chapter ten

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"I can't believe you talked me into this!" Bonnie groans. I stopped digging, turning to glare at her.

"Girl shut the hell up! We need this grimoire, or Emily and Qetisyah will have our asses. Besides, shithead Damon doesn't need it. So, suck it up and keep digging!"

Bonnie sighs and continues to dig. We were digging up Daddy Salvatore's grave to get Emilys' grimoire.

"It still wrong; we're robbing a dead man's grave!"

I rolled my eyes and called out to Kol. "Is everything alright up there, Kol?!"

He peered over the edge of the grave. "Coast is still clear! My question is, why are you digging? Aren't you two witches?"

"Shut the hell up, Kol, before I bury your ass in this grave! Keep watch!"

He frowned, "you are such a b-"

"Say it so I can blast your ass back to the Other Side! Say it, Kol Mikaelson!"

He said nothing in return.

"You are incredibly idiotic, brother." Finn's voice speaks after a minute of silence.

"That's what I thought!" I turned back to digging. A few minutes later, my shovel hit something. "We finally reached it!"

Bonnie throws down her shovel, waving her hand. I swept the rest of the dirt covering the grave to the side, and Giuseppe Salvatores' wooden coffin was revealed.

"Are you going to do the honors, O?" I nodded, waving my hand.

Giuseppe's coffin opened. Bonnie covered her mouth, letting out a gag.

"This is disgusting and is so going to be one of the top five terrible things we've done. Grave robbing!"

Giuseppe was just bones but god, the smell coming from the grave. His hands were clutching Emily's' grimoire. "He was tryna guard the book even in death, huh."

I waved my hand again, lifting the book with magic, gilding it towards me, letting out a sigh of relief, only to choke as the smell got to me.

"Need help?" Kols' outstretched hand was in my face. I took his hand as Bonnie grabbed Finns' hand. He pulled both of us up and out of the grave. Bonnie closed the grave, using magic to make the grave look undisturbed.

"Never again are we going grave robbing. That was the longest hour of my life!"


"Hold still, baby," Shelia comments as she braids Bonnies' hair. I made Bonnie get her hair done; Momma did mine last night after returning from our daily night of grave robbing.

"Why did you pick box braids of all things?!" Bonnie groans, face scrunched up as Aunt Shelia adjusted her hair once again.

"Oh, shut up and deal with it. It would be best if you had this hairstyle. I'm so sick of seeing you walk around with that fucked up hair. You need your hair done, and I'm not talking about putting a relaxer and flat iron it in."

I refuse to have Bonnie walking around, looking like a hot mess. Whoever did Bonnies' hair and wardrobe hated her character on the show. She was a fucking beautiful, had a nice ass body, and had it hid under those granny clothes.

"These fit you nicely," Kol comments as he appears beside me. He reaches forward to touch my hair. "You put your grimy ass hands in my hair, and I'm gonna fuck you up, ghost or not."

Shelia snorts, shaking her head. "You and that boy are something else. I'm almost done, baby. Let me get your edges."

"It's just hair, little witch. I'll let you touch mine. Fairtrade, isn't it?" Kol grins.

I rolled my eyes, "You dumbass, it's typical white boy hair. I just got this done; it's still hurting."

"There, all done. You look good." Shelia says as she pats Bonnie on her shoulder.

"Thanks, Grams. It looks good!" Bonnie smiles as she looks at her hair in the mirror I handed her.

"Hey, Bon, I'm going to head out. Care's waiting for me at the Grille. She's making me go shopping with her and to that stupid Founders ball."

"See you later, cuz." Bonnie and Shelia waved me goodbye. I left quickly, heading straight to the Grille, and I was greeted with an exciting sight. Damon Salvatore was sitting beside Caroline at our table. I frowned; her face was scrunched up as he threw an arm around her shoulders. She pushed them off, easing away from him.

I grinned, walking towards them. "What do we have here, Care? Replacing me a new boy toy?"

Caroline turned from Damon. "Ororo! Where have you been? I've been here for what seems like hours, waiting?"

I take a seat in front of Damon. "I was with BonBon, made her get her hair done. But, who's this?" I questioned, looking at Damon.

"Damon Salvatore and you are gorgeous?" He holds out a hand, giving me a devilish smirk. I mentally roll my eyes; that would not work on me. He wasn't my type, and the way he acts is such a turnoff.

"Ororo Bennett." I shake his hand, and I see both his eyebrows raise.

"Any relation to Bonnie Bennett?"

"She's my cousin, but more like a sister. You see, I'm very overprotective of her. The same thing goes for Caroline here. Anyone who fucks with them fucks with me, and trust me; I'll make their life a living hell." Just for fun, I sent a small little pain spell his way. Damon winced, letting out a groan, clutching his head.

"C'mon Care; we've got to get going. See you around, Salvatore." I grab Carolines' hand, pulling her from her chair.


"This! This is it!" Caroline shrieks as I step out of the dressing room. "It's not a dress, but this suit is perfect for you, and the tie matches my dress. We'll be the hottest at the Founder's Day ball!" She rushes forward, placing her hands on my shoulders, pulling me closer. She turned to the mirror.

"Look at us, Ororo and Caroline Bennett. The hottest couple in bland Mystic Falls. We're the spice this town needs." Caroline places her head on my shoulder. I smiled at her reflection in the mirror; she was right. We looked pretty good together.

"Now add me, and we will be unstoppable," Kol smirks as he appears beside me. "My, this suit fits you well." He bites his lip, giving me bedroom eyes.

Caroline clears her throat. "Are you seriously considering fucking your ghost boyfriend right now? We were having an Ororo and Care moment!"

"Do tell her I am willing to share; there's no need for her to be jealous!" Kol says. "I am not saying that!"

"What? What did he say?" She questions, looking at Kol.

"He said he's willing to share, and there's no need to be jealous." I sigh.

"I'm gonna see what he looks like first before I can share you." I shook my head, smiling.

Wait for a second; I would if I could touch Kol and Caroline simultaneously and get her to see him. I grabbed Kol and Carolines' hands, focusing my magic on the two.

'Make them see each other. Allow Caroline to see Kol.'

"Holy shit! He's hot, O!" I hum as Caroline checks Kol out.

"I feel like we're missing another person, but for now. This throuple is hot!" Caroline smiles.

Note: Vote For Pairings ( Listed Top Voted To Least, You Can Still Vote Until The Rest Of The Mikaelsons Come In.)

Ororo/Kol/Caroline/Klaus - 36

Bonnie/Finn/Enzo - 21

Elena/Death - 20

Lucy/Katherine/Rebekah - 14

Ororo/Caroline/Klaus/Kol/Elijah - 14

Tyler/Jeremy - 8

Lucy/Rebekah/Stefan - 8

Ororo/Caroline/Klaus - 6

Ororo/Caroline - 3

Bonnie/Finn/Elijah - 2

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