Letters to You

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I don't know why I wrote this. Maybe because of everything that has happened over the last few years, the only thing I could think to do was to write it all down and hope you never read this. But if you are reading this, then I probably either sent it to you because I was insanely drunk or I'm dead.

I hope to God that it's the former, but in the case that it is the latter, please forgive for dying suddenly and not giving you any warning.

A lot has happened since I saw you last. When you put your foot down and sent me on my way. Which I deserved, by the way. When you kicked me out in the middle of a snow storm with nothing but the backpack you (and I'll never understand why) neatly put my things in, it was a big wake up call for me.

You're the only family I ever really had, besides the Finley's. The only person who could pull my head out of my ass and bring me back to reality. I've never been more grateful for you when the whole Daisy situation happened. You were always there for me.

I'm just sorry I was never able to be there for you in the way you needed me to be.

As I write this letter, Daisy is 8 months pregnant with my kid. My kid, Allie. You're going to have a nephew. Or a niece, and I want you to be apart of this, Als. We've had a lot of shit happen in our lives that we didn't deserve. A lot has happened since then that you didn't deserve.

This is a chance for us to try again, Allie.

If I'm dead, that wasn't meant to happen, I swear. The case we're working on is terrifying and I have no doubt I was trying to do something heroically stupid. You know how it is. Like when we would climb that huge tree to get away from Mr Dunforth's dog and you slipped. I literally fell out of the tree to cushion your fall and broke my wrist. You whacked me upside the head so hard I think I had a concussion (I can hear you arguing with me that it was the fall that gave me the concussion, not you slapping me upside the head). Man, we were nuts.

That's beside the point. What I actually really want to say to you is come home. Please. Come and meet your niece/nephew. Come and see Booth and Brennan again, Booth misses you (he won't admit it, but I know he does).

I love you, sis. I hope I'm alive and sober when you get this.

Love your older brother by 2 minutes,



Alice McKay-Sweets
12 Inglemore Lane

Dear Mrs McKay-Sweets,

We have been trying to contact you in regards to the estate of your brother, Lance Sweets, who recently passed on September 14th, 2014.

If you could please ring us at the attached number at your earliest convenience, it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Michael Hewitt

Hewitt and Sheppard, Estate Attorneys

Washington DC

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