Celebrate good tim-i'm so tired.

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Glogg, try it, buy it, it's the best. I've had like 15 cups this month? (I was sick and it's GOOD when you're sick.) If you don't love it, you're an alien. Scandinavian love to y'all for Christmas, appreciate it.

We get out of the car, stepping on the marketplace. I slip, clinging onto Kyle so I don't fall all the way.

"Dude, watch it!"

I roll my eyes.

"Oh noo, I totally wouldn't have known to watch my step without you telling me! Thank God you told me."

My sarcasm is overriding everything else again.

"Yeah, yeah, now get your gay ass off me."

I laugh. He's... not straight either, that much is sure. He just likes to sound like an asshole that way something.

"Ah Lord, I'm hearing Christmas song and know my fate is sealed."

I nod and grab Kyle by the hand.


"Shut up."

I laugh and drag him as mom sees one of her friends and goes over.

"Aw shit, I haven't played ice hockey in forever!" I say.

"You miss it?"

"Of course I do! Not in competitions, it was fun hitting people in the gut with the stick to get the goal."

"You're violent, little one."

"You're the one to talk, tall fucker."

He laughs.

"I just realised what vin chaud means and I feel extremely stupid."

"Kyle.... how didn't you know that?"

"I'm stupid, okay."

"No you're not... I know you are not, you've never been stupid before this."

"Why don't they just say glogg? What is it with the fancy shit?"

"I mean, it's not really our thing, it's from Scandinavia."

"Like I care! Why is the word so fancy?"

"I mean..... I understand what you mean but don't know."

"I'm so used to it being spoken about in Finnish that these fancy words kill me."

"Don't die."

"I will, I'm very shook."

I laugh.

"Come on, it's not that weird!"

"It really fucking is! Don't argue with me!"

This time it's him that can't stand but he has a very shitty mix of pride and kindness so he doesn't hold onto me but falls flat on his face.

"Fuck my life," he mutters.

"Need a hand?" I ask.

He shakes his head and rolls over.

"I'ma stay here."

I chuckle a little.

"It's a bit uncomfortable but fuck that."

"You're blocking everybody."

"Stan..... quite frankly, I need to know why I care."

I sigh and just shake my head.

"You're unbelievable."

"Dude, Thanks for the compliment."

He actually does get himself up. As he's about to fall again (because you really shouldn't try to get up on the same ice you just tripped on), I grab him by the forearm.

"Thanks, Goofball."

"Don't worry about, Jesus."

Kyle sighs.

"Fine, you can call me that. It's getting, frankly, annoying."

"Aw.... why?"

"Because my name isn't Jesus and I personally think some people are taking it far too literally."

"Oh.... OH. Holy shit I thought they were smarter than they were as kids!"

"They're absolutely not."

I sigh.

"Fine, Kyle."

"No, you can use the nickname. I'm just a bit more wary of who can now."

I nod and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You're my favourite Jesus."

"Oh fuck off."

"Though it isn't much, I'm not religious, I don't believe in the other Jesus'."

He laughs.

"Thanks, Goofball."

"I've been Goofball since I was 12...."

"Shut up, I don't give nicknames if I don't love or hate someone."

"Does Nichole have one?"

"Obviously. Sometimes I hate her and sometimes I love her with all my heart."

"Fuck off, you're too goddamn happy."

"No we're not!"

"C'mon, I was say it. You two are way too made for each other."

"You have a boyfriend, dude, you have no right to talk about me being too happy."

"I'm also depressed so yes I am."

"Depression isn't being sad!"

"But it's most certainly not being fucking happy."

"Don't be such a downer, updog."

"What's updog—OOOOOH, FUCK OFF!"

"You fell for it and I'm so happy you did."

I sigh, chuckling slightly.

"I love you."

"Love you too, Stan."

I sigh.

"I swear to God.... I don't understand why we couldn't just talk at home," I mutter.

"You dragged me here, fuck off, not my fault, I don't even believe in this shit," he says.

"Oh but I do?"

"No but you suggested it."

"My mom did."

"Same family!"

"Shut up. I don't call you your mom."

"You probably should, after both of us attacked Canada I'm almost certain we share something."

"You think they're funny now, don't you?"

"Yeah...... still feel bad though, for the people at the butt end of the joke..."

"Oh did you do that by accident or is your humour the best ever?"

"Of course I did it on purpose!"

I laugh.

"Kyle, you're the best."

"Aw, thank you. You're pretty good as well."

He smiles at me.

"Oh shit, Christmas songs," I mutter.

"Oh I had hoped you had forgotten."

"No chance, Bitch. It's not going to be something I just forget! It's the only damned reason I'm here!"

I drag him further, nearly slipping every ones and again... until I actually fall on the damn ice, knees and hands first.

"Oh shit."

"Holy fuck that hurt," I say.

He drags me up.

"Holy fuck... how do they expect toddlers to do this when two teenagers are slipping left and right?"

That's when I notice he hasn't got winter shoes on.

"I'm just incredibly clumsy," I say.

He laughs.

"Sit down, I wanna see if your knees hit something sharp or something."

"I doubt it."

"I don't. Does it feel wet?"

"Dude.... yes."

"Aw c'mon, didn't mean it that way. Now, Princess, sit down so I can look at it."

"Don't make that my nickname!"

"But you were tired of Goofball!"

"Shut up!"

"C'mon, Princess, don't worry about it."

"I told you to shut up."

"Hey, I'm your best friend, my duty is to make you as annoyed as possible."

"That you did, Ky."

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