chapter thirty

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"Esther Mikaelson is a real piece of work," Ma comments as she takes a seat beside me on the couch.

I let out an agreeing hum, "Tell me about it. She's a pain in my ass and I can't wait to get rid of her."

"I don't trust this spell Qetsiyah has you and Bonnie performing, Ororo. It isn't safe, only one person has performed it before, she's dead and won't answer anyone's summoning."

I roll my eyes skyward at her words. She and Dad were strongly against Qetsiyah. Ayana and Emily's suggested spell to get rid of Esther. I wasn't one hundred percent confident in it either, but she needed to be dealt with as soon as possible. One less headache in Mystic Falls.

"I know you aren't for it Ma, but come on we'll finally have the wicked witch out of our hair, and don't tell me you aren't irked about her possessing you!"

Mom shrugs, sipping her tea. "I'm furious beyond words, but your safety is more important than Esther. I don't want anything to happen to my only baby. I'm certain that Esther has a backup plan, among others. "

"Qetsiyah and the others have you doing their dirty work. You know, if Ayana had punished the she-devil when she stole her spell the first time, we wouldn't be in this situation now."

Ma was right in a way, but I still wanted to do this. She knows it, of course, as she shakes her head.

"I knew I couldn't talk you out of it. You're just as hard-headed as me. I just want you to..." She trails off, placing her cup of tea on the coffee table.

Mom gently takes my hand, this causes me to feel a bit alarmed at the disheartened look in her eyes.

"I'm scared this won't have a positive outcome, Ororo. Esther has always been a tricky one. She could easily outsmart the ancestors once again, and this time you'd get dragged down in this mess."

I attempt to give her a reassuring smile, squeezing her hand. "Ma, don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine."

Everything was not fine.


"What the hell are you doing here?" Kol questions, glaring at his mother.

"Can't a mother visit her children?" Esther pouts, holding back a sneer of disgust at the sight of her children. She couldn't believe these monsters were still living.

Mikael had sworn to get rid of them, especially of Niklaus, but here she is, a thousand years later, cleaning up this mess. Honestly, you can't send a man to do anything.

"Mother!" Rebekah lets out a gasp, taking in Esthers' new appearance.

"I always thought Greta was smart, but this is pure idiocy," Klaus rolls his eyes, shaking his head in disappointment.

"This is such a lovely homecoming." She says, taking a seat.

Klaus glares, sneering at her in clear hatred. "Who the hell told you that you could sit down on my furniture? Get up, I don't want you to taint it with yo-"

"Finish that sentence, and I'll crave your tongue from your mouth. Look, I didn't come here to fight children. I just wanted to talk. There's quite an awful lot of catching up we have to do. Don't we, Kol?" Esther questions, looking at her youngest son, who met her eyes, unafraid of her wraith.

"I have nothing to say to you besides warning you to stay the hell away from my family. That little stunt you pulled possessing Anna wasn't cute and bringing back the doppelgänger moreover. Just for her to dig herself another grave by threatening the woman I love."

Esther narrows her eyes at his words.

A shout of outrage leaves her lips, "LOVE? You don't love that Bennett harlot! You're delusional and clearly not thinking well. Has she put you in a love spell? Did the other one do the same to Finn?"

Finn awkwardly shuffles his feet, "I assure you Bonnie has not bewitched me in any form, nor has Ororo to Kol. "

Esther feels faint, staring at her eldest. Not in a million years did she think he'd do anything like this. He always sought her approval and validation for anything! These little Bennett bitches were ruining everything!

She originally planned to make her return and have Finn help her fool the baby witch Bonnie into helping her destroy his siblings! Now that plan is ruined! Thanks to the ancestors, she had a backup plan!

"This is nothing like my children, I know! That eldest Bennett has three of you fighting like dogs over scraps! It's unbecoming of you all and damn embarrassing. No, I won't have this! I won't!" Esther shakes her head, using her magic to silence all the Mikaelson children.

" Even though it's been a thousand years doesn't change the fact that I know each one of you! Especially you, Kol! What love you had in you withered up and died centuries ago. All you know is manipulation, bloodshed, and having your way."

Kol flinches at Esther's cruel words. He thought the same as her until he met Ororo. She'd changed his meaning of love.

"All of you! You destroy everything you touch! And I'll admit part of it was my fault, becoming the paranoid mother that I am." Esther places a hand over her mouth, tears gathered in her eyes as she looks of her children.

"I wanted nothing to happen to my babies, but this...this is too far. All of you are monsters. The very thing that nature didn't want created. You can't love because it's impossible. Whatever those Bennett witches have placed in your's all lies! The eldest Bennett witch, Ororo, has all of you fooled. But tonight, it ends, even if it's the last thing I do."

All of her children looked absolutely outraged at her words, but this wouldn't stop her. She was on a mission, and it will be achieved, no matter the sacrifices.

Waving a hand, she snaps the Mikaelson's necks with ease. "Damn, it's going to be a hassle getting their asses in the van."

Walking over to Kol's lifeless body, she reaches into his pocket, pulling out his phone. She lets out a hum of disgust as the lock screen of him, Ororo, and that blonde vampire. Unlocking it, she finds Ororo's contact with ease. She sends the brunette a text.

"Finally, I'll rid this world of all the abomination named Aidrain Simmons."


I let out an irritated sigh, reading Kol's text as I made my way to my car. When I reached to open the car door, I dropped my keys and phone, letting out a coughed sob. My hand was on fire! What the hell? Looking down, I realized it was the ring linked to Kol and Caroline.

"Well, aren't you a sight?" Through blurry eyes, I look up to see Damon smirking down at me.

"What did you do to them?!"

Damon laughs, "I didn't do anything to them. That was all Momma Original; she sent me to fetch you. You know, it's nice seeing someone bring you down a peg or two. You've been nothing but a pain in the ass. At first, I thought we could've been something. You were the first to ignore my charming looks and fabulous personality."

I scoffed, rolling to my side. Damon was full of crap.  Esther was a fucking pussy.

Closing my eyes, I hoped the pain would ease, but whatever Esther was doing to Kol hurt like hell.

"You're a delusional fool, Salvatore. I would never let myself fall so low to sleep with you. Tell me, are you still chasing after Elena? Did she choose Stefan over you once again? Even after-"

"That's enough out of you," Damon growls before my vision goes black.


"It's about damn time, Salvatore," Esther growls, scowling at the vampire and the unconscious which in his arms. "Place her in the middle of the pentagram. Hurry, I don't have all day!"

"Calm your tits, Momma Original. With the way I hit her, she won't be waking up anytime soon."

Esther makes a face, glancing over at her unconscious children, "it's not her I'm worried about."

"How long is this going to take? It won't be too long before the other Bennetts come running to the rescue." Elena speaks up after toeing the unconscious Caroline with her shoe. Boy, did she feel good after kicking the blondes' ass. Esther really did come in handy with those pain spells and knockout drugs.

"Don't worry about that. We'll start now that our guest of honor has arrived." Esther states as all the candles surrounding the room lit a fire.

Opening her grimoire to her selected spell, she fights down the urge to cackle in glee. Finally, she'd have everything she wants. Getting rid of her pathetic children and access to one of magic's most powerful bloodlines! Oh, and let's not forget getting rid of Ororo Bennett! Closing her eyes, she begins to chant.

Bonnie lets out a groan, blinking the black spots from her vision. Faintly she hears someone chanting in the background along with someone whispering her name.


Shaking her head, blinking once more, she recognizes the voice as Caroline.

"Care? What's going on?"

"Bonnie, you have to wake up and do something! Esther is doing some sort of spell, and it looks as if it's hurting Ororo!" Caroline replies, struggling to loosen the ropes bounded around her.

Beside her, Kol and Finn bound, gagged and unconscious.

"I attempted to wake them but nothing's working. She's torturing Ororo! I can feel it!" Caroline lets out a cry as Ororo does. Kol twitches, letting out a moan.

Bonnie feels sick to her stomach once she understands the words of Esther's chant. "She's draining Ororo's magic!"

Someone claps mockingly behind them, and Bonnie turns. Elena, Stefan, and Damon were standing behind them. Elena was smirking.

"Well, that was fast, Bon-Bon. You know, it's nice seeing all of you like this. Especially that cousin of yours. I can't wait for Esther to drain her dry, so I can rip her little throat open."

"Shut up, Elena! If you touch her, I'll kill you!" Caroline snarls.

Elena scoffs, "You won't do anything because who says you're going to be alive after this? Nothing is stopping me from ripping your heart out immediately."

Esther stops chanting, opening her eyes. Waving her hand, she silences Elena and the Salvatores, bounding their feet in place.

She turns back around and meets Ororo's furious gaze.

"Well, hello there. Have a nice nap?"

Ororo's glare doesn't lessen as she spits out, "You're a real piece of work, Esther. Stealing Ayana's spells was enough now, you want my magic too? Do you truly believe my ancestors allow that to happen?"

Esther patiently allows Ororo to finish before letting out a laugh.

"Do you think I give a damn about the ancestors? I want power! And you, Ororo Bennett, are exactly that! It's a genuine miracle that you were pulled from another world and into this one!"

Ororo's eyes widened at Esthers' words. "How do you know that? Who told you?!"

"I guess Qetsiyah forgot to mention a few ancestors don't agree with her and hate the chaos you've created. They told me all about you, Aidrian, and your little plans. Mainly being the fact that you aided Niklaus in breaking his curse. I'll admit, you succeeded quite a bit. I wonder, does Kol know who his 'girlfriend' truly is? Does anyone know the true, Aidrain Simmons?"

Ororo meets Bonnie's tearful and baffled gaze as Esther monologues on. " Do they know that you are a being from another world that knows every little detail about their lives?"

Caroline feels her eyes widened in horror as she sees Kol sit up in the corner of her eye. She turns to him in a panic. But he was staring at Ororo and Esther.

"What is she talking about, Ororo?"

Ororo remains silent, refusing to met his intense stare.

"Don't go quiet on me now, Aidrain! It seems you left Kol and little Bonnie out of your little secret. But I bet your little girlfriend knows all about it, doesn't she?"

Esther turns to Caroline with a grin wide enough to rival the Chester cat. Caroline turns away from Kol, staring at the ground.

"Aww, cat got your tongue now?" Esther taunts. Caroline refuses to budge, closing her eyes in anger.

"What the hell is she talking about? Has this all been a lie? Ororo isn't even your real name, is it?!" Kol questions, anger showing through his eyes as he yells at the defeated looking girl.

Ororo sighs, rubbing a hand over her face. "It's my given name in this world. I died in my original world and Qetsiyah snatched my soul up, bringing me here."

"For what?!"

"To stop everyone's unnecessary deaths! Do you know how many of you would die because of idiocy? You and Finn were going to die! And you know who your killers would've been? Elena and her lapdogs. Elena would've killed you, Kol, and do you know how degrading that is?"

"Finn was murdered by Stefan and Matt! And you know what the sad thing is? Your deaths would've gone unnoticed by your family! At least this time you have someone to mourn and avenge you!"

Ororo turns to Bonnie, "And you... Bonnie, you were going to suffer the worst out of everyone. Want to know why?" Bonnie nods, feeling tears gather in his eyes at Ororo's tearful eyes.

"Because you're a self-sacrificing martyr. If it wasn't for me, you'd be alone by now. You wouldn't have Rudy, Abby, or Shelia. You'd have no one because you'd be too busy breaking your back for everyone else. And when you got the chance to finally be happy! It was snatched from you again. I'm the best thing that has come into your lives. You can be upset all you want, but if it wasn't for me? This life would be ten times worse and utterly miserable."

Esther scowls as she notices no one aside for Kol was particularly upset with Aidrian's true identity reveal.

"I find myself quite curious on what spell you crafted upon my child. Usually, he would've beheaded you by now."

Ororo does respond to her taunt, laying her head on her knees. "Do what you want with me, Esther, but just leave everyone else out of your bullshit."

Esther peers over at Kol. He refused to look away from the witch. Anger shined in his eyes, but he refused to attack her.

"Do I have to do everything around here myself? You're all useless!" Esther shakes her head in disgust, turning back to her grimoire, and begins chanting.

"What are you doing?!" She hears Caroline shouts. "Bonnie, do something! She's hurting her!"

"Esther has protection runes! Neither one of us can use our magic in here! We're powerless! One of you is going to have to knock Esther out before she finishes the spell!" Bonnie responds as she watches, feeling helpless.

Ororo lets out a scream, convulsing as fire surrounds the pentagram and Esthers chants louder.

"Mother, whatever you're doing, stop this!" Kol wails as he watches Esther drain Ororo of her magic.

"I'm doing the correct thing here, Kol! Riding the world of her! She doesn't belong here, and it's clear to me, she's brainwashed all of you and done enough damage to this timeline!" Esther goes back to chanting, ignoring everyone's cries and pleads.

Eventually, Caroline breaks free from the ropes and quickly does the same to Bonnie, Kol, and Finn. Finn tackles Esther, and she lets out a shriek as Ororo goes silent.

Bonnie rushes over, gathering Ororo's limp body in her arms." Ororo! Ororo, wake up!"

The brunette is motionless and silent. Caroline feels her heart drop to her stomach as she hears Ororo's heartbeat fade slowly. "No. No! No! This isn't possible!"

Kol stands behind the two girls, looking down at Ororo. Caroline caresses her face as Bonnie sobs on her shoulder.

Esther found herself cackling with glee. She'd finally done it! She's killed the troublesome little bitch and taken her magic! Not only that, but she's unstoppable! All this power is at her disposal! She lets out a gleeful cackle.

Her laughter was interrupted as she grabbed her throat, eyes widening in horror.

"You, Esther Mikaelson, are such a troublesome witch!" Ayana scowls, appearing in front of Esther.

Qetsiyah and Emily appear behind the sobbing teenagers that were cradling Ororo's deceased body.

"Tessa! Emily! Please tell me you can do something!" Bonnie pleads, looking up at the duo with pleading, tearful eyes.

The two ghosts share a glance, frowning.

Emily takes pity on them, "I'm sorry, little ones but Ororo's..."

"You're lying! You've brought the dead back before, and you can do it again!" Kol shouts, glaring furiously at the spirits. "You can do it, I know you can!"

"Do not doubt for a second I wouldn't bring her back if I could, but she's been taken far beyond our magic," Ayana says, binding and silencing Esther before turning to the group.

She gives her favorite descendent, deceased body, a sad smile. "She has gone somewhere we cannot follow."

"What the hell does that mean?!" Caroline was at wit's end. "Bring her back!"

"How did Ororo get here, Caroline?" Emily questions.

"She said she was in an accident and died... Wait, does this mean..." She trails off, putting the clues together.

Bonnie lets out a shaky breath, "you're saying she could be in another world? Is there any way we can get her back! There has to be something! You summoned her here!" She rounds on Qetsiyah, who was staring at Ororo.

"I don't know whom to bring her back. I didn't even know what I was doing the first time when she was brought here. I'm sorry, Bonnie. I'm sorry to all of you. It's on me for not preventing this sooner."

Kol collapses to his knees, defeated at Qetsiyahs words. "She's gone. Possibly to another world; to be reborn and forget about us. And what are we supposed to do? Move on and forget about her?"

"Yes," Emily responds. "It's what she would want, after all, isn't it? She wouldn't want you crying over her. Death was going to come to her eventually, whether it is naturally or like this. She was a natural-born witch and was bound to die. It was her destiny. Esther draining her only quickened her death."

Caroline leans down, placing a kiss on Ororo's cold cheek. She doesn't know how she's going to survive without her. Ororo's been by her side since birth, her rock. She didn't even factor in death would split them apart so fast. Ororo's always been the one with a plan and avoiding death.

"She's on the other side now. I only hope she is at peace." Ayana says softly.

"I know Ororo, and she's going to drive herself crazy wondering how she'll get back here." Bonnie says, holding Ororo's hand.

"The question is, who will inform Ororo's parents?" Finn wonders out loud, and another wave of anguish hits Bonnie.

"They know. The entire Bennett line knows."

Ayana, Qetsiyah, and Emily could only give Caroline, Bonnie, and Kol a collected look of pity.


Blinking awake, I found myself staring into an endless white abyss. There was nothing around me as I looked around. Come to think of it; I couldn't hear anything either-just silence.

"Hi, there." I held back a scream, turning to see a small child staring up at me. Their voice echoed through the endless abyss.

"Oh fuck, I died, didn't I?" I slapped a hand against my forehead. I was so damn stupid, going against Esther with a half-cocked plan.

My ignorance caused my death, leaving my family, Caroline and Kol alone.

Oh, shit, Caroline and Kol! Oh god, I know they aren't going to take my death will. What if Caroline turns her humanity off?

"I'm sorry you couldn't say goodbye to your loved ones. Thought it was partly my fault you died." The child gives me a smile of sympathy.

"What the hell do you mean it was your fault? What did you do?" I demanded, standing.

The child shuffles their feet, the smile developing into a somewhat guilty expression.

"You see, I'm known as the reality stone and I can see infinite universes. One day, I was browsing through the multiverse when I came by you. I watched as you grew and adapted to your new world with such ease. In the way, you managed to derail fate and give it a giant fuck you. It was spectacular! And I thought to myself, "what if I brought her here? The things she could do to bring chaos to the timeline!"

The child throws their head back and laughs. 

"You are the perfect vessel for that. Allow me to bond with you, Aidrain Simmons, and release chaos among Earth-199999!"

I stared at the clearly deranged "child" in bewilderment.

"You're probably thinking I'm insane but listen, this universe is doomed in 2018. This big purple dick chin Titan named Thanos gathered me and my siblings. He was on this insane mission to kill half the universe. He succeeded, but in doing so, this asshole destroyed my siblings and me!"

The child turns to walk and motions for me to follow. There was nowhere else to go, so of course, I did. 

"Earth-199999 is such a complicated but interesting place. It's one of my favorite universes, though Earth-616 is my number one. It's the polar opposite of this one. I don't think you'd want to go through the entire rebirthing process, do you? I believe it would be quite troublesome endeavoring to recall all the memories from your past lives."

Falling in step with them, I asked, "But what about my loved ones in my old universe? I just can't up and leave! The-"

The child shakes their head. "You must understand, Aidrian. You were dead the moment Esther Mikaelson finished draining you of your magic. There's nothing you can do now. There's no going back. Ororo Bennett is dead unless you chose to continue on with that name in this universe."

I can't fucking believe this. Eighteen years wasted in that universe. Falling in love, gaining a family, and look what happened! It's all gone!

"You can always gain another family, Aidrain. It's fine to mourn them and move on. I'm confident that's what your mother, Annalise, would want. She knew your time was coming." 

 The child reaches over, taking my hand. "For what it's worth. I am terribly sorry you lost them. I'm not the one that typically feels sorry for humans."

That doesn't bring me comfort at all but whatever. I'll have time to cry later.

"There's no chance I could survive this world without my magic. I remember reading a comic about Thor! He's a God, and let's not forget Spider-Man. And Doctor Strange. I can't compete against them if they decide to wreck my shit."

The child tuts, shaking their head. "Silly girl, you're going to have my powers. You'd think I'd let my chosen human go into this manic world without some protection? My powers know no bounds. Controlling dark matter, manipulating reality. I can also revive the dead. And let's say, you get your arm cut off. I can restore it. I'm remarkable right?"

"So you're saying if I did go against one of them and'd bring me back?"

The child nods. "Honestly, the one I'd be worried about is Dr. Strange he will become the guardian of my sibling, time. She's incredibly fond of him. But I doubt he'll attack unprovoked."

"Doesn't the X-Men exist in marvel? Just say I'm a mutant."

The child shakes their head. "No can do. As of now, nearly everyone's gained their powers from experiments, magic, or infinity stones. Weird, but that's this reality. So, what do you say?"

"What do you think? It's not like I can exactly go back to my old world. Besides, what year are you even dropping me in?"

The child tightens their grip on my hand and begins dragging me further into the abyss.

"Wait and find out."

NOTE: I know y'all probably hate me and honestly I hate myself but it's been a long year. I am not interested in the TVDU fandom no longer and I will not force myself to write for it. My passion has burnt out. I still got love for the Mikaelsons, Caroline, and my baby girl, Bonnie. I have plans to bring Bonnie into the MCU but that's only if you guys are down with me continuing Homebound this route. If not, the book will be discontinued, with Ororo dying for good. No, she will not go back to the TVD universe. She had her shot, went in half-cocked, and got killed in the process. Esther got her ass with the help of some petty and grimmy ancestors!

If you guys want me to continue with Ororo in the MCU, you know I'm going to hook my favorite OC up with a Harlem, killer powers, and a kickass family cause, it seems that having a family in the MCU is a fucking problem. She's not there on an important mission, as the Reality Stone said "I brought you here to cause chaos as you did in the TVDU." She's here to fuck shit up and hurt feelings.

So I'm leaving it up to you guys, to vote. If you want me to end it here or continue with Ororo in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.



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