chapter tweleve

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"Little witch!" Kol growls as I walked into my room. "Yes, Kol?" I pull my top off, throwing it into my hamper as I walk into my bathroom.

"You didn't return last night, and I could not reach you. I was bloody worried sick!" Kol throws his hands up, a look of frustration on his face.

"Oh! Don't worry; I was with Care. I stayed the night."

Kol turns from his upset pacing to stare at me; his eyes narrowed before widening. "You whore! You slept with her! Goddamn her!"

I laugh as Kol falls face-first into my comforter.

"She beat me to it! If only I had a blasted physical body! I'll have you yet, Ororo Bennett!"

I shake my head, grabbing some clean clothes from my closet. Poor guy probably had blue balls or whatever it was ghost had. I mean, he was locked away for a hundred years.


Tonight was Stefan's birthday party at the Grill, and I went to meet Lexi.

"O! I'm so glad you're here! I heard from Finn, Kol was a big baby." Bonnie pulls me into a hug as I entered the Grill with Caroline.

"Also, FINALLY! After like six years of hearing Care moan and cry over you. You're finally together! This is great!"

"I am going to kill Finn. Spreading lies!" I gave Kol a deadpan look. He's been acting like an utterly jealous child for the past couple of hours.

I take notice of the blonde standing beside Bonnie. Okay, she was much hotter in person. If only I didn't have Care.

"This is Lexi! She says she's Barnabas' best friend." Bon introduces us. I shake Lexi's hand, smiling.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ororo, and this is my girlfriend, Caroline. I'm Bonnie's cousin."


The three of us nod, "that's what we call Stefan. He reminds us of the broody vampire."

Lexi stares at us for a few moments. I could see the wheels turning in her head.

"He is a bit broody, but I wouldn't want him any other way. So, ladies, what's your poison?"

Later that night, I find Lexi. I warned her about Damon. I wouldn't actively try to save her. But I'd give her a hint.

"Hey Lexi, keep an eye out. Someone might try to fame and kill you."

She looks at me confused before turning to see that I was staring at Damon. A look of understanding comes over her face.

"Thank you."

I shrug. "Just trying to save a life."


It turns out warning Lexi saved her life. She hauled ass out of town right after the party. But that didn't stop the bodies that piled up around Mystic Falls. I knew it was one of Anna's minions starting shit. Jesus, you could never get a break in Mystic Falls. And it's only going to get worst from here!

"I know we aren't close or anything, but I wanted to give you this." Elena hands me a vervain bracelet. "Stefan told me it was a protection against vampires. It would burn them."

"Her vampire boyfriend is useless. How didn't he tell her you and Bonnie were witches?!" Kol rolls his eyes, shaking his head at Elena. "You aren't any better doppelganger."

"You're a couple of months late. We've known since Barnabas first stepped into Mystic Falls." Bonnie comments, sipping her shake. She slides the bracelet back to Elena.

"We don't need them."

"Is it because you're like voodoo witches?"

Kol looks at her in disbelief. "She is incredibly dumb, darling. It's clear that she and her lover lack in the brain department. Voo doo witches, really?! You didn't think to do research!"

"We aren't voodoo witches, well, my aunt and uncle are, but we aren't. We're Bennett witches, which is a part of the first bloodline of magic."

"You're a shitty friend. What if we weren't witches and Damon snacked on us? What would you have done besides be too late? You haven't even told Caroline about vampires. What if she gets hurt? Guess who I'm going to come after? You, Gilbert. I'm going to murder you."

Elena doesn't respond, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Lucky for you, I told her. But you haven't told Jeremy or Jenna. Have you given them vervain? Or have you left them blindsided in this shit?"

"I-I," she stutters, looking at Bonnie for help.

"It's your fault, Elena. You should be more honest with people you claim to care about."

"Stop hanging up on me! I'm sorry, okay?"

I shake my head, "You should take your bracelets with you. Give them to Jeremy and Jenna. Stop lying to them. Being truthful will save their lives, Elena."

Elena nods, taking them back. She leaves the Grill in a rush.

"How much you want to bet she does the exact opposite?" Bonnie questions.

"I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she'll listen to me; you know she's kinda terrified of me."

Damon Salvatore slips into Elenas' abandoned chair. "Wicked Witches." He greets, smiling.

Bonnie groans, pushing her shake away. "What do you want?"

"I need your help, ladies."

Bonnie and I exchanged looks before bursting out laughing in his face. A glimpse of displeasure takes over his face as we cackle.

"Did he really just ask us for help?!" Bonnie loses it, nearly falling out of her chair.

Damon lets out a growl, punching the table. Bonnie and I stop laughing, raising an eyebrow.

"Is that supposed to scare us? Oh, I'm so scared of the big evil vampire." I teased as Bonnie lets out a snort.

"He thinks he can scare us."

Rage takes over Damon's expression. "I could always go after that blonde you've got hanging off your shoulder. I bet her blood would be delicious."

"Oh shit," Kol comments.

I knew Damon couldn't compel Caroline, but that didn't mean he couldn't snap her neck out of rage because he couldn't get his way. He loved to throw temper tantrums.

"You lay a hand on her, and I'll rip your heart out. But first, I'll start with your dear little Katherine, and then I'll kill Stefan. I'd kill him just for kicks, hearing you beg and plead for me to spare his life."

He stared at me in shock, "How do you know about Katherine?"

"I know many things, Salvatore. Especially about you. Poor little Damon, who never received Daddy or Mommy's love. Always second best to your baby brother, Stefan. Even the girl you 'love' will always choose Stefan over you."

"Damn, she did not hold back," Bonnie tells Kol and Finn, who gape at me in shock.

Damon sat in silence as I stood from the table. "Until you learn how to speak to me, your precious Katherine will fucking rot. I have the talisman, and I don't plan on opening the tomb anytime soon, dickhead."

"By the way, we don't do shit for free, so next time act like you have common sense and come with a price," Bonnie says, slapping twenty bucks on the table.

She, Finn, and Kol followed me out of the Grill.

Damon had ruined my mood for the night. Fuck cocky, selfish, manipulative bitch ass vampires.

NOTE: Hi, everyone! I hope you enjoyed the two chapter updates today! Just wanted to let you know I appreciate your kind/funny comments! The playlists for Ororo, Caroro, and Homebound will be available soon on spotify and apple music if you want to give it a listen. I will post the link on my profile and the next update. I'm glad everyone is happy with the Caroro! But thank you for reading!

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