Books and Mario Kart.

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It's a slow breath that I let out when I step into the library, pretending that I want to be here. The whole situation with Wendy... I'll just ask her out, fuck it, I might be in good enough health to handle a possible relationship... I hope.... am I? Okay, I am, I know I am. I'll just think about what I've learned and what I'm supposed to do in certain situations.

"Hi Eric," she says.

I wave, looking down at my feet.

"I'm gonna ask now so I can leave quickly if you say no."

"What is it?"

"I was wondering.... since you were lonely.... if you maybe wanted to try it with me? Possibly? I really don't know."

She takes a moment to just look at me, as if I had grown two heads. I honestly don't think I ever really started liking her but I do, as far as I understand emotions, I understand that I like her. Maybe from the time I realised we had the same kind of humour or something. Fuck it, I don't know anything at this point.

"Yeah, sure, that's nice."

I nod and there is a long silence between us. That is.... until Bebe jumps behind Wendy.

"Heeey! How is my beautiful best friend?"

Wendy rolls her eyes.

"I'm fine, Bebe."

There is an another moment of silence before we collectively clearly decide to go read some books. I just take The Lords of the Birch, seeing Wendy take The White Flower from it's shelf. It's a fairly good book, I haven't read in a while but my favourite one to read is probably Wind in the Truth is my favourite one, it's nice and simple and small. Plus, the text it has is nice to read and easy to understand... in a way, it's kinda like something from Japan in being poetic in it's own, weird way. Oh God I sound like a nerd. Yes, I read. A lot actually. That being story books, I was never big on the facts, I like the idea of an alternative universe a lot more than I like the idea of being in this one, talking about what happened in this one. One of the only factual books I enjoyed was about Egypt actually.... mainly the ancient one. I found it interesting in it's own, very special, way. I loved it, I actually love it to this day so I haven't changed from when I was 11 in that aspect. History is still boring to me, they're dead most of the time. Why should I care about people that are dead?

~Sorry. I felt as though the others deserved a half a chapter because m'boys Are everything I love and more.~

"So we're all just gonna have a game night?"

"Yup. You, me and Stan, as well as our partners. Admittedly, we're gonna Mario Kart three against three while changing it every round."

I nod and just sit back down. Soon enough, Stan walks in with our lovely partners, holding Kyle's houses keys. He throws them to Kyle, who catches them.

"Mario Kart!" Thera says, smiling.

She just sits down with hands in her lap.

"You can play first if you wanna."

"YEAH! I swear, I haven't played anything Mario Kart related in a year!"

Kyle laughs and throws her one of the three sticks to Theresa, who just smirks.

"I'm the best at this if you don't count Nichole... out of the girls at least."

Nichole laughs and Kyle gives her one as well.

"Kyle, you should play as well, you're the best out of us."

Kyle rolls his eyes before taking the last one.

"You all have fun, I guess."

They pick their place, Moo moo, of course it would be that... Kyle loves it, he set the records from our school for it and I'm pretty sure it's 10th on the world records.... he's good, let's just say that.

"Ah, the nostalgia," Nichole says.

They all start going through it. Obviously, Kyle immediately takes the best place with odds for a rocket. Yes, that's his tactic.

"Hell yes, game is in my side today!"

He flies, as the rocket, to second, going past Nichole with ease.

"How much have you played this?"

"A lifetime, I know all the stages and the shortcuts by heart."

"Oh God, that's a pathetic existence."

"No, it's really not. I just played this though, constantly, for like a week when I was sick. That a few times and this seems like a tattoo on the back of my hand."

Kyle goes through the second round, funnily enough, really far ahead. Then the blue shell comes, not that it's a game changer but still, Kyle sighs to not curse.

"I hate that, I hate that items with everything I have. I've lost because of it in so many multiplayer mode races."

He finally finishes, Nichole second and Theresa third.

"Okay, next race is with us."

The others get the sticks and immediately, I put rainbow road as a suggestion.

"Kenny... why do you want to be in pain?"

"I'm a masochist, Stan, also, this road is the only one that can keep up with your gayness."

"Ah, True."

He picks it as well, Gary doing the same.

"I'm gayer than him, hopefully rainbow road can handle that."

So unsurprisingly, it's rainbow road, leading this into rainbow road.

"Is it bad to say that I've never played this?"

"Dude, you're my boyfriend, get use to us playing these or retarded games."

While this chat goes on, I get my head start and start just doing the best cuts I can. There is this one spot where, with a mushroom, you basically miss the hardest part of the place.

"Oh hell yes, oh hell yes!"

I get first, jumping up at the happiness since Stan was on my ass the whole game.

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