark Shadows. He's his own worst enemy, you know?" Stefans' eyes widened at the words vampire.

"Oh, you're a hilarious little witch." I ignore Kols' laughter.

"Seriously, Ororo?" Bonnie rolls her eyes, annoyed as she caught my reference.

"Oh god, please don't get those two started. They've always been like this." Elena groans.

"First, you don't k-" Bonnie kicks me in the knee once again.

"Bonnie, if you kick me one more fucking time, we're gonna have a problem."

"Stop being a douche." She hissed.

I let out a huff, crossing my arms. "Whatever."

"So, Stefan, were you born in Mystic Falls?" Caroline questions.

"Yeah, born and raised. I moved when I was young." He replied as I let out a chuckle.

"What about your parents?"

"They passed away," I could see his shoulder tense. I see someone still has issues with eating their daddy and mommy getting sent to a prison world. Oh wait, he doesn't know that yet. Hmm, maybe I'll tell him. One day, he has to earn my friendship.

Elena gives him a somber look. "I'm sorry, do you have any siblings?"

"None that I talk to; I live with my uncle." I wasn't letting him get away with that.

"So you have siblings?"

"Yeah, but it's complicated. We haven't talked in years." I let out a hum. Jesus Christ, this guy had this kicked puppy look mastered.

"So, if you're new, then that means you don't know about the party tomorrow night." Caroline started.

"It's a back to school party," Bonnie states.

"Which means we're getting blackout drunk and having fun. We're all going."

Elena looks at me, confused. "I am?"

"Yes, wimpy, you are. So are you in Barnabas?"

He looks at Elena before turning to me.

"I'm in."

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