chapter twenty

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"Katerina." Elijah greets as the doppelganger turns around. Her eyes widened in horror and shock at the sight of him.

"Elijah! H-how? When did you get here?" Her eyes narrow as she catches sight of me behind him. "You! You're the reason everything is all fucked up!"

I smile, waving mockingly. "Hello, Kitty Kat." Caroline rushes over to my side, watching the two. "Your plans aren't so hot now, are they? I heard you were threatening my girl and brought you a little surprise. Do you like it?"

Katherine snarls, eyes flashing. What is with these vampires and thinking that showing off their pointy little teeth was scary?

"You know she wanted me to kidnap Elena? She really thought I'd take the time out of my day and kidnap Elena. I have better things to do." Caroline rolls her eyes, scoffing.

"I'd say it was nice to meet you, little Bennett, but I'd be lying. It's a shame you aren't anything like your dear cousin, Lucy. A baby witch and her little vampire, what can you do against me?"

Of course, I'm not. I'm not screwing you and wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole. Doppelgängers aren't my type.

"Don't worry about us, Kitty Kat. Worry about the pissed off Original you've got in your face." I reply as Katherine takes notice of Elijah once again. He grabs her by her neck, lifting her in the air. She let out a chocked gasp, clawing at his hands.

"I've waited over four hundred years for this, Katerina."

Caroline and I exchange looks, both silently agreeing to leave Elijah alone with Katherine. I'm hoping he won't kill her, but the rage on his face says differently.


"Ororo, we need your help," Stefan speaks as soon as I open my front door. What the hell were these three doing on my doorstep at six in the evening. Who is we?

"Sir, business hours are between ten am and five o'clock. I can't help you." I go to close the door, but Damon's hand stops me.

"Look, Bennett, your little vampire Barbie is in trouble, and so is your cousin."

Hearing that Care and Bonnie were in trouble causes the fogginess to leave my mind. "What the fuck you mean Bon and Care are in trouble? What did you morons do?"

"Us? We did nothing to blondie! Nobody told her to snack on a human in front of her mom and kill the others!"

Caroline's bloodlust spell must have worn off. Taking in the Salvatore's appearance, it looked like they'd been through hell. Caroline and Elena stood behind them. Caroline was in obvious distress.

"Care, get in here, and we'll figure the rest out. If that's all, have a good day." Caroline flashes inside before I go to close the door.

"I still need your help, Rochelle!" Damon calls out. I barely controlled my frustration, snatching the door back open.

"What, Damon? What is it?!" Stefan and Elena look taken back as I snapped. I had to get to Caroline, and these fuckers were holding me up!

"Mason Lockwood is a werewolf, isn't he?" I shrug, not giving him a definite answer.

"I don't know, nor do I care. Why is it any of your concern? He isn't bothering you. From what I've seen, he's more interested in Bonnie than anything."

"It's my concern when he's a threat to Elena."

I close my eyes as a pounding headache form. "Leave Mason alone, Salvatores."

"Ororo, you don't understand he can hurt Bonnie or worse, Elena! It weird that he and Katherine came into town at the same time. They've got to be up to something." Stefan protests.

"Bonnie can handle herself just fine. Don't worry about her; stay in your lane, Salvatores. I doubt Mason is into Elena, especially not with you two up her ass all the time. Leave Mason and Bonnie alone, as long as they mind their business. I'm sure you're the least of their concerns." With that said, I slam the door in their faces.

I rush into the living room to see Mom and Aunt Shelia comforting Caroline. "Titus and Denzel have the situation under control, baby, don't worry about it," Mom tells me as I kneel in front of the couch. I place my hand on Caroline's knee.

"I didn't mean to hurt them! And you should've seen the look on Mom's face when she saw me. It was..." Caroline trails off as she breaks down crying.

"Oh, sweetheart, it's going to be alright." Shelia pulls Caroline into a hug. If Liz didn't accept Caroline, there was a simple potion that could wipe her memory of finding out about her being a vampire.

Shelia and Mom catch my eye, nodding as if they read my mind.

Liz Forbes's mind would be wiped if she couldn't accept that her daughter was a vampire.


"Ororo, please tell me you aren't one of those monsters." Liz pleads as I walk into the dungeon. My uncle and dad took it to the extreme and placed a tied up Liz down here.

"A vampire? Hell no, us Bennett's are witches. I'm the one that's been looking after your daughter you've neglected for the past couple of years."

Liz shakes her head. "Ororo, they're monsters! Abominations! That thing upstairs isn't my Caroline anymore." She flinches as the door slams behind me.

"You're right, that's my Caroline. She's been mine since we were two years old. Nothing changed about her except she's a different species, and she'll finally learn to love herself. She had a slip-up, hurt, and maybe killed a few people; it happens. But, you fucked up a long time ago, Liz. Care hasn't been human for a while, and you didn't even notice. A woman who knows vampires exist! You didn't have a fucking clue that your daughter is one! You're her mother! You know what's going on in this fuck town, and you didn't even tell her!"

Liz flinches away from me as I point at her angrily. I didn't know I had this much pent up rage at this woman.

"You didn't bother to give her vervain! You didn't bother to warn her anything! If it wasn't for my family and me, I'm sure Caroline would've became one of the Salvatores snacks by now! Did you know Caroline died in the hospital? That's where she met her last death at the hands of Katherine Pierce. And once again, you weren't there! You've never been there for Caroline! And you don't even have a legitimate excuse for why!"

"I have a duty to this town! I have to look after this town and the people," Liz protests, trying to justify her actions.

"My dad has the same responsibilities! But he doesn't neglect his family! Liz, you don't have an excuse! After losing your husband, you drown yourself in your job because you didn't get that apple pie lifestyle you wanted. You have no excuse for neglecting Caroline. None! And then you have the nerve to sit here and act like your so high and mighty? You're using this as a reason to excuse your shitty parenting."

The rage I felt as Liz was indescribable. How dare she?

Liz looked down, unable to meet my eyes. "I've failed as a mother, haven't I?"

I scoff, "don't ask stupid questions, Liz. Get your shit together, go up there, and love your daughter as a mother should. It doesn't matter that she's a vampire, you still birthed her, and she needs you as much as you need her. Don't take this second chance for granted."

A tear falls down her cheek, "Anna and Titus raised you right, Ororo."

I rolled my eyes, "I think Bonnie and I are the only teens in this hell hole town that has decent parents."


"Miss. Ororo Bennett, could you stay after class?" Alaric calls after me when the bell rings. Bonnie and Caroline give him weird looks before mouthing that they'd wait outside for me.

"Close to the door on your way out, Mr. Salvatore." Alaric motions to Stefan as he's the last to leave. He shoots Alaric a look of suspension. Hell, I'm unease myself. I've never spoken to Alaric outside of class. We weren't friends; we were barely a teacher and student. Now, suddenly, he wants to talk to me? Something isn't right.

"I've been meaning to speak to you, Ororo. I'm sorry, do you mind if I call you Ororo?" He took in my offended expression when he said my name. This man didn't know me to be using my first name.

"Yeah, I mind. I don't know you, and I'm getting creepy vibes from you right now." I reply, holding out my hand as he takes a few steps closer to me. Alright, now, I'm not afraid to fight a bitch. I'll cave his mother-fucking skull in if he touches me. Where the fuck was Kol?!

"You called Little Witch?" Kol appears behind Alaric. "What the hell? Why is your teacher staring at you like that?"

He was asking me like I'm supposed to know!

"You seem to let Elijah call you by your first name without a problem." Alaric frowns.

"How do the hell do you e-Oh my god, it's you! Klaus!" I was so damn stupid; I forgot Klaus possessed  Alaric in canon!

Alaric smirks, holding out his arms. "It's me. I couldn't help myself any longer and had to meet you. You've captivated my brother, Elijah, from the short time of knowing you. I must say you are different from what I pictured."

"He really decided to the best way of meeting you was to possess your teacher and stalk you? I'm ashamed to have him as a brother." Kol groans, facepalming.

"You couldn't have called me and set up a meeting instead of doing all this? This was completely unnecessary." I cross my arms, shaking my head. Mikaelsons were always so damn dramatic. He had me thinking Alaric was trying to get handsy with me.

"Consider this my way of surprising you. Now, tell me everything you know about the moonstone and my curse, witch."

I let out a chuckle, "Oh, Klaus, you're in for a treat if you think you're getting anything out of me without naming a price."

"Price? What the bloody hell are you talking about? I'll wring your neck if you don't tell me what you know!"

"Oh god, here comes the tantrum. You should alert Elijah, Ororo." Kol speaks as he glares at Klaus. Klaus was about to throw a tantrum, but it didn't faze me.

"I charge my services, Original or not. You're no different from the rest. So, eighty thousand, and I'll give you a hint."

Klaus lets out a scoff of disbelief. "You'll tell me, or I'll go after your cousin; Bonnie is her name, isn't it?"

I roll my eyes, not expecting anything less. Bonnie and the rest of my family could handle themselves just fine.

"That threat doesn't phase me, Klaus. So, what will it be?"

"Count your days, witch!

"Oh, go fuck yourself, Klaus. If that's all, I'm leaving. Next time come with the eighty grand, and I'll let you know." I send him a wink, pushing past him. The door opens, Bonnie, Caroline, and Tyler are standing there glaring at Klaus.

"He's going to continue stalking, plotting, and threatening you from afar," Kol comments as he stares his brother down.

I didn't care, Klaus would soon be in town with Kol's body, and that's all I wanted. The closer Klaus is, the closer I am to reuniting Kol with his physical body.

Note: Klaus has finally made a special appearance! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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